Out of Hatred Came Love

by Scooty Dash

Chapter 2 Part 1: An Unexpected Home

Out of Hatred Came Love

Chapter 2: An Unexpected Home
“Then all this earthly grossness quit, Attired with stars, we shall for ever sit, Triumphing over Death, and Chance, and thee, O Time”

Laying on his bed, Rage laid there thinking about everything that had happened, how he had just told a griffon that he was a disgusting coltcuddler, what the captain said to him, how he was going to be drop off in a random town, how his family had abandoned him. His mind then drifted back to the griffon. Why did he not hit him or insult him like all the others? Why was he cool with him? Why did he lean over and hug him?

"Rage,” a sad heavy voice that sounded like it was trying to raise the sun itself, “Da captain told me to come and get ya and tell ya that we have made port in Barehoof and that ya are now being ordered off the ship.” Rage knew it was coming but he never expected that Tommas would be so distraught that he was leaving. “I want to tell you that I wish you luck here, and that I-I am going to miss you,” Tommas said in a sad heavy voice. He slowly reached into his saddle bag and took out a watch. He handed it to Rage and said, “This was given to me by my brother before he went on one of his journeys. I want you to have it to remember me by,” Tommas said with his head held low. Rage thanked Tommas who shocked him when he leaned over and gave Rage a hug. Tommas left and Rage gathered up his belongings and made his way on deck.

What a beautiful sight it was. Sea gulls circling the ship, the nice blue sky, and the sun up high in the sky, what more could one pony ask for? Rage felt the sea breath go through his mane and the sun rays against his green coat. Just before he was about to start to step off the boat, a hoof, or more claw, grabbed his shoulder.

“Hey Rage, I got some good news for you,” said the grey pegasus that had visited his cabin earlier. “I talked to the captain and I am allowed to go back home,” he said with a grin.

“How is that good news for me?” Rage asked confused why it was good news to hear the news of a griffon going home.

“Because this is my home,” the pegasus said as he had a claw on Rage’s shoulder and used his other hand to make a rainbow motion over the town of Barehoof.

“WAIT?!?!? You live here,” Rage said surprised as the groundhog seeing his shadow.

“Yeah, I was born in the griffon kingdom but moved down here. Come on and I will show you around town,” he said as he led the pegasus off the ship to go and explore the griffon’s home.