An Equestrian Freedom

by FullMetalFurbee

Chapter 16: Day 11

Salvator's revelation had only begun to sink in. Twilight tried not to let her confusion overcome her. “Princess Luna, why don't you ever talk about him? Why didn't you tell me you had a brother? Why would you keep this knowledge from me all this time!?”
“Twilight, please calm down. Everything will be alright,” promised Luna.
“No it wont! Everything was normal before Salvator showed up! Now I learn that my kindhearted, beautiful Princess Celestia is a cruel tyrant and she has a long-lost brother? This is insanity! Why isn't there any proof of Salvator, or Gaius, or whatever his name is at the castle? Why did you try so hard to erase him from existence? He's your brother! If you were such good friends with him, Luna, why did you let all this happen!?” She had worked herself into quite the tizzy. After her rant, she moaned painfully and rubbed her sore back.
Luna looked hurt. “Twilight, things aren't that simple... you make it seem like I passively sat by and let things happen the way they did. I begged my sister not to send Gaius away. I pleaded her to let him stay and think about what she was doing. She's much more powerful than me, Twilight. My opinion didn't matter. She erased each and every reminder of him from Equestria and made me promise never to talk about him except in careful secret.”
Twilight slumped down against the wall. “Nothing makes sense anymore. Nopony around me is who they say they are, I don't know where my friends are, my life will never be the same, I feel like I'm crawling out of my skin...”
Salvator extended a hoof to comfort her. “Hey, easy.”
“Don't touch me!” she spat. “I don't even know what to think about you! Plotting to kill your own sister? Are you some kind of monster!? Haven't you ever heard of a thing called forgiveness!? I don't care what she did to you! You can't just kill somepony! Especially not royalty!”
“Kid, it ain't that simple,” he replied. “You're overgeneralizin' things.”
“Oh, and I suppose that justifies everything? You're immature and solipsistic!”
“You're right,” said Salvator. “You're right.”
Twilight slammed her hoof on the ground in anger. “I can't even tell what I'm feeling anymore. I – I need to get out of here. I'm going to the castle to see Princess Celestia. Let's go, Luna. We need to warn her that you're here, Salvator. Don't try to stop us.”
The King smiled. “I ain't tryin' to stop ya. You're all free to go.”
“Twilight...” Luna sighed.
“Princess, please! Celestia is in danger! I don't care if Salvator is your brother, we can't let him harm her!”
“Yes, but, there's more I need to talk about here.”
Twilight was ardent in her decision. “Fine! I'll go by myself!”
“Whoo, this is gettin' lively!” chimed Salvator. “Come on Luna, let's see her out the door!”
Luna stood in front of the door. “It's not safe out there, Twilight. Your back is still healing and your magic probably isn't back yet.”
“I'm not a child. I can take care of myself,” she retorted. She'd never found herself so visceral before. Normally she would cringe at speaking so frankly to Princess Luna. Her anger had boiled into her other emotions, allowing her to act solely out of passion. The feeling of power she felt frightened her.
The wind howled outside the bunker. She stormed on through the camp, ignorant of the curious stares from the soldiers. Her companions followed her out but didn't chase her.
“Please wait!” begged Luna.
“No! I have to see Celestia!”
Straight was the path to her goal. If she could just get to Celestia, she could clear her head. She kicked a crate of supplies out of her way without a second thought. Just as she'd about exited the camp, a commotion caught her attention. A group of soldiers yelled about something to the north. She suspended her crusade for a brief moment to observe the rabble. Four forms trudged into view. They were all huddled together out of fear or otherwise. One of them was noticeably larger than the others. Princess Cadance. She clutched her belly and breathed deeply. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash followed behind like ducklings after their mother. As soon as she and Cadance made eye contact, Twilight knew what was happening.
“Salvator!” she screamed. “Help her! She's in labor! Get her to your infirmary!” She galloped over to Cadance. “Easy, easy! Follow me...”
Cadance groaned and bit her lip.
“Somepony help her!” Twilight cried again.
Salvator casually marched on up to witness the spectacle for himself. “Who the hell is this, then? For the love of god, don't tell me it's another princess.”
“Yes, help her! She's about to have a baby!” demanded Twilight.
“Why should I care about some fru-fru pony's ability to successfully copulate? That ain't my problem.”
Luna quickly caught up and took Cadance over her shoulder. She glared disdainfully at Salvator. “Don't be heartless. Where is the infirmary?”
Salvator lit a cigar. “Ain't my problem! Why I should help?”
“Because,” Luna growled. “I'd do the same for you.”
Salvator looked as if his fun had been ruined. “Whatever. Over there.”
Luna and Cadance limped in the indicated direction. Pinkie and the others compliantly followed after them. Twilight ran up to her friends. “Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity! I can't believe it's really you!” She threw her hooves around Pinkie. “This is great! I'm so glad you're all okay! I've been worried sick about you all!”
Dash managed a weak “Hi.” All three were alarmingly silent. They avoided looking directly at her.
“What's wrong with you guys?” Twilight asked. She took notice of the absent yellow pegasus and orange earth pony. “Where are Fluttershy and Applejack? Are they alright?”
Her query went unanswered. She flagged it as odd, but didn't think much else at the moment. They all tailed Luna and Cadance. The nurses quickly took the pink alicorn in but shooed the rest of them away.
“Are there any more princesses, or is this one it?” Salvator sneered.
“Shut up Salvator,” hissed Twilight. “You stay away from her or else!”
He clapped his hooves together. “You're so feisty! I love it!”
“I can't help but worry about Cadance,” Luna chipped in. “Bringing a child into the world at such a harsh time can't be easy.”
“Aye,” agreed Neeson. He and Cian stood off to the side.
“I feel a little out of place here,” Cian explained. “I don't know any of these ponies.”
“It's quite alright,” said Twilight with a warm smile. “These are my friends Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. They're the ones we were searching for before we took off for Neighpal.”
“Pleasure to meet ya all,” said the colt to the silent mares. “My name is Cian and this here is my Granddad.”
They didn't respond very much at all.
“Well, at least now we know why the shield around the castle is down,” Twilight went on. “But why did you all decide to leave? It's much safer at the castle than it is out here! Rarity, why did you all leave?”
Rarity's mane covered her eyes. “She... she...”
“Who? Princess Celestia? Is she alright?”
“Celestia did it... said it was an accident.”
“Did what? Talk to me, here! What happened?”
Before the critical interrogation reached a pivotal moment, a long awaited sound split the air. To every ear in the camp came the shrill, piercing cry of an infant.
Twilight stopped trying to pry answers out of her disheveled friend. Instead she sprinted towards the source of the sound. She entered the infirmary and took a place next to Luna. They knelt down beside Cadance's bedside. She held a taught bundle of blankets. Inside was a wailing filly, pink as her mother. A tiny horn poked out of her forehead. Cadance stroked her newborn daughter softly.
“What's her name, dear?” asked Luna.
“Skyla,” replied Cadance with a weary smile. “Her name is Skyla.”
“Uh, Twilight, ya might wanna come see this.” Cian said from the entrance of the infirmary. He was lifting up the tent flap and peering outside. “I think another one of your friends is back.”
Twilight cantered over to him and followed his gaze. “Where at?”
“North, where the others just came from.”
She squinted. Sure enough, one more form approached the camp. “This is wonderful!” she cried. She bounded out of the tent. “Applejack! Applejack over here!”
AJ was heaving a massive cart behind her. It looked like she'd been in quite a rough scuffle. There was blood on her hooves.
“You're safe! You're safe, Applejack! Oh this is great!” gushed Twilight. “Where have you been all this time? Why didn't you come with the others? What's tha-”
Applejack looked at her. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy.
“H-have you been crying a lot?” questioned Twilight. Her friend's silence unsettled her.
AJ unhitched herself from the cart without a word and sat down on the cold ground. She buried her head in her hooves and softly cried once more.
“What's wrong? Please tell me! Are you hurt bad? We have an infirmary right over here!”
Still no response. Twilight had a sinking feeling. “Applejack?”
She took her focus off of her friend. “What is this thing you brought?”
Still nothing.
She slowly walked over to the huge cart. It was a miracle AJ had managed to heft the thing through the streets all by herself. It was essentially an ornate glass case with a black box inside. Twilight peered through the side into the box. Then, her entire life fell to pieces.
Sweet merciful Celestia...
Her eyes clouded with tears and she fell hard to her knees.
This can't be happening...This must be a nightmare...
Luna galloped over to her and Applejack. “Twilight what's -” Her gaze fell onto the open casket. “Oh my god...”
Out of nowhere, Twilight screamed into the heavens. She screamed until it hurt and her throat was raw. “Who did this!? Who did this to Fluttershy!? WHO!?” She grabbed Applejack's shoulders. “Did you do this!? Answer me!”
“Get off of me!” snapped AJ. She shoved Twilight off and climbed to her hooves. “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you outta your damn mind? I didn't kill her! Where have you been all this time!? Ya coulda' saved her! She'd be alive right now if you hadn't run away!”
Again, Twilight roared skyward. A flaming violet aura radiated from her horn. She slammed her hooves into the ground and screamed again. The aura spread until her whole form was consumed by a blazing purple fire. “SALVATOR!” she screeched.
The King was standing outside the infirmary, awestruck at the sight. Twilight rushed at him with the fury of a terrifying storm. She bulldozed him into ground and clobbered him with her hoof. “What did you do!? You bastard!” Her eyes pulsed white as she summoned her magic.
“Stop! Stop it Twilight!” cried Luna desperately.
Twilight wasn't hearing any of it. A deadly ball of energy formed on the tip of her horn. “I'm going to kill you!”
Salvator forcefully kicked her off and vaulted onto her. He pinned her to the ground and drove his elbow hard into her back. “I didn't kill Fluttershy! I didn't do jack shit!”
Twilight howled in agony. She could feel her injured bones creaking, ready to shatter once more. The pain completely paralyzed her. Salvator climbed off of her, leaving her sprawled in the dirt with a face frozen in a silent scream of torment.
“She attacked me! You all saw that!”
Harrowing rage quickly flooded back into Twilight and replaced her pain. She got up. The blazing aura returned and she ignored her injured back. “WHO DID THIS TO FLUTTERSHY!?”
Princess Luna unfurled her wings and took flight. Her Royal Canterlot Voice boomed throughout the camp. “TWILIGHT SPARKLE! STOP!”
The purple alicorn whipped her head wildly from side to side. Her indignation only continued to grow as no one offered her any answers. Luna swooped down toward her. She winced and prepared for a jarring collision. Instead, she felt a soft flurry of feathers descend upon her. “I'm sorry...” Luna said with a breaking voice. She hugged Twilight tightly but couldn't keep the tears at bay. “I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...”
“Fluttershy can't be gone,” whispered Twilight. “She can't be gone... She can't be...”
Luna rocked her back and forth softly. “I'm so sorry, Twilight. She's in a better place now. She's in a better place.”
“What are you talking about?” Twilight choked out in between sobs.
“She's in a place where nothing can hurt her. She's safe and happy. Trust me.”
Twilight didn't understand what she was talking about, but the words helped take the edge off the crippling sorrow. “A-are you s-sure?”
Luna nodded softly. She kept Twilight in her embrace. “Everything is fine. Everything is fine...”
Applejack and the others were all huddled together, while Salvator still stood and watched from the infirmary.
“I know who's responsible,” spoke Applejack finally. “We all know who's responsible.”
Twilight wasn't listening. She hid her face away, lost in the throes of mourning. Applejack slowly walked to her and rested a hoof on her shoulder. “I shouldn't have yelled at ya. It wasn't your fault. Forgive me...”
Twilight murmured something.
“Sorry sugarcube, I- I can't hear ya...”
“Who killed her...?”
Applejack didn't respond and Twilight was forced to answer her own question. “Celestia?”
“It must have been. There's no other explanation...”
Twilight pulled away from Luna's hug and shivered violently. “I can't do this anymore. I – I can't... I want to wake up from this nightmare... Or maybe I'll just lie down and sleep. I'll just... sleep... ”
Salvator appeared in front of them. “It'll all be over soon,” he promised. “Let me also say that I am deeply and honestly sorry for your loss. I met Fluttershy a few days ago. Ain't never seen a pony as kindhearted as she is. We'll give her a proper burial first thing in the morning. We'll make sure she's laid to rest properly, and we'll never forget her. We'll keep her in our hearts and we'll march to the castle. This won't go unpunished.”
“My Princess, my Celestia did this,” Twilight said into the air. “She couldn't have done this... How... How could she have done this?”
“Ask her tomorrow,” said Salvator. “I'm sure she'll be happy to answer you.”
“But she couldn't have done this... She's caring and honest and fair... She would never dream of hurting anypony... especially not Fluttershy...”
Salvator shrugged. “I'm sorry, kid. I really am. If ya still want to kill me and save Celestia, save it for tomorrow.”
“I don't know... I don't know anything anymore...” said Twilight. “I don't know...”
She gazed up at the gray sky and wondered how a single day could change her world forever. She lay down on the frozen ground as a whole new wave of sobs overtook her.