The Mysterious Unicorn

by Anonymous Pegasus

Chapter 1

The cracks were starting to show.

Straining walls of resolute grey held back a wall of water so immense that the organized mind could not comprehend the sheer volume. The dam was old, built many, many years ago, and was beginning to slowly erode. Repair work was already under way, but it was slow going. Unicorns had been allotted rosters where they would have to stand by at the giant dam, ready with their magic in case of a catastrophic failure.

It was near midnight, and Twilight Sparkle was on watch, reading by the light of a lamp with Spike curled up against her stomach, fast asleep, sucking on a claw contentedly.

A resounding crack rent the air, followed by a harsh grinding as though of giant boulders rubbing against each other.

The late-night workers scrambled for cover as a crack began to zig-zag its way up the length of the dam, issuing water from it in immense volumes, jetting a hundred feet out from the surface of the dam before crashing to the stream below in a heavy wash.

Given a new outlet, the water began to force the crack wider and wider, allowing an even greater volume of liquid to come gushing from the rend in the once-perfect surface. The construction platforms that had been set up against the dam wall cracked and broke under the stress of the water jetting against them, their support beams snapping and sending the platforms themselves crashing to the ground in a display of nature's’ raw fury.

In the five seconds it took Twilight Sparkle to realise that the dam was failing, the cracks had already become too wide for a unicorn by themselves to close. Water issues forth from the wound in the dam wall with a throaty roar of triumph, deafening in its intensity, crashing to the rocks below in violent crashes.

The unicorn had been sitting atop the wall when the crack started, and immediately ran for the very edge of the dam above the crack, peering over it at the gushing water, her eyes narrowing as her horn began to glow, the purple waves of magic coalescing around it as the glow grew brighter in shades of magnitude, getting stronger and stronger as she directed her magical talents at the crack in the wall.

The glowing purple of her magic consumed the crack in the dam wall, and began to slowly, slowly close it.

A shudder passed over the Unicorns form, and she stamped a hoof, the glow dimming,and then redoubling in strength, her teeth baring as she began to tire.

The glow fizzled, and then faded again, the Unicorn gasping and shuddering, going weak in the knees for a moment as the flow of water at first abated, and then broke through what little resistance Twilight had managed to create, blasting forth once more.

Already partway exhausted, Twilight grit her teeth and squared her stance to try again, closing her eyes a moment to gather her reserves of energy and then aiming her horn back down at the dam wall.

Magical energies began to glow once more, growing in shades from her horn, intensifying, while the Unicorn spread her forelegs to give her a better stance, letting the magic grow to a massive point and then releasing it into the dam wall.The giant split began to correct itself once more, sealing oh-so-slowly, cutting off the flow of water, lessening it.

But as before, Twilight began to run out of energy well before she could correct the wound in the dam wall. It was just too big. The force behind the water was just too insanely strong for her to correct it by herself. She would have to wait for help; but every second wasted was another second the wall got weaker. A massive failure was inevitable unless she got help soon.

The most she could do at that point was try to keep the failure of the entire wall at bay long enough for the workers to get to safety. Already, they were scrabbling away from the spillway, getting to higher ground where a complete dam failure wouldn’t sweep them away with the tides of water.

Panting heavily, Twilight set her stance once more and began to drive her magic into the gushing wound that was the ever-growing crack in the dam, her vision misting over slowly as energy drained from her, her dwindling reserves not going to last much longer.

The last thought she had before she passed out was that help needed to get there; and soon.


Twilight woke up in hospital, a bandage around her head, and her worried friends standing around her bed.

“Hey there Sugarcube, you feelin’ alright?” Applejack asked, nudging her tentatively with her nose.

Twilight lifted a hoof to her head, squinting. A massive headache was throbbing behind her eyes. “Ugh...I don’t know. I want to say ‘yes’ but my head hurts too much. What happened? The dam?” she asked, sitting up straight in the bed, eyes widening as she recalled what happened. “The last thing I remember is passing out! Where’s Spike?!”

Fluttershy soothed her with gentle presses of her hooves. “Shhh. Spike is fine. He was a little bit scared,” she said with a gentle nod.

“You’re very lucky, Twilight. I’m sorry I wasn’t there earlier,” Rarity said, placing her hooves on the end of the bed and giving her a simpering look. “By the time I heard about it, it was all over. I wish I was there to help, but you and your friend managed to keep the crack from widening too far and becoming irreparable.”

“Friend?” Twilight asked, confused, blinking up at her friends. “What friend?”

“You don’t know her?” Rainbow Dash asked, raising a brow. “She was right there at the end of the dam, helping keep it closed. Purple unicorn, kinda dark black mane,” she said with a nod.

“I...don’t know any Unicorns like that at all. I was the only Unicorn there last night,” she said uneasily.

Pinkie gave a giggle. “Silly, you knocked yourself out with your magic, so it certainly wasn’t you holding the dam together when the other unicorns arrived!” she affirmed with a happy nod.

“You’re all sure there was another Unicorn there on the dam with me?” she asked, blinking slowly and staring down at her hooves for a moment. “I honestly don’t remember there being a second unicorn...I was focusing pretty hard on trying to keep the dam closed though.”

“Oh, it shows,” Rarity said, shaking her head for a moment. “You simply must rest. You’re exhausted, poor thing. You should know better than to use up all your magic like that,” she chided.

“I didn’t have much of a choice,” Twilight said with a slight frown.

A nurse came in, and began to usher the five females out of the room. “Sorry girls, but Twilight needs her rest now. Come back tomorrow,” she said politely.

And then Twilight was alone, biting her lower lip and trying to cast her mind back to the night before. A unicorn with a black mane? She’d never even heard of a unicorn like that before...


Released from the hospital the following morning, Twilight went straight to the dam, to make sure that everything there was okay, and, even though she didn’t want to admit it, to confirm that there was actually a second unicorn on the dam that night.

She minced her way over to the base of the dam, looking up its impressive height. There was a discoloured patch that stretched all the way towards the top of the wall, the only evidence of that night's violent breach. Workers were already re-erecting their platforms, the dam a bustle of activity.

Twilight waylaid a worker on his way up the scaffolding, with a bucket of cement and a thick brush.

“Oh hi there Twilight. Thank you for last night,” he said with a slight bow of deference. “I dunno what I would have done if you hadn’t been there. I was right near the crack and right at the top of the scaffolding when it happened. Almost threw me off,” he said, shuddering slightly.

“I’m glad I could help,” she replied with a warm smile and a nod to him. “The dam is all good now?” she asked.

The worker gave a slight nod, after a tiny hesitation. “We shored up more of the dam, and we’re paying extra special attention to the weak points, but we’re still posting unicorns at the top constantly just in case,” he assured her.

“About Unicorns...” Twilight started, lifting a hoof to point towards the top of the dam. “I was told there were two unicorns on the dam last night. All I remember is passing out...I don’t remember a second Unicorn,” she said rather firmly. “Did you see anyone?”

“Sorry Twilight, I was kinda preoccupied what with running for my life. Can’t see a whole lot from down here. Ask Lyra, she should know,” he said, pointing with his nose towards the top of the dam. “She got here mighty fast, was one of the first to arrive, from what I heard,” he said.

“Okay, thank you. I’ll let you get back to work now,” Twilight said, stepping past the worker and then heading for the winding trail leading to the top of the dam.

Lyra was sitting at the east end of the dam, sipping a drink through a straw and staring down at the work happening on the dam, her gaze intent and watchful.

“Hi,” Twilight said, coming to stand besides the other Unicorn. “I wanted to thank you for last night. I heard you got here pretty quick to help with the dam,” she said with a nod.

“It’s no problem. I’m just glad we got here before it failed completely. Celestia, you were a mess,” the other Unicorn said with a wrinkled nose. “I was kinda worried when I saw you passed out, and your friend was pretty close to giving out as well when we all arrived to help. She could barely walk. Does she live in the Everfree Forest? I saw her stagger that way after we took over. I hope she wasn’t confused from depleted magic.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “So there was a Unicorn here last night!” she said, staring out over the dam for a long moment.

“Of course there was,” Lyra said, seeming slightly confused. “You didn’t know her?”

“No!” Twilight said, racking her brains, trying to remember. “I don’t know any Unicorn like that. Everyone said she had a black mane.”

“Yup, that’s right,” Lyra responded. “But it was most likely dyed. I don’t know anypony with a naturally black mane.

“Neither do I!” Twilight replied, giving a faint growl of frustration. “Who could it be?!”

Lyra gave a half-hearted shrug. “Well, whoever it was, we owe them a lot. They held the dam together after you passed out. And that takes a certain kind of pony.”

“You didn’t talk to her?” She asked.

“She kind of ran off when we arrived...well, staggered is more the correct word,” she corrected.

“I’m going to find out who she is,” Twilight stated flatly.

“Have fun,” Lyra responded with a giggle. “I’m gonna keep watch here.”

Twilight nodded, distractedly waving a hoof as she stalked off towards the Everfree Forest.

“A unicorn with mane of black, ran into the Everfree? A helpful unicorn you say, but do not know who that could be?” Zecora asked.

Twilight had found her way to Zecora’s cabin; if anyone knew who the mysterious unicorn who lived in the Everfree forest was, it was Zecora. “That’s correct,” Twilight confirmed with a little nod. “Do you know her?”

The zebra gave a strained expression, turning to look at Twilight. “An answer I could have for you, but giving it freely is not for me to do,” Zecora said apologetically.

“What does that mean?” Twilight asked, staring for a long moment. “You mean to tell me that you know who it is, but won’t tell me?” she asked.

Zecora gave a hesitant nod. “A pony’s past is their own to guard. Running is easy, but facing it is hard,” she tried to explain.

Twilight rubbed a hoof against her forehead in frustration. “Why would she be running from her past? She helped us,” Twilight said with a shake of her head.

The Zebra gave the unicorn an apologetic look. “Thought I will not say the answers you seek, I will show you a place where you should go peek,” she said, pulling down a piece of paper from the wall and beginning to mark it with a piece of coal, drawing a crude map on it. “The answers you seek await you there. But of old prejudice, you must beware.”

The unicorn just shook her head slightly, taking the map with a single ‘thank you’. The Zebra was getting more and more cryptic with each passing sentence.

Examining the map, Twilight set out, noting the landmarks placed on the piece of paper for her to follow. It took a good half-hour of walking down a barely-used forest path, before she reached her destination; a crude hut built of wood bark and branches, with a small fire burning in front of it.

Draped over a log in front of the cabin was a deep-purple suit, much like the one Twilight herself had worn so long ago when she was masquerading as the Mysterious Mare Do Well.

There was a soft groan from somewhere to the right, and Twilight caught sight of a black mane, and the neck of a blue pony, jutting up from inside a second suit. Twilight stealthily made her way over closer.

The unicorn was splashing her face with water, looking haggard and tired. Twilight at least had had the benefit of a hospital visit and proper medicines to keep her going. Holding the dam together must have taken a lot out of the mysterious unicorn.

“You know they’ve got medicine that could help back in town,” Twilight said with a sly little grin.

There was a yelp, and a faint scrabbling, as the suited pony whirled around to face the intruder. Recognition flashed in both of their eyes.

Twilight stared for a long, long moment, speechless, her eyes wide.

After several long moment, she managed to find her voice. “...YOU!”


Ashamed, the Unicorn had hidden her head back inside her suit, covering her expression and her identity, as though it could somehow wash away her past actions.

“...Why?” Twilight asked, staring.

“Why did I save all those workers?” the unicorn asked, her tone haughty. She sounded more like she should be from Canterlot than the Everfree Forest.

“Well...when you put it that way,” Twilight trailed off for a long moment, staring at the suited-up mare in wonder. “I just...can’t believe it’s you,” she stated.

“Oh how the mighty have fallen,” the other unicorn said in a sarcastic tone, giving a snort of disgust and turning her gaze away to the left.

“It depends on what you mean by ‘fallen’,” Twilight pointed out. “But...why the suits? Why are you hiding out here in the Everfree Forest?”

“You think I would show my face after what you did to me?!” she almost screeched, shaking with suppressed rage. “I have not been able to show my face in public anywhere in Equestria since then!”

“I think you’re exaggerating...” Twilight said in a small voice.

“Do I?” came the query. “I do not see any other ponies living in the Everfree Forest alone!”

Twilight recoiled from the other Unicorns tone, and then took a step backwards, chagrined. “I’m sorry...” she apologized.

“As you should be,” the unicorn said, stamping a hoof and giving a snort filled with contempt.

“ saved the dam,” Twilight pointed out. “And then just ran off.”

“I do not need thanks from the likes of you. Begone!” the unicorn said harshly, waving a hoof and turning away.

Once more Twilight recoiled, slowly turning around and mincing her way back along the path. After a few seconds, she paused, gritting her teeth, and then turned around. Zecora had warned her against past prejudice, and now she knew why.

She marched into the clearing where the hut was, and then stopped dead in her tracks. The unicorn had her hood pulled down, and was just lying there dejectedly, crying, silent tears rolling down her cheeks from closed eyes.

Twilight swallowed hard, blinking for the longest moment, unsure how to handle this development.

“W-what do y-you want?!” came the teary hiss from the unicorn, her eyes opening and narrowing, their purple depths showing an immense amount of anger and bitterness in them. But Twilight could see passed that now; could see the pain, and loneliness.

The purple unicorn gave a faint, awkward sound, her ears pinning back, before she rushed over to the other Unicorn, and, before she could protest, wrapped her up in a warm hug.

The black-maned unicorn stiffened slightly under the unexpected hug, her eyes wide, struggling slightly and sniffling, trying to hold the tears back in the presence of her most hated adversary.

“I forgive you...” came the whisper in her ear, and the Unicorn just broke down, burying her face in Twilight’s neck and clinging to her helplessly.

“I’m sorry!” she wailed against her neck, hiding her face from view. “I didn’t know what I was doing!”

“I know, I know,” Twilight soothed, stroking a hoof gently through the other Unicorn's mane, peering down at its blackness for a moment. It was such a change of colour from her old colouration, and it didn’t suit her at all.

“Come back to Ponyville,” Twilight said, nudging her once and drawing back from the hug.

The unicorn shook her head rapidly. “No!” she said, pulling back from the hug and turning her back. “I will not become that pony again. I refuse,” she stated, stamping a hoof firmly.

Twilight minced over closer to her, soothingly rubbing against her side. “C’mon. No one will mind, I promise. You can even wear your suit if you really need to,” she said with a smile and a reassuring nod.

“And I can leave whenever I want?” the other unicorn asked, her ears pinning back slightly.

Twilight nodded earnestly. “I promise.”


Half of the town had assembled for a town meeting, while the Mayor of Ponyville stood at her podium, addressing them. Twilight stood next to her, as well as the mysterious mare, standing besides her, both of them ready to receive their thanks for saving the dam.

The Mayor lifted a hoof, speaking into the microphone. “And for their courage and bravery in the face of extreme danger, saving the lives of many workers whom were repairing the dam walls, we extend our thanks, first, to Twilight Sparkle!”

The crowd cheered, clapping their hooves together in adulation for one of their saviors.

Twilight gave a half-bow in gratitude.

“And secondly, for showing courage and fortitude in the midst of great danger, for holding the dam closed when Twilight herself had fallen, The Great And Powerful Trixie!”

Trixie stiffened, her expression turning from mild trepidation, to full-on panic. The crowd had fallen silent, dozens of pairs of eyes all fixing on her, staring, a stunned silence ringing throughout the crowd. This was all wrong. She wasn’t supposed to have her name said. Twilight was discrediting her again. Shaming her publicly, again!

Twilight nudged her gently. “Pull your hood down,” she hissed.

Trixie turned to give her a somber glance, sighing inwardly. There was no stopping it now. Hiding her face would do nothing. She wouldn’t run away this time. She would face her shame head-on.

Lifting a hoof, she slowly, almost sadly, pulled the hood down from her face, tugging it back to reveal her features. Even with her newly-dyed mane, it was quite obviously her. Those who didn’t remember her name would certainly remember her face.

A dull roar began to build in the crowd as Trixie stared down at her hooves, slumping slightly in defeat. She was vaguely aware of Twilight nudging her again, beaming.

Her eyes narrowed at the other Unicorn, incensed that she would take such delight in this shaming.

Listen!” Twilight called over the roar of the crowd.

Growling inwardly, Trixie instead focused on the sound of the crowd; a sound that slowly shaped into a chant;

Trixie! Trixie! Trixie!

Her eyes widened, and she stiffened slightly, looking from Twilight, to the crowd, and then back again, seeming almost scared. Surprised, confused, and unsure how to react.

The crowd was chanting her name.

“Wave!” Twilight called to her fellow unicorn.

Tentatively, Trixie lifted a hoof wave to the crowd, her cheeks flushing faintly at the roar that greeted her. This was so different to the awed silence and cheers she got when she had her show. This was more sincere. This was better.

Twilight grinned at her, and Trixie shook her head for a moment, listening to the crowd, listening to the crowd calling her name. And she beamed.