//------------------------------// // In Harm's Way // Story: Secret Agent Macintosh: The Statues of Canterlot // by islandsun //------------------------------// Chapter Four In Harm’s Way “We don’t need the doctor’s help,” said Captain Jack firmly, his face set with distaste. He and Luna stood over a disheveled Big Mac in the Torchwood Hub. Behind him, Lyra was applying the rift equations, much to the relief of the other Torchwood ponies. The Chaos Magic’s effects were swiftly subdued. Big Mac was covered in stone dust and dirt, his grandfather’s suit all but ruined. He stared at Jack desperately. “Well, that’s what you said!” “Jack,” Luna began carefully, shifting her concerned gaze between Big Mac and the Captain, “I have reservations about contacting the Time Lord as well. I have seen the destruction he can leave in his wake, but it was you that requested his presence.” “You don’t understand! It doesn’t matter if we need him. He isn’t coming. I’ve been looking for that stallion for three hundred years. If there was a quick, easy way to find him, don’t you think I would have tried it by now?” replied Jack. “I-i don’t know much about this Doctor fellow, but if the Angels are going to do what you say they’re going to do, don’t we need to find Celestia and evacuate the foals?” asked Sergeant Wildaberry, trotting slowly up behind Big Mac. The other ponies paused. “She’s right,” decided Jack, “It’s all we can do for the moment.” He turned to Luna. “You should stay here; if the Angels get ahold of you too there would be nothing we could do to stop them.” Luna sighed. “Very well. But assure us you will be cautious with these creatures prowling our halls.” “I’ll do my best,” said Jack as he and Wildaberry made for the exit. Big Macintosh hesitated, his hooves refusing to move after them. “B-but ya’ll…” he whispered, closing his eyes. “Ya’ll didn’t see it…” The picture in his mind did not go to the desolate landscape, the shattered stained glass, or even the broken Weeping Angel. It went to the image of Applebloom’s abandoned red bow. He hadn’t wanted to leave Jack in that destroyed world. It made a dark void grow in his stomach when his partner urged him on, explaining that if he succeeded the desolate timeline would be destroyed. And if he failed... then it meant Applebloom and Applejack and everypony else would have died because he couldn’t find a way to stop the Angels. He would have failed to do his job.   “No,” he said, shaking his head. He found the strength in his limbs again, and went chasing after his comrades. “I will stop them. And if I have to, I will find the Doctor,” he declared, determination thick in his voice. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Princess Celestia trotted with trepidation through the halls of her palace. She felt that something was amiss, but she wasn’t sure what. It wasn’t just that she hadn’t seen any Guards at all. And it wasn’t just Discord running loose. There was something in the air making her feel uneasy. The last time she had felt that…was when a certain rogue Captain tried to pour the sun through the rift. Her link with the strange anomaly was trying to tell her something. She paused, realizing what she had to do. As she began to trot down the hall with revived purpose, she failed to hear the ominous sound of fluttering wings behind her, creeping closer. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 “Keep your eyes peeled!” ordered Captain Jack as he glanced back watchfully. The three ponies were racing down the corridor, headed for the atrium and the collection of foals in immediate danger. Unlike the two stallions whose faces were dead serious, Sergeant Wildaberry grinned as she galloped. “So, we’re really fighting to stop the end of the world?” she asked, keeping pace with Big Mac. He nodded solemnly. “Great. It’ll be nice to have one final adventure before this old mare gets put to rest.” Big Macintosh raised his eyebrows. “Well, it won’t be your last adventure if we succeed. You’d still be a Royal Guard.” “Normally you’d be right…” she began. Her happy demeanor disappeared, and tinges of sadness crept into her voice, “but I won’t be a Royal Guard for much longer. You see, the reason I had to transfer to Canterlot from the Everfree patrol was because...because…because I accidentally, just a tinsy winsy bit, assaulted Prince Blueblood when he was there for an inspection.” “What? Why?!” “It’s a long story. I thought he was a chimera, and then there was this futon, and a shipment of peanut brittle. But he was alright in the end, sort of. I mean, a couple cracked ribs never killed anypony right?” she hung her head in shame. “I’ve been able to keep things quiet from my superiors this long since he’s been in a coma, but now Blueblood is making a case of it in the Canterlot Courts. Once Captain Shining Armor or Princess Celestia find out I’ll be dishonorably discharged from the guard. And…I don’t know, thrown in prison or something.” Big Macintosh blinked, staring speechlessly at the military mare. “So thanks. Thank you for letting me have this. A mare couldn’t ask for a better adventure than saving the world,” said Wildaberry sincerely. “Oh, um, you’re welcome,” was all Big Macintosh could manage before he found himself sliding to a stop in the atrium, surrounded by foals. They were huddled off into small groups, talking idly, bored expressions on all their faces. The teacher stood off to the side, talking to each other in between sending glances to the respective flocks they shepherded. They all suspended their conversations when they saw the newcomers, surprised by their swift entrance. “Hello everypony! My name is Captain Jack Harkness, and I regret to inform you all that a situation has arisen in the palace which requires your immediate evacuation. We will be teleporting you all in groups of four to a safe location,” shouted Jack over the attentive crowd. He was about to continue when a little filly with a pink coat raised her hoof: Diamond Tiara. “But none of you three are unicorns,” she pointed out. Everypony looked to the Captain expectantly. Jack was just about to answer when he was interrupted for a second time. “Wait!” exclaimed Big Mac, suddenly panicking. “Where’s Applebloom!?”   A murmur went through the group; none of the Cutie Mark Crusaders were in their midst. Both Big Mac and Miss Cheerilee began to pale and look around desperately. “Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo!” she called out. “Applebloom!” He pushed into the crowd of students, searching their faces. But Applebloom’s yellow fur and little red bow were nowhere to be found. “Abblebloom!” he shouted desperately. He had already felt what it was like to lose her once today. He didn’t want to feel it again. “Applebloom!” “Yeah?” spoke a confused voice behind him. Big Macintosh whirled around. There she was, with her two friends, glasses of chocolate milk in their hooves with colorful little bendy straws. “Applebloom!” he exclaimed, scooping her into his hooves and hugging her tightly. She tensed up in surprise, her chocolate milk spilling onto the ground. “Ya’ alright, Big Mac?” asked Applebloom, still not sure what was going on. She was quickly plopped back onto the ground, a lecturing hoof pointed at her. “Don’t you know better not to wander off like that, young missy.” “We just went to get some chocolate milk,” she protested. “Applebloom,” Big Mac said sternly. “Yeah, I know…I won’t do it again,” she promised, looking down. “Good,” he replied, before glancing back to the others. “Like Cap’n Jack was saying. We need to evacuate. There is a clear and present danger in the palace. We’ll teleport ya’ll out with these magic infused devices!” he held up the hoof with his Vortex Manipulator on it. He didn’t have enough time or will to explain its true nature, which was probably classified anyway. “Wait…” said Sweetie Belle, looking concerned. “What kind of danger?” “That doesn’t matter,” Jack interjected, trotting towards Big Macintosh. “What does matter is that the Princess and her ponies are dealing with the threat. At the moment we need you to get into groups of four. When you’re ready you’ll need to put your hooves on the device.” “What about you, Big Mac? Will you be coming with us?” asked Applebloom, beginning to sound frightened. Big Macintosh looked down into her worried eyes, and put on a thin smile for her. “They’ll need my help.” “But-” began Applebloom. “I’ll be alright,” he said. “I’m always alright, aren’t I?” She hesitated. “I suppose…” “Now you’ve got to go. Everypony gather around!” The teleportation only took but two minutes, depositing all the fillies and colts at Donut Joe’s Coffee Shop. After everypony had been evacuated, they began plucking some of the magical floating donuts out of the air, much to the behest of Donut Joe. Jack, Big Mac, and Sergeant Wildaberry took advantage of the distraction and regrouped. “So, I take it we need to find Celestia now?” asked Wildaberry. The others nodded in agreement. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Telltail Twirler hummed to himself as he headed out of the bathroom stall, the toilet still flushing behind him. They had really nice toilets in the palace, ones made out of solid granite. It may have been a bit cold, but the experience of sitting on a proverbial throne of granite was worth it. The smirk melted off his face as he slowly trotted back to the Atrium, where he had just left his Class. The room, which was just a few minutes ago filled with his classmates and strangers from Ponyville, was empty. He swallowed. “H-hello…hello!” he called. “Anypony?!” He looked back and forth worriedly, the feeling of being lost beginning to overwhelm him. He started to wander down the hall. “Anypony?!” he called again, going farther into the palace. He did not know where his path would lead. 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Celestia frowned, staring at the open doors to the reinforced vault in Canterlot Tower. She had spent a good eleven hours casting overly complicated spell after overly complicated spell on the walls only three months ago, in hope to make it impenetrable to any foe wishing to steal the Elements of Harmony. Of course, she hadn’t counted on Discord. She had learned a long time ago there was very little she could do to prevent his antics, only steps she could take to stop things from getting out of hoof when they occurred. Beyond comprehending his complete and utter insanity, she couldn’t understand him. And she should understand him better than anypony; she had known him since she was only a foal. It would take a better pony than her to understand that jumbled mess of a sapient being. And finding a better pony than her was a pretty difficult thing to do. She sighed, and began to pace forward, into the vault. She inspected the walls, wondering how Discord had managed to grab the Elements right from under her nose. She ignored the sound of fluttering wings behind her, and kept going forward towards the other side of the vault, where the discarded box for the Elements lay. The Weeping Angel smiled as it reached forward with its stone grey hoof, almost brushing the hairs of a cosmic, rainbow colored tail. “Princess!” shouted Jack’s voice behind her. She turned around, and took a step back from the offending statue. She clicked her tongue. “What mischievous things these creatures are,” she said, keeping her eyes on it as she made for the way out of the vault. “The Doctor is good for a few things, I suppose. Like dealing with these…angels. But it seems the first stage of your plan has worked, Captain Harkness.” She slammed the door loudly behind her, sealing the angel inside. Those walls might not have been able to stop Discord, but maybe it would work on a creature of slightly lesser power. Captain Jack, Big Macintosh, and Sergeant Wildaberry emerged from their hiding spot where they had been waiting to see if the Angels would take the bait of the immortal Princess. Jack smiled proudly. “That’s one down, three to go.” As if on cue, two more Weeping Angels moved into his peripherals from the shadows. Big Macintosh and Jack leaped forward, going to Celestia’s side, each of their eyes trained on a different Angel. Sergeant Wildaberry went to retrieve something from their hiding place. “Princess, I am going to have to advise you to retreat. We no longer have the element of surprise on our side. We can’t afford to let them send you into the past,” said Jack, standing defensively between her and an Angel. Celestia frowned, her horn aglow with power. “I’d like to see if I can make a difference in this fight first, Captain Harkness.” A bright beam of light aimed at Jack’s angel burst from her horn. It was so bright that it forced Jack to flinch. When the beam abated the angel stood several hoofs closer. “Normal magic won’t work on them, now go!” urged Jack. “We’ll find a way to stop them,” said Big Macintosh, staring down his own angel. His words were less of a promise to the Princess, and more of a pep talk to himself. A resounding BOOM came from behind them, and then another, the Weeping Angel inside was trying to break out. Celestia hesitated. “I will send more Torchwood agents to your assistance. Can I trust you will survive until they come?” “Always,” said Jack. “Eeeyup,” replied Big Mac, smiling grimly. Another boom came forth from the vault, this time accented with the sound of stone cracking. “Good luck,” said Celestia before she teleported away. Big Mac swallowed, pacing backwards towards Jack, never taking his eyes off the Angel. Jack reached into his pocket and withdrew his revolver, even though he knew it wouldn’t do him much good. “Sergeant Wildaberry, you still there?” he called out. “Of course I am!” she replied, dragging a rocket launcher out from behind a column, several rockets in a belt were draped across her neck and shoulders. “Sergeant Indomitable Wildaberry, present and reporting for duty!” She grinned, loading a rocket down the barrel of her really big gun. “Be careful which way you point that thing,” said Jack, “It’s capable of blowing hole through a steel, concrete, magically reinforced wall three hooves thick. Getting up after being hit with one of those is never a pleasant process.” “Duly noted!” said Wildaberry cheerfully. “Are you sure this will work?” asked Big Mac, uncertain. “Nope,” replied Jack. “But it’s worth a try, isn’t it?” “You bet your ass it is!” shouted Wildaberry, aiming the rocket launcher straight at one of the approaching Angels.  At the same time that the Sergeant pulled back the trigger, the vault wall began crumble. The resulting cacophony of gunfire, explosions, flying aliens, and chaos was enough to cause Big Macintosh to blink. When he regained his composure, his Angel had cut the distance in between them in half. He gritted his teeth. He could still hear Jack and Wildaberry fighting behind him, but he dared not take his eyes off his statue. Behind the Angel he noticed a stained glass window. Suddenly, an idea came to him. He trudged forward, resolving not to blink as rock and debris flew past him from another explosion. Eventually, he was almost nose to nose with the Angel, staring it down. It’s mouth was agape, displaying its fearsome stone fangs to him, as if it wanted to take a bite right out of him. And that was when he realized he had to blink. “Dammit,” he muttered, maneuvering his way behind the Angel and taking a few steps back before succumbing to the urge. When he opened his eyes he found himself once again nose to nose with the Angel, only a moment away from zapping him off. He leaned back. Maybe they could still see when they were frozen. He kept going backwards, until he could feel the cold glass window against his flank. Then, he took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. He counted off exactly one second before ducking down and sliding to the side. He heard the sound of glass breaking above him. He grinned and opened his eyes. He caught the Angel just as it was trying to recover from crashing through the window. Without the ability to flap its wings, it plummeted to the ground four stories below them. “Yes!” he exclaimed victoriously, peering out the window. He blinked once to be sure that it wasn’t getting back up, and then turned around towards the fray. A thick cloud of stone dust had formed in the center of the room, and things had fallen deathly silent. Big Mac frowned, and trotted towards it. “Jack? Sergeant Wildaberry?” he called. The Captain stumbled out of the dust cloud, coughing and a line of blood dripping off his chin. “Jack! Where’s Wildaberry?” asked Big Macintosh, galloping towards him. “Right here, Big Red!” said the Sergeant, sitting up with a smile, and the now beaten up rocket launcher in her hooves. “Now that’s what I call fun! Nothing quite like using weapons banned by the United Nations. Can we do it again?” “Did you kill them?” asked Big Mac anxiously. Wildaberry shrugged. “Probably,” she said brightly. Sergeant Wildaberry’s body jerked forward. Her bright demeanor suddenly disappeared. “Ohh…no…they’re not dead…” The dust behind her began to fall away, revealing an Angel with a wing clean blasted off. Its hoof was embedded in Wildaberry’s body. Jack and Big Mac rushed over to her. The stone hoof protruded bloodily from her chest. She looked down at her own gaping wound, frowning. “Huh. Looks like it just grazed my heart,” she observed, shock preventing the pain from registering quite yet. “We need to get the hoof out of ya!” exclaimed Big Mac, beginning to panic. “Nah, I doubt that’d do much good. With a hole that big, I’ll probably bleed out before you could get me…get me…” She coughed, spewing blood out of her mouth. She groaned. “Jack! We need to do something,” said Big Macintosh desperately. He turned to his partner, who was staring past the Sergeant. The second Weeping Angel emerged from the settling dust, the left half of its face broken off. It looked even more hideous now. But it was still alive. Past that, the third Angel was trying to climb back through the window, unharmed from its fall. He swallowed. “You two should head back to the elevator…try to mount a defensive,” said Wildaberry weakly. “I should say…it’s been a hell of an adventure for this old mare.” She grinned, trying to suppress another cough. “No! Don’t talk like that, we can get you out of here!” he said, trying to type something into his Vortex Manipulator, but his hoof kept shaking, and hitting the wrong button. Her face grew pained as her hoof inched towards the trigger of the rocket launcher, its barrel aimed at her chest. “Thank you, Captain…thank you, Big Mac…” “No…” whispered Big Macintosh, shaking his head.   “Come on,” said Jack softly, taking Big Mac’s hoof and guiding it over to his vortex manipulator. “It’s been an honor, Sergeant,” said Jack, saluting with his free hoof. Wildaberry kept smiling. Big Macintosh only looked on in abject disbelief when Jack brought his hoof down, and they both disappeared. Sergeant Indomitable Wildaberry heaved one last painful sigh. “Funny thing, Captain. I figured I made for a pretty poor Royal Guard…always fighting for the wrong reason…it was never for Princess and Country…just for the chaos of the battle. Glad I didn’t end up as a statue…I hate statues…” She pulled the trigger.