Twilight Sparkle, Ace Attorney: Turnabout Smiles

by Animegx43

Day 2: Trial: An Old Face

It took a surprisingly long time for Hope ray to get ready, but after some time, his next witness was ready to take the stand. While the trial had already begun, the main event was just getting started.

"Witness, please state your name and occupation for the court."

Twilight predicted that Applejack would've been the one to take the stand since she was the one who actually discovered the crime at Sweet Apple Acres. Instead, it was another familiar Apple pony. An older green mare with an apple pie cutie mark.

"Ponyville's courthouse. Reminds me way back when my old friend Orange Glad was arrested. I was so happy when she won the case." The old mare said.

"Witness! Your name please." Hope repeated.

"Oh! Sorry, Sonny." The witness said as she realized that she forgot what she was suppose to do. "I'm Granny Smith. I'm the owner of Sweet Apple Acres, the head of Ponyville's quilting bee, top apple baker, president of--"

"Enough! The court only needed to know your main occupation!"

Wow. It looks like Hope Ray is finally biting more than he can chew. Twilight thought with a sense of guilty pleasure. But wait. Why is Granny Smith the witness instead of Applejack? Did she see something too?

After some frustrating attempts to get his witness focused, Hope was able to get Granny Smith to think only about the day the crime, which was a more difficult task then one would think. Unfortunately for Twilight, Hope was patient.

"Two days ago, your granddaughter found your other granddaughter in the barn with the defendant." Hope said to Granny Smith. "Is it not true that on that day, you saw all three?"

"You got that right, sonny!" Granny answered. "Pinkie Pie was on my farm and harmed little Apple Bloom! I remember it like it happened yesterday! Pinkie Pie was on my farm to hurt little Apple Bloom!"

Twilight was surprised from what she heard as she figured there weren't any other witnesses. "Y-you...YOU WHAAAATT!!!??"

"I said I remembered it like it happened yesterday! I may be old, but I don't forget easily." Granny said as she failed to understood Twilight's question. "I was able to count and memorize four thousand, eight hundred and twenty one jelly beans in a jar at the Apple family reunion twenty-six years ago while keeping track of the activities of all forty nine of the guests which quickly became fifty because my daughter-in-law just couldn't hold Big McIntosh any longer."

"WITNESS!!!" Hope shouted. For the first time, Hope had completely lost his composure. "Please, keep focused on the case at hand!"

"Huh? Oh, sorry. Got lost in my own nostalgia." Granny apologised. "What were we talking about again?"

"I believe we were talking about your granddaughter." The Doctor said. "Please tell about what you saw before the prosecution has a stroke."

Darn. I was enjoying the show. Twilight thought with delight.

"Hey, Twilight?" Sweetie Belle said. "What did she mean when she said her daughter-in-law couldn't hold Big Mac any longer?"

How old are these kids again?

Before Twilight was forced to teach Sweetie Belle where foals came from, Granny Smith was ready give her testimony to the court. Even if she didn't need to listen to the testimony, Twilight was afraid to answer the filly's question.


--Testimony: What Granny saw--

-I was sitting on the porch all day to enjoy the nice weather.
-After waking up from a nap, I saw Pinkie Pie going into the barn, then shortly after, Apple Bloom.
-I had my eyes on the barn until Applejack went in and screamed, which was when me and my grandson to it.
-While my Applejack stood by Apple Bloom and Big Mac ran for help, I kept watch in case Pinkie Pie returned.


"So this makes two witnesses who saw the defendant at the farm." The Doctor said. "Where exactly were you again?"

"Allow me to show you the diagram Inspector Cestus brought." Hope said.

"It doesn't show the witness's house, but it still marks her position for when she arrived at the crime scene."

Barn Diagram has been updated.

This is impossible. I'm certain Pinkie is innocent, but now we know that the whole Apple family saw her there. There must be more to Granny Smith's testimony, but it sounds solid. Twilight thought.



I was sitting on the porch all day to enjoy the nice weather.


"So had you been sitting there all day?" Twilight asked.
"Of course not. I had plans to invite some friends over for poker night, so I had spent my morning planning things out." Granny Smith answered.

"Is it safe to assume you're in a poker club as well?" Hope asked, which was immediately followed by regret." AH!! What have I done?"

"That's right, sonny! Back in my youth, I was known as Faceless Smith for having such a good poker face, which had won--"


"Your honor! I move we go back to the testimony!" Hope requested.

"Agreed. Witness, please proceed from where you left off." The Doctor said.

I guess Hope isn't too good with old ladies. Twilight thought with a smirk. Hold on! When did I get this sadistic?

After waking up from a nap, I saw Pinkie Pie going into the barn, then shortly after, Apple Bloom.


"How certain are you that you saw them? Is it possible that you just dreamed it all?" Twilight asked. "

"Don't be ridiculous. My dreams has a giant golden apple for a sun. The sun was perfectly round that day, so I know I didn't dream it." Granny Smith explained.

"Well...surely in your old age, things can get harder to remember, right?"

The Doctor shook his head in disagreement. "I suppose to any other judge would agree with you Miss Sparkle, but I personally can't question the senility of one who is younger than I am. Please continue the cross-examination?"

"Did the judge just say he's older than Granny Smith?" Sweetie Belle asked with a confused look on her face.

"I'm not buying that either." Twilight agreed.

I had my eyes on the barn until Applejack went in and screamed, which was when me and my grandson ran to it.


"So you went in the barn and saw Pinkie Pie stabbing Apple Bloom too?" Twilight asked.

"No, I didn't. Applejack took charge as soon as she saw me and Big Mac. She told him to go to town and get EMT's and me to keep watch outside the barn. She didn't want any other ponies to go into the barn unless it was a doctor."

"I don't know how much help I would've been." The Doctor said.

I'm pretty sure she didn't say THEE Doctor. Twilight said. "Did anything else happen as you watched the barn?"

"From when I heard Applejack scream to when help arrived, no other ponies were seen on the farm. I guarantee it."

As Granny Smith's testimony sounded more and more solid, things started to look worse and worse. Sweetie Belle started to lose hope, but a thought occurred to Twilight.

"Twilight, do you think Granny Smith is lying? That's the only way I can see things looking up for us." Sweetie Belle said.

"No, I don't think she's lying, but I think I did find a contradiction." Twilight answered. She then turned to The Doctor to make a request. "I think what the witness just said is very important."

The Doctor nodded. "I understand. Witness, please add your last statement to your testimony if you will."

As requested, Granny Smith touched up her testimony to give Twilight a change to find a contradiction.

Besides my family, I saw no other ponies on the farm.


"Hope Ray! Tell my why Granny Smith's testimony made no sense, now!" Twilight ordered.

"Observation #5: What obviously makes sense to me isn't true for everypony else." Hope replied.

"What happened to observation #4?" Twilight asked.

"I came up with it after hearing this witness's speech. I...don't wish to say it with her around."

The Doctor wasn't happy with how quickly the subject had been changed. "Miss Sparkle, I believe you made an objection. What's the problem?"

"The problem is that Granny Smith between the time she heard Applejack screamed and when Big McIntosh returned with help, she should've seen a pony that was in fact at the crime scene. My own client, Pinkie Pie!"


"This witness DID see the defendant at the farm." Hope said as he slammed a hoof on the table. "She must've escaped before the witness spot her again."


"That's impossible. We already that only the front gate was unlocked. There was nowhere else for Pinkie Pie to escape."

Twilight's argument caused an uproar with the gallery as it was a very good one. Since Pinkie entered a confined area with only one entrance, she would've only had one way out. In other words, Granny Smith should've seen her. To continue the trial, The Doctor slammed his gavel three times.

"Order in the court! Young lady, is this true?" The Doctor asked. "Did you not see the defendant leave the barn?"

"What? Who?" Granny Smith asked with confusion. She had to think back to the day of the crime, but after having the idea in her head... "Now that you mention it, the only time I saw Pinkie that day was when she went into the barn."

"Mr Ray, do you have an explanation for this?" The Doctor asked. "I don't know about you, but that's quite an oversight."

Hope had to think carefully, yet quickly about what he was asked. "There must've been another way out of the barn that the police didn't find. That's the only explanation."

"Impossible." Twilight said. "The barn had been investigated for two days by two different police forces. If there was another way out, we would know!"

Hope had to think again as his simple answer was debunked right away. as the doors and windows on the ground level had all been locked, there was no way for Pinkie to sneak out without Granny Smith seeing her. If that the case, there was the possibility that there was another oversight.

"Did either police forces check the windows on the upper level?" Hope asked. "If she didn't walk out the front door, she must've jumped out from an upper window."

"What proof do you have that she did such a thing?" Twilight asked.

Hope lowered his head and shook it to Twilight's question, finding the answer obvious. "My proof is that our witness didn't see her leave. Speaking whom, Miss Smith, do you know if those upper windows were open or not?"

"Hmm..." Granny Smith thought. "Well, we usually lock the barn up when we don't use it, but I'm pretty sure the up stair windows don't have locks or anything."

It was an interesting theory, especially since it was one that The Doctor started to like. Twilight had found a contradiction, but it was just about to be lost.

"Hey Twilight, why don't you say something?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Wouldn't you risk breaking a hoof if you jumped out a window like that?"

"I don't know. I've seen Pinkie Pie parkouring around the town. Knowing her, she could jump off of a high building to somehow fix a broken bone." Twilight explained. Although, this does give me a theory.

Not ready to back down, Twilight slammed her hooves on the table and began to make her counterattack. Not only did she had an idea on what happened, but she even had a suspect in mind.

"Your honor, I'd like to name a new suspect." Twilight declared. "Tell me, if you think of a pony who was somewhere high and couldn't turn back, how do you suppose they could get down?"

"Personally, I'd risk the jump. More fun that way." The Doctor said, but he was then able to understand the meaning of twilight's question. "OH! I see. If one was a pegasus, they'd be able to fly away easily."


"The farm is an all earth pony area. No pegasi were found. You have no evidence." Hope argued.


"You're trying to say Pinkie Pie left with no proof."


"I've proven beyond a reasonable doubt that she entered the barn at all. How she escaped is irrelevant. But if you really do have another suspect in mind, I've love to hear their name."

Twilight nodded her head. "Fine then. The name of my suspect is...


Twilight promised the name of a pony that could've escaped from an upper window without the risk of injury. After she shouted "take that", two thoughts ran in her head. First, she had no proof. Secondly...

OH MY CELESTIA! I don't know his name!

"Does the defense have a suspect to name?" The doctor asked.

"Twilight, go on." Sweetie Belle said. "Tell them about...about...wait, what was his name again?"

Twilight had only met the grey, black-winged pegasus and never even bother to ask for his name. She didn't even know where he was. With no name and no evidence, Twilight was left with no choice.

"I...take back my claim." Twilight said with embarrassment and regret.

And just like that, the court was silent. Twilight had a good idea for a moment, but due to a lack of evidence, nothing could've been proven. While Hope's theory was a conjecture as well, it was still supported with already existing evidence. With nothing else to work with, the cross-examination was ready to come to a close.

As The Doctor was thinking about the situation, Twilight, Sweetie, and Hope all noticed that Star Cestus was walking up to them. He walked past Granny Smith and straight to Hope. All Cestus did was whisper something into Hope's ear and he walked away.

"Thank you Inspector." Hope said before turning his attention back to the court. "Ponies of the court, it seems that the defendant has finally arrived. Sorry for the delay."

"It's a shame she was so late for her own trial." The Doctor said. "Especially since I'm already prepared to hand down a verdict. I'd imagine that she would like to say something first, so I'm prepared to give her a chance."

Alright Twilight. This is your last chance. If Pinkie Pie herself can't say anything, then this will be it. If she didn't attack Apple Bloom, there must be something in her testimony that can prove it. The stressed filled Twilight thought. "The defense agrees with your idea. I'd like to cross-examine Pinkie Pie."

"Very good then. This witness is hereby dismissed." The Doctor said as he banged his gavel.

"Finally. I'll personally escort the witness out myself." Hope said, keep his happiness hidden from the court.

"Something tells me you don't like me, sonny." Granny Smith said. "Good luck, Twilight."

With Granny Smith no longer needed, she was escorted off of the witness stand as quickly as her old bones could move her, not because she was in a hurry, but because Hope was. Once again, it made light of the situation for Twilight.

She wished me luck? Is it possible Granny Smith thinks Pinkie is innocent?


A few minutes later, after Granny Smith left the stand, Pinkie Pie herself was brought to the witness chance to have a chance prove her innocence. The entire gallery expected to see the super party pony they all knew and loved, but the pony they saw barely fit the description. Rather than the smiling puffy-maned Pinkie Pie, the mare all saw was constantly sweating and shaking with her mane completely straight and hanging off of her head. She did not look well.

"Will the defendant please state their name and occupation." Hope asked.

"I-I'm...H-h-hi, I'm P-P-Pinkie." Pinkie stuttered, barely being able to speak. "I-I-I g-guess I'm...the d-defendant?"

Whoa. She looks horrible. Twilight thought. She then slammed her hoof down before Hope could ask any more questions. "Hope, what's wrong with Pinkie?"

"She's been behaving like this since this morning." Hope answered. "It's one of the reasons she came in so late today."

One reason? You mean there's another? Twilight asked herself.

"It's not important anyway. What's important is that the defendant is here."

The Doctor nodded in agreement. "I'd image that the court is only interested in what happened on the farm two days ago, so let's go with there. Does the defendant understand the charges?"

"I-I-I-I do. Mr. Cestus...Mr. Cestus told me e-every th-thing." Pinkie stuttered while wiping sweat off of her forehead."

"Very good. If you have anything to say about these charges, you are free to share your thoughts."


--Testimony: I did something else--

-Its...its...its impossible f-for me t-t-to of done it.
-I t-tried...him. N-not...Bloom.


"Hmm...Miss Pie." The Doctor said. "I couldn't follow your testimony in the slightest."

"Hold on. That was a testimony?" Hope asked.

The ponies in the gallery began to spoke up to talk about Pinkie's "testimony", as they didn't understood what she was saying either. Twilight couldn't follow it either, but she had an idea as to why she couldn't.

"Twilight, what's wrong with her? She sounds like Rarity when she sees a handsome stallion." Sweetie Belle said.

"It's exactly what I feared." Twilight said. She had to work fast, so she slammed her hoofs on the table to once again become the center of attention. "The defense wishes to call for a short recess before the cross-examination."

"Request denied. The defendant will just have to give us a more detailed testimony." The Doctor said.

"You don't understand, your honor. This witness is clearly very sick. But I happen to have something that can help her." Twilight explained.

"You do? Please explain how you can help her." The Doctor requested.


"This little bottle here has prescribed medicine for Pinkie Pie. She was telling me earlier that she hadn't taken her medicine for a few days because she's been in jail." Twilight explained. "It's clear to me that Pinkie Pie is acting like this because she's been separated from her meds. The court owes her for making her skip her medication."


"This pony is a killer. We owe her no such thing." Hope said.


"That has yet to be proven. That's why we are here."

"I have to agree on the defense on this one. I change my mind about your request." The Doctor said, show sympathy for Pinkie. "I will now call for a ten minute recess to let the defendant take her medication as requested. During the time, I'd advise the defense to bring her up to date."

Approving Twilight's request, The Doctor banged his gavel and called for the recess. There were a lot of mysteries in the case, but with Pinkie Pie's state, it would be impossible for those mysteries to be solved. Even then, after seeing Pinkie, Twilight became more concerned with Pinkie's health.

I knew it. Two pills of Anti-Magic-Purgers a day everyday has resulted in an addiction. Pinkie has been suffering from withdrawals and it's gotten worse since yesterday. Does this mean...does this mean I'll have to feed the addiction to save Pinkie? Why did this have to get so much more complicated?