//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 [EDIT IN PROGRESS] // Story: My Little Luna // by IAMCHEEZY //------------------------------// 5 years later. "Luna, you ready?" I whisper to the sleeping filly who is spread out on my couch. Well, maybe not spread out, more like a puff of blue fur in a ball shape. She rose her head weakly, and looked at me with half-opened eyes. She rolled her eyes at me, "Five more minutes?" She was shaking and, to top it off, added a huge, raspy cough to the mixture. I pick her body up into my arms and sit on the couch with her. Struggling to keep her eyes closed, she figits her limbs constantly I lean and whisper into her ear, "Now now, you said that five minutes ago." She just plainly gave a short sigh in response. Luna then stared at the vanilla painted wall in complete apathy. You could mistake her for being in a trance if she hadn't said nonchalantly, "I don't remember." The filly yawned and rested her head again. I simply smiled at her and kissed her on the noggin. "Alright, you can sleep. But don't blame me if you wake up." She mumbled something under her breath. "What?" I ask. Luna opened one eye and gave me a wink, "No pwomises." Oh, her and her sense of humor. Taking one last look at the place, I intake what was left of my surroundings. Everything packed in the Expedition down in the garage of the apartment, so there's nothing much left. Besides for the couch, but that would make a good house warming gift for whoever buys this piece of small property next. One box, however, was left unopened with a small cyan blanket stuffed inside, and small holes punched in the top. Carefully, I stand up from my wearing couch, and make my way over to the brown box. I set Luna down into the cardboard and wrap her in the blue cloth. I hear a mumbling from under the covers, "Thank you daddy..." I've had her for four whole years, so of course she would call me daddy but for some reason this felt... different. "Your welcome sweetie." I slowly close the top compartments and pick up the box, trying not to disturb the bundle of adorableness. Why exactly am I moving? Have you lived in an apartment building and tried not to have anyone find out you have a filly from My Little Pony living with you as well? Long story short it's difficult. One time, I was slinking down to the lobby early in the morning to say hi and possibly help some of the maids. When I finally got down, there was nobody there, so I decided to take a lounge on the couch that was situated in the corner of the room. However, I felt something rather plush warm nuzzle up to my legs. Just my luck too! The first maid came down for that morning, at that moment, so the rest of the morning carried out by muffling the squirms of a toddler beneath my shirt, thankfully avoiding her gaze. Did I mention this place doesn't have camera's? I'd be screwed if it did. Anyway, since my parents put their Washington property in the will for my brother, and since he died, it goes to me. Thank God it's somewhat secluded, being on the outskirts of a relatively medium-sized town. I fumble to get the golden key set out of my sweat pockets. I make my way over to the door and insert my keys. Hearing the reassuring *click, of the lock I push the door open, close it behind me, and leave. SCREEEECCCHH went the white stairwell door. I swear I felt I thump in the box. SCREEEECCCHH it goes again as I close it. The morning sun burst through the windows on the right as I head downward to the lobby. Few clouds were in the sky(to my surprise) as I hear the clicking of my boots on the linoleum staircase. Luna popped her head out from under the covers. The blue alicorn didn't look sleepy at all now. She looked through the outside mirror. "So, that's New York duwing the day time?" "Hey... I thought you were asleep." She responded with a giggle, "I got tired of sleeping!" That sense of humor... I showed her the skyline of New York the night before. This place may be bitter, but the skyline is still freaking amazing at night. She had her head in my lap as she said, "Ooh! What's that? What's that!? What's that?" I had given her three plain responses to the three spots where she pointed her small hoof,, "That's the Chrysler building. That's the empire state building. That's the new World Trade Center." "Those are pwetty names." She responded. Then, the toddler gave a pause, then raised her head. The filly looked at me with confusion clearly evident in her eyes. "New? What happened to the old one?" My mind went to that day, when I was only a child, I remember seeing the whole thing on the news. The days that followed were just as frightening to some though. I wasn't phased much by the incident but clearly millions were. Not wanting to tell her that ten thousand people died, I simply said, "That's a story for when you're older." "Daddy?" She said breaking me from my day dream. "Mhm!? Yes?!" I said a little too quickly. "Yeah.. well..." she began, "Its not as cool as the night time." She stared into my eyes. "At night, the lights are pretty, the moon is pretty, and the stars are shining!" I ruffled her main and retorted back, "Yes, that's true, but it's more dangerous to go out at night time." She cocked her head to the side, "Why?" I thought about it for a moment. I really don't know why... eh, cop out, "Because the world works in strange ways my dear. Now go back under the covers, until I say so." She gave out a long sigh, "Fine." Her head, once more, disappeared under the baby-blue blanket. I push open the clear, glass door to the refurbished lobby. The lobby attendant was sitting at the counter, tapping his red pen on the hardwood desk. "Apartment 777," I say, walking up to the counter. He looks up at me with tired, worn blue eyes and peers behind the desk. He ruffles through some papers obscured from my view and hands me a single sheet. I sign the paper showing that I'm leaving. "Thank you," I hand him back his pen and paper. Now and I say one last goodbye to my old friend. She's sitting under the light, on the leather couch. She's wearing a yellow dress with white dots scattered over. She has her glasses on and is sitting with one leg over the other. Joe takes notice of me walking towards her and she motions for me to come over. I acknowledge this, and sit down on the seat beside her, trying to keep the rustling box as still as possible. The elder looks into my eyes, as I feel a hand slowly press onto my right shoulder. She said aloud, "You be okay out there, got it?" The tone of voice made her sound like she was joking, but her eyes said otherwise. So, I happily replied, "Got it." Joe gives me a warm smile, "I understand why you have to move, and I wish you luck on your life ahead of you," she said with tears in her eyes. No... you don't know the real reason why I'm leaving. I hate to say it, but even Joe can't know about Luna. You see, I told her that I'd be leaving for Washington for my parents former residence, since NY had too much bad memories. A cop out excuse, yes, but it seemed to work. I steadied myself back onto my feat and gave her a hug. "Be careful now." She gave him his embrace back. Joe whispered, "I'll make sure I do." "Daddy? What was that all about?" Luna asked through the small holes dotting the surface of the cardboard box. "She... she's just a good friend is all." I replied hesitantly. Good friend is an understatement, but it is a sufficient explanation for the time being. The top of the box opened as she popped her blue head out once more. The filly was not impressed with our means of transportation. It was an old, beat up ford expedition with scratched and paint coming off. It was a rusty brown color (not much different then the New York mud puddles), and had some rubber tearing off the steps. Okay, so maybe I don't take care of my vehicle that often, but it's New York, you learn to walk everywhere. In my defense, being in a dank, dark garage doesn't help either. Besides from the obvious exterior, you can also see how much everything's been packed tightly in the interior. Everything behind the two front seats looked like a brown, cardboard wall. Including the random article of clothing, or any random item for that matter, which are scattered around the vehicle. The front, however, was pretty clear as far from what I could tell. So, I scratched Luna behind the ears and said, "The front is clear enough. It'll be comfortable sweetie." As soon as I said that, she jumped out of the box onto the asphalt and slowly crept towards the vehicle. Luna didn't get far though as I simply picked her up and set her in the brown box again. "It's safe! Don't worry!" Using the other key, which I hardly ever use considering, I press a rubber blue button down and hear the car honk a few times. Luna jumped and fluttered in the air, but I nabbed her and set her gently back in. I swing the door open and heave the box in with me. The chairs weren't really worn and torn, but they were comfortable at the least. So, I hop on in and set the box on the chair to my right. It feels strange to put a seat belt around a box... but if anyone sees her we'll be screwed. After packing her in, I set my rump on the brown seating as well. I nab the leather seat belt and strap it around my waist. Then, I stick my silver key in the ignition. "Alright Luna!" I shout, "Here we go!" She popped her small head out of the box again. "Where?" I smiled at her, "To a better life."