Raising Generosity

by Distorted Flare

Breaking The Habit

I arrived at Berry Punch’s house at seven as instructed, wearing a drab white shirt and a pair of light blue jeans. I tentatively knocked on the door. A muffled murmur rang out, the telltale click of hooves against wood. I shivered, a sharp gust of wind nipping at my ill-prepared attire, goosebumps littering my arms. The door flung open, the bubbly berry mare on the other side grinning at me.

"Thomas, come in! I’m glad you could make it," she chirped gently, clamping her mouth down on my hand as I was led to her living room. The rough feeling of her tongue only added to my growing discomfort. I noticed a few familiar faces. Carrot and Cup Cake stood chatting. Soft Beat was lying down on the rug, relaxing. Taking a seat, I noticed how all the ponies stopped talking and stared at me.

"Thomas, this is an intervention," Berry said, her voice barely a whisper. I looked at all the ponies in the room in turn before standing up and walking to the door. "Thomas, no! Enough is enough!" the mare barked, placing a hoof on my shoulder and looking into my eyes. "We are here because we care about you. You’re going to kill yourself if you keep doing this," she whimpered. Her voice cracked midway through her statement at my very irritated look.

"What I do in my own time is none of you business!" I frustratedly snapped, clenching my hands into fists.

"It is our business! It pains us to see you like this!" the usually vivacious mare screamed, tears welling up in her eyes. "If you keep... If you keep doing this, you will lose Rarity and Sweetie Belle! Can't you see that Rarity is still hurting? When you drink, it hurts her even more!" Berry fiercely spat, her eyes Manic as I recoiled slightly.

"I never asked for this," I replied coldly. The group gasped in shock at the callousness of my words. In response, Soft Beat got to her hooves, narrowing her eyes.The mare gave me a look of loathing as I snorted at her display. "What?!" I demanded.

I gave a surprised yelp as her hoof slammed into my face. knocking me back into my chair, which teetered and fell backwards with me in it. I gave a strangled cry as I gently prodded at the rapidly swelling check, the bitter taste of blood present in my mouth. The punch made my face start swelling up, making it harder to see out of my right eye. With the swelling getting worse by the second, I decided to slur out some curse words.

“What the fuck is your problem, you bitch?!" I snarled, baring my teeth at the usually quiet mare, earning a sneer from her. Blood streaked down my mouth, making me wince. My nose was bleeding badly, so I used my shirt to stem the flow. Blood still dripped to the carpet as I clumsily tried to stand, but at least it wasn't flowing. My intoxicated body wouldn't allow me to steadily get to my feet, so I stumbled back until I hit a wall. I gingerly touched my nose, a wet crunch confirming that it was broken. I cursed bitterly under my breath. Crimson coated my face and shirt as I lay propped up against the wall, my will to fight gone.

The soft touch of velvety hooves caused me to pause. Soft Beat wrapped her hooves around me, and I tentatively opened my eyes. Tears streamed down the pegasus’s cheeks as she pulled me closer. At first, I desperately tried to push her away, furious with the mare.

I gave her a look of disdain. "Get off of me," I hissed, fidgeting as the mare with a sad smile brought me closer, nuzzling the cheek that was not swollen. The desire to fight left me as the warm, comforting gesture gave me a sense of protection. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her, burying my face into her neck as she hummed happily.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I bit my lip, determined not to break, screwing up my face. I felt my body shake as I swallowed, trying my hardest not to cry.

"Thomas, it’s okay to show grief," Soft beat whispered, gently stroking my head as I gave a small sob. The cold realization of my selfishness finally bursts through my denial and self pity. Like that my façade of indifference crumbled. Tears spilled forth as I cried. The mare held me close, gently rocking my upper body side to side like a mother would a child as I let the pent up grief out. The ponies around me gave relieved smiles at the small breakthrough, others looked away awkwardly. I hiccuped, gently pushing the mare away from me.

"I... I haven't been a very good guardian, have I?" I croaked, clumsily wiping my eyes as she gave a sad nod. I coughed violently, my throat dry as I looked myself over. My top was saturated with tears and blood. My beard was in no better state. The blood felt like molasses, sticky and highly unpleasant. I grimaced.

"Thomas, we are all here for you... You also have Rarity and Sweetie Belle both who love you dearly. This is why we went to the effort you see tonight. None of us want to lose another friend. So will you please help us by helping yourself?" Soft Beat asked. An eerie silence descended on the room as I paused. The alcohol helped take away the pain since I was scared—terrified, even—of responsibility. But I loved Rarity and Sweetie Belle.

"Okay..." I whispered, clearing my throat. My head sank down to my hands, my body too tired to hold it up. Soft Beat smiled, her face instantly perking up. Berry Punch cautiously approached from the side. In her mouth, she held a bag of ice. Leaning forward, I accepted the bag. I hissed as I gingerly placed the bag over my nose and part of my eye, the cold sting bringing welcome relief.

The dull throbbing around my nose and eye eased as the ice slowly reduced the swelling. Soft Beat, being a trained nurse, was in the process of resetting my nose. The mare gave me a disbelieving look as she for the fifth time swatted my hand away as I went to clasp my sore nose.

"For the love of Celestia's milky white teats, stop fidgeting!" the mare groaned, her patience running thin as I sullenly looked at the roof. With a sudden push, the mare forced my nose back into place. A wet crack made me flinch as I prodded at my hopefully— fixed nose. "There, you big foal, was that really so bad?" she snorted, a small smile adorning her face. I nodded with an incredulous look on my face. "Thomas, look, I'm sorry about... well this. I—" I silently held up a hand, cutting her off. The more gave me a look of confusion

"Its fine who knows maybe this will be the wake up call my stupid ass needs," I chuckled weakly.

The group stayed for as long as they could talking and making it clear that I could call on any of them if need be. I honestly was touched by their kindness. Soft Beat gave my leg a gentle nudge, motioning for me to follow her to the door. " Its getting late and you have two fillies to take care of, come on I will walk you home." The pegasus smirked lightly, trotting to keep pace with me as I gave a hesitant thanks.

The stars were sprinkled in the sky, glimmering in all of their glory. I marveled at their beauty. The occasional flicker of a shooting star across the midnight sky, or the full moon glimmering made me gaze up in wonder. Soft beat contently watched, taking care not to crash into anything. I gave a weak smile as my eyes occasionally flickered to the kindly mare, whose right wing was baring noticeable scars from her ex- husband.

The bastard had been a monster who had beat the poor mare within an inch of her life when I found her. Bulk Biceps had always been fond of the pegasus. The ageing stallion viewed Soft Beat as a younger sister. He had not been happy when he had found out what had been happening. It was rare that stallions used violence the gender roles here reversed

Bulk had with a few of his friends from the gym, payed Soft beats husband a visit. Suffice to say, the stallion had left the next day and had divorced Soft Beat a few weeks later. It had broke the mare’s heart but at the same time brought great relief as she had been pregnant at the time with Fluttershy. The little filly was eight now and despite her shyness, had a kind heart like her mother. That had been eight and a half years ago, last I heard the bastard had been jailed for evading taxes.

"Something on your mind?" Soft asked staring at me inquisitively her head slightly tilted as I realised I had stopped walking.

"Nah... just some old memories" I replied her eyes sharpening as she noticed me staring at her scars.

"Thomas... I forgave a couple of months after it happened. Had you not told Bulk biceps I would still be with that creep. You helped me to get over my fear of stallions and were always their for me and Fluttershy. Do you see why I am working so hard to do the same for you?" She questioned. I gave a small smile, scratching her ear as she sighed.

"You and Berry are forever my knights in shining armor." I sighed dreamily, chuckling as she playfully swatted my leg.

"Enough, you cheeky little..." she glowered biting her lip as a small smile threatened to break though.

"Uncle Thomas!" Rarity cried, leaping into my hands as I grunted. The small filly was heavy and packed a hell of a punch as her body weight knocked me on my ass. Smiling I bundled the filly up in my arms shakily getting to my feet. Rarity proceeded to fill me in on all the fun she had whilst I had been away. I turned to Soft, thanking the exhausted looking mare. I gave my goodbye’s to her as she spread her wings, taking off into the night sky as I slowly closed the door, which clicked shut. The small filly spoke animatedly about the fun she had, as I slowly climbed the stairs.

"Do it for them..." I whispered. The tired filly yawning, cuddling into my arms as I allowed a genuine smile work its way onto my face.
Two months later

"DA-DA" Sweetie Bell cooed tapping me on the nose as I smiled. I playfully kissed her hoof chuckling, the foal squealing in delight. Rarity lay on a comfortable rug coloring in her picture.Her face scrunched up into a frown as she maneuvered her head to fill in the last spot of white. The little foal had been tough comforting as the two of us grieved but I feel that we had grown only closer. When I was having a bad day, her silly antics never failed to brighten my day. Trying to recover from drink had made things miserable for myself as countless slip ups always threatened to see me return to the booze for good. Though through great effort I had managed to stay clean for two weeks now. It I was struggling both financially and my lust for drink left me miserable and frustrated.

Uncle Thomas can I play with Fluttershy after school, please?" Rarity spoke up her eyes pleading as I made a large theater worthy display. Considering her proposal I scratched my chin, humming as her wide eyes watched with anticipation.

" Will Mrs soft beat be there" I questioned, Rarity giving a jittery nod in response. "Then you may but I am coming to collect you at seven o'clock on the dot young lady you have homework to do, don't think I won't be checking" I replied chuckling as she excitedly pranced around the living room. Sweetie Bell clapping in joy at her sisters antics.

I glanced at the clock and checked off the last few things required for the two. Breakfast had been eaten and teeth were brushed. Rarity had all her school stuff and a pack lunch made and ready to go. Sweetie Bell would be dropped off at the nursery around the corner and I would go to work. Luckily my new job was not at all taxing landing myself a job at a new spa that had opened up. Whilst the money was far better it was still poor. The ponies may see me as a monster and in some cases hate me but none could deny that hands were better than hoofs in a massage.

My eyes flashed over to the tiny a kitten that currently lay napping beside the radiator. I had in the hopes of improving house moral got a cat whom Rarity had fallen in love with. The filly had then went on to name it Opalescence of all things. I swear I had to look the damn word up, I swear that filly was brighter than me? The little hell also known as wee bastard and precious by Rarity had a foul temper and a mean glare the two of us had hit it off tremendously. I swear you step on a cats tail once and they never forget. The cat was an arse hole but she made Rarity happy.

Shutting the door behind me my false smile slipped as my eyes flashed over to the letters that lay spread across the kitchen table. The money that Magnum and pearl had left was the only reason this house was still going and that was quickly running out as bill after bill continued to flood in. Groaning I parked myself down adorning my reading glasses as I budgeted for this month. I was applying for all the over time I could get, but when the spa you worked at had two racist broken English speaking cunts running the place the pay was shit regardless.

That was one of the things I hated was the bigotry. The bastards went on none stop about friendship, trust and love but that seemed to only apply to other ponies, I had seen how they treated mules and donkeys. It disgusted me that canterlot was even worse haven visited a few times. Mongrel, beast and monster were the more tame insults thrown my way and it made shopping a bitch as the greedy; little conniving, shits would charge you more if you were not pony.

What was worse was that the ponies made disgusting claims about me hurting or abusing Rarity and Sweetie Bell. Christ it was only by Berry Punch lying to a couple of her bosses that I still had the kids. Being honest it had been a bad time for me with ponies watching my every move I could not afford to fuck up which was why I had had to kick my habit now or risk losing the girls.

"Bigots" I muttered writing out a shopping list as I worked over what we needed verses how much we had. It was a simple case of haggling which no offence towards the ponies I was far better at. I needed to be in order to feed the three of us. Groaning I made a memo to go shopping tomorrow our supplies running low as my eyes flashed over to the cupboards. Apart from a few boxes of cereal and a few packs of noodles we were completely out.

Being nearly twice as big as everypony, and with meat being scarce required me to hunt or fish to fulfill my body's needs. Also that I was able to eat far more than even the biggest of equine's meant that it was expensive feeding myself. tearing the page from my note book I tucked the shopping list into my breast pocket.

"Time to hit the town" I chuckled.
The stares and whispers never got easy, keeping my head low I tried to ignore the judging glares and looks of disgust. Different pony same glare. It was like my mere presence offended them. I mean given that they were a bunch of country folk I would have thought they would be more open to strangers. Turned out they were just like the nobles in Canterlot and other big cities. The only difference not enough money. Biting my lip I darted over to Granny smiths stall, relieved as the tiny mare smiled at me.

"Hey granny how goes the sales." I greeted the mare smilling.

"Just fine as of late, Sold most of the apple cider and the corn been going like the dickens." she chuckled. The poor old mare had, had it rough. The last year alone had been a bastard for the both of us. Losing her Daughter to child birth seven months back and her son in law to suicide only three months ago. This had left the elderly mare with three little ponies to care for and her body just did not have the strength to run a farm. Grieving as well had only made it harder on her as up until I lost magnum and pearl I had been helping the mare with chores around the house and farm. Little Macintosh whom was only ten had been a great help as well.

Bulk Biceps being a personal trainer had actually come up with an ingenious way to help the old mare out, which had been surprising given that he was not the brightest of ponies. He would train his clients at Sweet Apple Acres, making the ponies pick or buck apples for a couple of hours. The amount of calories that you burned doing farm work was immense and fit freaks leapt at the chance to push themselves. When done the stallion would give a small cut of his earnings to the mare in return for letting him use her farm. The old mare always caused a fuss about charity but deep down I knew she appreciated the help.

Not having the same strength as ponies I instead helped with repairs or plowing the fields. My stamina far was greater than even the fittest of ponies. I had also helped with wiring, plumbing and even repairing broken doors and fences. This had actually contributed to helping me feed both the fillies and I. Granny Smith would cook up a mountain of food as thanks. The system had helped keep Rarity and Sweetie Bell fed saved me cash and helped save Granny Smith money as well. Another bonus was that Apple jack the second oldest and Rarity had hit it off quite well the two of them along with Fluttershy and her friend Rainbow Dash seeming to get along quite well. Though I swear those four could find trouble in an empty room.

My recovery from alcohol had been rough and I had on multiple occasions broken and got myself blind drunk. It was driving Soft Beat and Berry Punch up the wall as they would take my failures the hardest. It was frustrating me to no end, I was trying so hard but I always seemed to end up back at the beginning. At least I was managing a couple days in between slip ups.

"Anyway I have ma sisters coming down tomorrow any chance you could foal sit little Apple Jack for me? I swear that filly causes more trouble than a fox in a chicken coop." Granny smith chuckled as I zoned back in hastily nodding in agreement.

"That's fine I am free tomorrow anyway." I replied gaining a appreciative nod. Paying for my stuff I bid the old mare farewell I gave a thankful nod to her as I held a delicious looking apple crumble accompanied with apple fritters. The smell was heavenly and I looked forward to tucking into a slice tonight after dinner.

"HEY! WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING FREAK!" A royal guard barked her friend glaring at me as I clenched my teeth in anger. The word freak was not new to me and despite the old saying of stick and stones never stopped hurting.

"Fuck off ya pair a dykes!" I snapped not in the mood for these pricks as the guards froze. With the mare population far larger than males it meant that nearly all the guards were female. Another sad fact was that mares were far more aggressive than stallions.

"The buck you just say?" the tallest hissed, her companion, a pegasus spreading her wings threateningly.
