//------------------------------// // Reflections // Story: The Continued Adventures of Tyro // by RainbowsAreMagic //------------------------------// Chapter 6: Reflections Rarity was deep in thought. Days had passed since the return of the pegasi, but while her friends prepared for a fight with Primus, she only felt conflicted. As she examined the Elements of Harmony for signs of wear or other problems, she reflected on the meaning of each, hoping for insight. First, of course, was her own Element of Generosity. The flawless violet gem it held shone in the light. Rarity carefully checked the setting, making sure it wasn't loose, before carefully examining every surface for imperfections... Generosity. Rarity remembered when she had first earned that Element, with her gift to the distressed serpent. "A meaningful gift," Twilight had called it. But how could her generosity help with this new threat? Primus needed nothing, desired nothing. Perhaps her generosity would be of better use helping her friends. She could be generous with her time, by doing whatever she could to help everypony else with their own tasks. Her inspection complete, Rarity set the jeweled necklace to one side, and picked up another. Looking at it, she saw it was Pinkie Pie's, the Element of Laughter. This one showed a little more wear than her own. One of the prongs had to be replaced, but that was all that seemed needed. But what did that Element really mean? Certainly, there was Pinkie Pie's literal, infectious laughter, but that wasn't what the Element symbolized. Pinkie Pie knew how to make ponies feel better, no matter how terrible the situation. Somehow, she found a way, and her cheer kept everypony trying their hardest, even when defeat seemed unavoidable. Laughter was powerful, but difficult to truly understand until that power made itself known. Pinkie Pie's laughter would keep everypony from losing hope. Which should be next, Rarity wondered as she finished cleaning the Element of Laughter. Perhaps Rainbow Dash's Element of Loyalty. Its red lightning bolt center sparkled as it was struck by a stray beam of sunlight. Like Rarity herself, Rainbow Dash took good care of the magical symbol she bore. The gem was secure, and the band accompanying it in perfect condition. What did Loyalty really mean, though? Dash had turned down the offer from the Shadowbolts in order to help her friends. (Fluttershy had told her that Luna had later made a similar offer, though that time without the ultimatum attached. Rarity briefly wondered what Dash's reaction had been to that.) She always stood up for her friends, even facing a dragon to try to keep them safe. Her loyalty gives her the courage and strength to face her foes. That bravery would be sorely needed in the days ahead, she thought. Rainbow Dash's finished, Rarity moved on to Applejack's, expecting the worst. The stone was loose in the setting, and the necklace was in poor repair. This one would take some time. What would Applejack think of all this? She believed in the simple, common sense she saw every day. Any problem could be solved with a little hard work; everything else could be ignored. Applejack would want to fight Primus, much as Rainbow Dash would, but for different reasons. However, Applejack had to be honest, both to others and to herself. She helped her friends be honest with themselves. Without that, success could be impossible. Finally, the Element of Honesty was in proper order once again. After a moment's thought, Rarity picked up Fluttershy's Element of Kindness. Of course, it had no damage at all, but still... What would Fluttershy do? She could be kind, pleasant, and meek, but once her anger rose, Fluttershy was a terror to behold. Her rage had intimidated a dragon once, and she could probably stare down the princesses themselves if they gave her reason to do so. Yet, Primus had done nothing to anyone. Something had to be done, but perhaps anger wasn't the way. Fluttershy's kindness might go a long way with this Primus, and perhaps there could be a better way. Maybe Primus didn't have to go, if he could understand that what he was doing would cause problems for ponies everywhere. If anyone could find a diplomatic solution, it would be Fluttershy. With the last of the necklaces examined, Rarity moved on to Twilight's tiara. The Element of Magic. It was the most powerful of the Elements, though not always the most appropriate. Magic could go wrong, like when Twilight was sent to Tyro's world, and when she unknowingly brought him back with her. Yet, magic was the centerpiece of the Elements, the focus of their greatest power. Without it, they were powerless. Such a powerful tool, but a dangerous one as well. It was a blessing that it was Twilight who bore the Element of Magic. Its power, in the wrong hands, would be disastrous. Twilight, thouh, she had the self-control needed to hold the power without becoming corrupted by it. Few ponies Rairity knew had such inner strength of will. Rarity was about to return the Elements of Harmony to the small box Twilight had given her, but then she saw something else, tucked away at the bottom. This necklace could never be confused of one of the Elements of Harmony. It bore silver decoration, instead of gold, and no gem lay within the amulet. No, this necklace bore a simple medallion, formed of onyx and monstone formed into the shape of a lunar eclipse. Remembering Tyro's cutie mark, also an eclipse, she identified this piece of jewelry as the Element of Balance, held by her new friend, Tyro. Rarity remembered the first time he had fought for his element. Rainbow Dash had broken a promise to Twilight, and all everypony was fighting about it, until Tyro stepped in to end the fight, carrying a waterlogged Rainbow Dash. He didn't care, he'd said, what the fight was about, only that there was one. It had disrupted the balance within their friendship, and he put an end to it. He had cleared the imbalance within the Elements, and that between their bearers. But how would a force for Balance react to Primus? The primordial, by nature, was an unbalancing force, his very presence upsetting the balance between all things. Tyro, then, would do anything to stop that being. His statement from before, she realized, was actually true: he would sacrifice himself, without hesitation, if it was the only way to stop Primus. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of his Element. With a shudder, Rarity packed up the Elements, and left the Boutique to return them to Twilight. A sign on the library door said she'd gone to Sweet Apple Acres. Rarity sighed, made room n her schedule to go to the spa later, and headed off to find out what Twilight was up to. Applejack took her to a small, empty field, which she said she was "leaving fallow" this year, whatever that meant. Twilight and Tyro had flattened out a large area, and seemed to be drawing heavy lines in the dirt . Rarity was the first to admit she didn't know a whole lot about magic, but she could tell that this was some kind of ritual, and whatever it did, it looked complex. Tyro looked up as she approached with the Elements in a small box. "I see you finished working on the elements. That's great! We're almost done with this. Would you like to watch? Don't worry, you won't be in any danger or anything." Rarity was always interested in seeing some fancy magic in action, so she agreed quickly. "Sure! Let's see it!"