//------------------------------// // Intro // Story: The Pony King // by Darth Redbeard //------------------------------// The Sun was rising over the land of Equestria when a shout rang out. Many of the ponies and other animals began to wake up as the sound travelled across the land. Birds flew by the majestic waterfalls, the orange sky made the water glitter and the foam appear white as snow. Manticores stomped through the fog, their manes as red as the setting sun and bodies strong as rocks, as the tall white mountains stood strong in the background. They had all arrived in Ponyville whilst as Flash Sentry was looking off the balcony of the Golden Oaks Library. Pinkie Pie climbed down from the top of the tree to deliver a message. "Message for Flash Sentry!" she yelled. Flash jumped and turned around to face Pinkie Pie hanging upside down from a branch. "How are you doing—... how did you sneak—... never mind, it's just Pinkie," Flash said. Even after living in Ponyville for a few weeks, he still was not used to Pinkie Pie's randomness. 'Just hope I don't have to have her babysit' he thought to himself. He shuddered as he remembered when Pinkie babysat for another family. Ponyville was almost destroyed by the party cannons and cakes that somehow exploded. "Just letting you know that Princess Celestia is on her way here," Pinkie explained. Flash nodded and turned his attention back to the gathering crowd. He noticed a large number of them making way until Celestia was in sight. She opened her large majestic wings and flew up to the balcony. When she arrived, both Flash and Pinkie they bowed respectfully. "You two don't have to bow to me," she stated. "Flash, you're royalty and Pinkie, you're Twilight's friend, so no formalities, all right?" she asked. The two nodded. "I suppose you would like to see the little guy?" Flash asked Celestia. "Yes, I would," she answered. Flash led her into the library where Twilight was taking care of the foal, nestled next to her, his purple fur, exactly like his mother, and green hair that was jagged in different directions. The peaceful look on his face made his mother shed tears of happiness. Sitting next to Twilight was Rarity and her younger sister, Sweetie Belle, whom was born moments earlier. The two newborns were sleeping close together as their caretakers were talking when Twilight heard Flash and Pinkie walk in with Celestia. "It's great to see you again, Celestia," said Twilight. Celestia nodded and turned to the foal. He had just opened one of his eyes at Celestia. It was green as the grass. It was as lively as Celestia and Luna as children. Celestia took note of the small horn on his head, but what really caught her attention were a tiny pair of wings. "A baby Alicorn," she said, stepping back in surprise. "I haven't seen one in over 1,000 years. Not since Luna was just a baby. This must be a special occasion indeed if almost all of Equestria is here to see this," she explained to them. She turned her attention back to the young one and held out a small toy for him as he raised his hooves to try to get it. "He was awake most of the night exploring the library," said Twilight. Her eyelids were about to close just as a bucket of ice-cold water was dumped on her. "PINKIE!" "Just trying to keep you awake," Pinkie told her with a giant smile on her face. Celestia let out a small chuckle before going serious. "Have you two decided on a name?" she asked Twilight and Flash. The two parents turned to each other and smiled. "We decided to name him Spike," Flash told her. Celestia smiled at the couple. "A very fitting name, considering his mane," she laughed. The others joined in while Spike looked around wondering what was so funny. "I believe it's time for Equestria to meet its newest prince". She levitated him up and brought him out to the balcony. When she reached the edge, she held him to the sky as everyone down below cheered for the new prince. Sunlight broke through the sky and shone on Spike as everyone bowed to him. "Welcome to the world, Prince Spike," Celestia said. The two parents stood proudly in the doorway to the library as their son was introduced to the world. Celestia returned Spike to his crib with Sweetie Belle, who had woken upon noticing her friend was missing. When Spike was next to her again, she lay down next to him and they both went back to sleep. Celestia turned to the parents again. "You do know that, more than likely, he'll be betrothed to Rarity's younger sister," she explained. "Do you really think he and my younger sister will be together?" Rarity asked. Celestia nodded and turned to Twilight to see her reaction. She and Rarity got a laugh at the look on Twilight's face. "W-We'll just have to wait and s-see how they get along first," Twilight told her nervously. Celestia just smiled at her student. "I just have a feeling in my heart that they'll be together. I'll be back in a few days to see how he's doing," she opened her wings and got ready to fly when she said something else. "I will have to make sure Blueblood doesn't try anything". With that, she began her journey back to Canterlot. Pinkie and Rarity went to Sugarcube Corner to help with the rest of the festivities as Twilight went to the crib and looked down at her son. "I love you, Spike," Twilight told him as she stayed there with him and Sweetie Belle for the rest of the day.