Nyx and Crimson Fang! A collab of supernatural proportions (Nyx's POV)

by Infinty Blade Brony

Time to get to work

It was around eight in the morning when Nyx awoke, and she instantly knew her mane was a mess. She rose out of bed and trotted to the guest bathroom in her room, and stepped onto the stool in front of the sink. Nyx tried to light her horn, but to no avail so she was forced to use her hooves to turn the sinks knob and water gushed from the nozzle. She used the sink to wet her mane, and picked up a hair brush brushing out all the tangles. "There nice and clean." she said as she turned off the sink, and walked into the bedroom.
Nyx gabbed her saddle bags of the oak floor and placed them on the bed. She climmed onto the bed, and emptied the bags contents. Inside was her Smarty Pants doll, her novel, her folder, her textbook, and her mothers project. The item was a small box with a lot of runes along it.
"What were you trying to do mom?"wondered Nyx to herself not getting anywhere she sat the cube in her bags and got off the bed. Nyx opened the door to her room, and saw Applebloom walking by. Nyx wanted to be nice to her hosts and said "Hi Applebloom!" immediately covering her muzzle with a hoof as Appleblooms ears perked up.
"How did yah know mah name?" she asked Nyx's pulse quickened she just messed up really bad. Thinking of a respons Nyx said
"Gage told me." she smiled.
"Well that explains it." said Applebloom as she turned and left Nyx then let out her breath for she was holding it, and took a look around. Nyx counted five rooms down the hall not counting her own, and a closet at the end of the hall. She let out a small chuckle as she remembered the time in her world when she opened that closet out of curiosity and got completely buried in Stetsons, and bows. Nyx smiled at the memory then remembering what happened to make her leave she frowned and began to tear up. Nyx smacked herself and scolded herself for crying, and walked to the stairs.
"G'd morning Sugarcube!" said Applejack whom had just walked into the living room to greet her. Nyx smiled and returned her good morning with one of her own. Applejack smiled and walked into the kitchen where she asked "Blueberry, or regular?" Nyx was puzzled.
Nyx asked "What?" raising her eyebrow at the strange request.
Applejack answered with a "What cahnd of pancakes do you want?"
"Ohhhh." said Nyx "Blueberry" Applejack nodded and went to flipping some pancakes as Nyx sat at the table pondering to herself.
"Jackie! Wered you put the extra buckets?" called Lowell from the doorway.
"Did you check the wagon?" asked Applejack.
"Yes I did it's not there!" he replied and Applejack sighed.
"I'll need to go get the extras from storage then!" yelled Applejack as she sat a plate in front of Nyx piled with blueberry pancakes. Nyx licked her muzzle and digged in. Applejack smiled at the filly and walked out to talk with her husband just as Gage walked in.
"Hey Nyx!" said Gage as he sat down smiling as he grabbed himself a plate of the pancakes without blueberries in them. "So you didn't sleep well I suppose?" he asked. At first Nyx was a little surprised that he knew that, then he clarified "There are tear stains under your eyes. You were off crying yourself to sleep....I don't blame you after what happened yesterday." Again Nyx was a little caught off guard.
"Hey Nyx!" said the orange pegasus I recognized as Lowell "how'd you sleep?" Nyx told him how she had not slept very well it wasn't a lie but it wasn't the full truth either. "Well all nights can't be perfect now can they?" said Lowell taking a bite out of a pancake. "Hey Gage can you go pick up some apple buckets from the market? Ours seemed to have vanished out of thin air."
"Sure I suppose I might as well.....Nyx wanna come with me?" Gage asked Nyx thought about it for a moment then nodded. "Okay finish your pancakes and well head out!"

Nyx was looking around this new version of Ponyville in hopes of seeing something different she didn't. Well minus the new pony's, and from what she heared entirely new land formations. Nyx was fascinated, and very much impressed by what some of these 'new' ponies could do! When they first got into town Gage said "Go have a look around, and make some friends. I'll be at the market if you need me." he then gave her a few bits and left.
Nyx had just finished sightseeing, and with school just getting out it was time to make friends! Nyx was galloping towards the school yard hoping to see Crim. If she was going to make new friends she might as well meet up with an old one. What she didn't expect to see was Crim bumping into almost everything as if she was blind. "Crim you okay?" Nyx asked as she approached her friend.
"I'm okay Diamond Tiara just broke my glasses that's all." replied Crim "Can you help me home? I got a spare pair of glasses."
"Sure come on let's get you some glasses" said Nyx as she assisted her friend home.

Crimson Fangs Home
Nyx and Crimson Fang just arrived at Crims house. "They should be in a case on the coffe table." said Crim as Nyx sat her by the couch, and went to get Crims spare glasses.
"Here you go." said Nyx as she handed Crim her spare glasses. Crim put on the eye wear, and blinked a few times sure enough she could now see!
"All right!" said Crim then her gaze drifted to a poster on the wall "crap....I forgot to get my costume!"
"What costume?" asked Nyx Crim looked to her and explained.
"There is going to be a Nightmare Night costume party tomorrow! The prize for best costume is a free homework coupon, and I forgot my costume!" said Crim.
"Wait Nightmare Night is tomorrow? It was summer when I left......" said Nyx.
"I guess time shifted....hey wanna help me make a costume? The themes mid-evil." said Crim.
"You know it!" replied Nyx, and the two filly's got to work on there costumes.