//------------------------------// // Ch. 7: Changing Odds // Story: Changing Odds // by Music Brush //------------------------------// Chapter Seven Changing Odds It had been three long, painful weeks since the trial for Angel and Dili. Zuro must have managed to keep little Dili a secret from the guards because none had come looking for a young changeling filly since the sentencing and Zuro and Gnator were shipped our of the country. Jet Blast had locked himself in his home the day after the trial and has not been seen since. All of Ponyville seamed saddened by the fact that their pegasus protector was no longer there to help them in a pinch, but relieved the last of all the known changelings were driven out of the country. In the three weeks since the trial Angel had heard nothing from anypony or any changeling about Zuro or his family. She was most devastated, especially for little Dili. The little filly needed somepony to look over her now, so she took it upon herself to adopt Dili as her daughter. The foal she carried was due in a matter of days, now. The question was if she could handle a filly and a foal without a father to care for them? Angel was now making her way home from the mayor's office with Dili by her side, both looking sad and lonely. Dili looked up to Angel. "Do you think Bubba's waiting for us at home now?" She asked. Angel sighed. "I don't know, sweetie." She replied. They continued down the road, being greeted by the ponies they passed, but almost never offered a reply. After a while of walking they reach the turn that led to their home as a commotion began to sound through the town. Angel and Dili looked up to find the source of the noise. They followed the sound down the main road where ponies were gathering close toward the main entrance. Angel pushed her way through the crowd with Dili right by her side. They got through and say two pegasi face to face with each other. One was, without a shock, was none other than Jet Blast. "C'mon you!" Jet barked. "Let's see what you got!" The pegasus in front of him was well built, his coat a brilliant sky blue while his legs starting from the knee joints down to his hooves became a deep blue and his main and tail were pure white with a strip of grey lining down his locks. And hid cutie mark showed the image of a cloud with wings. He smirked at his opponent. "Give it up, hot shot." He said. "I've fought worse than you." Angel shook her head in annoyance. The one thing her cousin always did when facing a new, tough looking pony he would look for an excuse to pick a fight with said pony to see how good they were. More often than not he would end up with his flank in the dirt and a black eye, but on occasion he would leave with a smile. She turned to Dili. "Come on, sweetie." She said. "Let's go home." She started to walk back before she noticed a huge grin on the filly's face as she watched the two pegasi. Angel looked back to the two and saw Jet throwing punches at the newcomer who was dodging every swing. Jet took another great swing, throwing his entire body into is. The newcomer jumped over Jet and pat hid head with a wing as he flipped in the air and landed perfectly on the ground behind his opponent with ease. Jet smiled as he turned back to the newcomer. "You're good." Jet said. "Well I should be after twenty years." The newcomer said. "What?" Jet asked. "Did you go to some kind of fighting school, or something?" "Something like that." He answered. "My parents had me trained to fight since I was a foal." "What? Your family wanted you to be a warrior?" Jet asked. "Nah. Just not a victim." The newcomer answered. "The name's Cloudy Feathers." "Jet Blast." Jet replied as the two hoof bumped. The crowd gave nods of approval as they began to disperse. Jet turned his gaze and noticed Angel and Dili. He smiled and turned back to Cloudy. "C'mon. I want you to meet my cousin, Angel Wings." Cloudy looked over to where Jet looked to see Angel with Dili still watching them. Angel looked as though she was trying to piece something together while Dili looked completely overjoyed. The two stallions began walking up to the two girls. Cloudy stood in front of Angel and smiled at her as she looked deep into his eyes. At that moment something clicked in her eyes as a small gasp escaped her lips. "Zuro?" She whispered. Cloudy smiled and lightly inclined his head. After a minute she smiled wide and embraced him in her front legs. Dili bounced in place "How did you-" She began. "I'll explain later." He interrupted. They loosen their hold of each other and she smiled up at him. "I was just talking my daughter, Dili home for lunch." She gestured to Dili who smiled up at Cloudy and reached up for him. He picked her up and smiled at her, nuzzling her nose affectionately. "Would you care to join us?" He looked up to Angel. "Sure." He answered. "I'm always up for a good meal with new friends." She smiled and turned to guide them to her home. Cloudy helped Dili climbed up on his back and let her play with his feathers as he followed Angel through the main streets a house settled not too far from the town playground. Angel guided them to the front door and opened it to let them in. Once all four were inside Cloudy let Dili down just in time to catch Angel as she lunged at him, wrapping her front legs around him as she locked her lips with his causing him to stumble back a few steps before he steadied himself and leaned into the kiss. Jet smiled at the sight as they held the kiss for a minute before letting each other go. "How the hay did you get back here?" Angel asked. "The Princess set everything up.' Cloudy answered as he allowed his green flame to engulf his body and return to his natural, changeling form. ~~)oOo(~~ After the recess for the trial was called Zuro and Gnator were being led through the castle halls, but they were not being led back to the dungeons. Instead they were being led through to a different part of the castle in the upper levels. They were taken into a room were only four guards with Celestia at a table in the middle of the room while all the rest were stationed outside. "Take a seat, please." Celestia requested. Zuro obliged her, but Gnator just stood there. Zuro looked back to him. "Brother, please." Zuro pleaded. After a minute Gnator sat down in the seat next to his brother. The two looked up to the princess, curiosity in Zuro's expression while Gnator simply looked bored. "I've had you brought here to discuss some things with you two, Zuro." Celestia explained. "Such as?" Zuro asked. "Well, I see no reason to banish you two now." She answered. "Oh, that's rich." Gnator snorted. Zuro shot a glare at him. "Gnat, knock it off." Zuro ordered. Gnator rolled his eyes. "As I was saying," Celestia continued, "I don't feel any reason to banish you two. However, I can't let you go without causing my subjects to grow extremely angry and rebellious." "So, banish us." Gnator said. Zuro glared at him. "Let her speak." Zuro barked quietly. "It's okay, Zuro." Celestia said. "I know he's upset right now." She turns to Gnator. "There are other ways in settling this dispute, Gnator." He looked up to her. "I'll make it so you two can remain as you please, but in the publics eye you'll be banished far from this country." Zuro looked to her. "Like the pony protection program?" Zuro asked. Celestia inclined her head. "Similar to that, yes." She answered. Zuro smiled. "But, it will take time before you can go back to Ponyville." "Anything it takes to get back to Angel." Zuro said. "But I want the same thing for my brother and the rest of my family." Gnator looked to Zuro in slight shock. "I'm afraid without your brother's powers that won't be easy." Celestia said. "There's a way to fix that." Zuro stated. "But I don't trust to have it done until we know he'll behave." Gnator chuckled. "I agree." Celestia said. "Alright, fine." Gnator said. "I'll do better." Zuro smiled at him. Though Gnator was being a little snobby about it Zuro could tell he meant what he was saying. Zuro turned back to face Celestia. "Who else knows about this plan?" He asked. "Apart from those in this room, only my sister, Luna." Celestia answered. "And she's willing to help?" Zuro asked. "She's working to keep your fiancée away from all this." Celestia answered. "That's why she's not here at the trial right now." Zuro felt nothing but overwhelming joy at this news. "Thank you so much for that!" Zuro called. She smiled at him as she inclined her head. "Now what are we to do?" ~~)oOo(~~ "She called me into a private room with only a hoof full of guards and set everything up for me and Gnator. After the sentencing we were taken out of the capital and place in a quiet area where we could recuperate until things quieted down then I could come home." "What about your family?" Angel asked. "Gnator and Entibus are getting things set with them so they can find a new home in Equestria too." Zuro explained. "But Jet told me you made it so he couldn't change anymore." Angel observed. "That's only permanent if left alone, but there are ways to end the binding." Zuro answered. "They're going to get that settled then they're going to set up new lives." Angel inclined her head before turning to Jet who stood next to Dili. "Did you know about this?" She asked him. "Not until earlier today." Jet answered. "I got a letter this morning and I saw an opportunity to see if he hadn't lost his touch. And I was right. You can still fight." He said to Zuro. "Well, Gnator Taught me a few tricks a week after the sentence." Zuro said. "I think he and I have settled the feud now." "That's awesome!" Dili exclaimed. Zuro smiled at him. "So, are you staying for good Bubba?" Zuro crouched to her level. "Count on it, little sister." He said as he scratched her chin. She bounced in his hold, hugging his chest warmly. Everything was once again perfect. The war was over. Their family was getting back together. There will be a new member to the family any day now. And the princess was on their side.