An Equestrian Freedom

by FullMetalFurbee

Chapter 19

“Ya know somethin' else about Sombra,” said Salvator. “I can tell by the look on your face.”
“My friends and I went to the Empire,” Twilight explained with a mild guilt. “Celestia told me that I had to save the crystal ponies and neutralize Sombra as a test. I was missing most of the story the entire time.”
“So you're sayin' that it was your hoof that finally killed him for good?”
“Indirectly. It was the crystal heart. In the end, he fell to its magic. The heart itself is still there today, protecting the Empire.”
“That means that half of Sombra's soul is too.”
They neared the precipice of the camp. The soldiers had mostly finished packing up their belongings already. The ground was positively littered with empty beer bottles.
“So,” Twilight spoke, “how did you eventually find out what happened? Nopony would have known about the incident except Celestia and the crystal ponies.”
Salvator moved about, gathering maps and documents into a satchel. “I didn't know.”
Twilight scoffed. “What? You've said more than once that you knew what happened to Sombra.”
Salvator shook his head. “Not what happened. Only that he never returned from the Empire. All I knew for sure was that his mission failed and he never came home.”
Twilight insisted on discrediting his claim. “The journal though! You knew the last few pages were about what happened!”
“So? That doesn't mean I read 'em.”
“If you're serious then that means neither of us really knew until just now,” Twilight stated in bafflement.
“Yeah,” confirmed Salvator. “Great job, kid. You're a genius. Now can we drop it? I don't like talkin' about Sombra. I miss him too much.”
“Of course,” said Twilight. “But, wow.”
An old stallion overheard the commotion and cantered up to the two, obviously acting worried. It was Neeson. “I still haven't found Cian,” he said. “Damn fool's nowhere in camp. Twilight, King Salvator, you two haven't seen him anywhere have you? I need to talk to him right away.”
“No Neeson, I'm sorry,” Twilight responded. “I'll be sure to keep an eye out. He probably isn't far away. Why would he have reason to be?”
“How should I know? He just ran off in the middle of the night! That isn't like him at all. Your Majesty, have you seen him?”
Salvator put on his expressionless face. “I ain't seen him.”
Princess Luna walked up to the group after eavesdropping on the conversation. “Very troubling indeed, Neeson. We'll all look for him.” She turned to Salvator. “You're telling the truth, right?”
He glared at her. “I said I ain't seen him.”
“I'm sure he's just fine,” said Twilight.
Neeson grumbled to himself. “There's somethin' I need to tell him. It's real important. Ya all don't understand how badly I need to talk to him.”
“We will do all that we can,” said Luna. “Just stay vigilant.”
“Right. So, are we done?” grilled Salvator impatiently. “I don't have all day here. I have places to go, ponies to see.”
Neeson stormed off, unwilling to put up with Salvator's selfishness. Salvator shrugged and disassembled a tent. “Luna, Twilight, you two should head to the castle and make your amends with Celestia. As soon as I'm finished here, we're comin'. My troops from the other cities are already on their way. I'll keep a couple of soldiers here until Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash get back. They can help look after Cadance when they return.”
Twilight felt Luna's hoof on her shoulder. “He's right. I'm going to fly to the castle. Would you like to come too?”
“Oh yes. I think that's long overdue. I want some answers,” said Twilight.
“Very well. Let us not waste words. It's high time we talked to my sister.”


A few tiny snowflakes fell as Luna and Twilight landed just outside the circumference of the shield in front of the castle's drawbridge. Inside, droves upon droves of royal guards stood in wait. The guards recognized the two princesses outside and immediately chattered excitedly amongst themselves. Luna brushed a snowflake off of her face and summoned a magic orb. “Twilight and I are outside, Celestia. Lower your shield.”
It seemed as if she wouldn't respond. Nothing happened. Twilight tapped impatiently on the magical barrier and tried to see if she could spot her brother inside with the guards. No such luck. The ranks of Equestrian soldiers held formation without Shining Armor.
There was a brief flash of light behind them. The princesses quickly whipped around. Celestia dusted herself off from the teleportation. She smiled as if seeing two long lost friends. Without a word she walked up and hugged them both. Twilight relaxed and hugged her ruler tightly. It was as if all of the last twelve days simply didn't matter. Every doubt, every premonition vanished. She basked in the comfort of Celestia's presence and let go of all the gnawing fears she carried just moments ago. This wasn't the same sun goddess who could break down and sob or lash out in outrage. This was a confident, shining symbol of reason.
“Twilight, Luna,” Celestia said happily. “How I've long awaited for your return... I thought you had run away! I'm so glad you're here now.”
Twilight looked up at her excitedly. “We'd never run away. It's been so long, Princess. I missed you so much...”
“I missed you too, Twilight – and you, Luna! I can't tell you two how thankful I am that this is all over now. With you two here, we can end this madness. I'm so relieved! It will finally be over.”
Luna smiled. “It's good to see you too, sister. However I wouldn't consider yourself out of the woods yet. There is much that needs to be discussed. Not to mention, Salvator is on his way up here right now with his soldiers. We're not safe yet.”
“I see,” Celestia said. “Our troops are ready and we have reinforcements on the way. He will not get into this castle. Not again. We will slay him before he comes close.”
“So that's it,” Twilight thought aloud. “You're going to kill your brother.”
Celestia glanced at her. “So you know of his origins then. Did Luna tell you?”
“Actually, we spent a good deal of time with him,” Luna interjected. “His soldiers took us captive the second we got back to Canterlot from Neighpal. After several little talks, he let us go.”
Celestia scoffed. “So that's what you meant by 'complications.' I'll bet Salvator was more than happy to see you again. It figures that he'd let you go.”
“It was very emotional for both of us to meet after all this time. I will admit that,” said Luna.
A question came to Twilight. “Princess Celestia, you seem pretty cynical about this. Would you have expected Salvator to act differently? From what I've heard, he wouldn't have any reason to distrust me or Luna.”
“He always considered Luna the better sister,” Celestia told her. “He would always argue and gripe at me, acting like he had to tolerate my existence. He made me feel worthless and dumb. Not a day went by that he didn't try suggesting a better way to do this or that. Then he would detach from me as much as possible as if he'd simply given up.”
Luna nodded. “I recall that he did spend more time with me, yes. Although I never noticed his hostility toward you, Celestia. Did he act this way discreetly?”
“Oh yes. Up until the very day he was exiled. I couldn't bear his anarchistic rantings any longer. He didn't care about freedom. He just wanted to introduce chaos. How can you not remember that, Luna?”
“All I remember was his anger at life. At the time I thought it must have been justified. He was so passionate about his beliefs. I never knew the context.”
Celestia almost laughed. “It was far from justified.” She turned to Twilight. “He attempted to undermine me at every possible opportunity. Now we're getting to the heart of the problem. The root of all evil here is the throne. Gaius, uh, Salvator, wanted the throne. The power. The only reason it went to Luna and I at all is because we were the first and second born. He didn't come in until much later. Quite frankly, his birth was probably an accident.”
“That's harsh,” Twilight said. “But that still doesn't explain what he told us. Even if what you're saying is truth, that doesn't account for you cursing him. He said that you're the reason he'll never become and alicorn.”
Celestia portrayed a look of guilt. “Yes. There's no way to dance around that one. I stemmed his magical growth when he was very young. But you must believe that I had my reasons. He's my own brother. I would not have committed such a heinous act if I didn't wholeheartedly consider it necessary and sufficient to do so. I could see the evil in his heart. I could see the things not even Luna could. He would have killed me far beforehand if I hadn't cut off his power. He's a saint gone astray with a scepter and a gun. There's something wrong with him, Twilight. Even back then he was emotionless and distant. To this day he blames me for literally everything that happens to him. Every minor inconvenience becomes my fault all of a sudden. Haven't you noticed that?”
“Yes. I gathered that,” Twilight confirmed. “Some of his theories are pretty ridiculous.”
Their conversation was cut short by a low rumbling. The sounds of an approaching army. Twilight looked around fretfully. “What is that? Salvator can't already be here, can he?”
Celestia only smiled. “Not to worry. Our reinforcements are here.”
Climbing their way up the mountain were two monstrous lines of infantry. The noble buffalo tribes marched quickly and banged frenetic songs onto their bongos to create a warlike feel. They numbered in the upper hundreds. Chief Thunderhooves and his not-so-Appaloosan tribe lead the charge. He carried a thick lantern-like caber with a sacred balefire burning bright at the pinnacle. The sky over the buffalo was blotted with even larger, more terrifying creatures. There were far fewer of them, but their presence intimidated Twilight. Dragons.
“They owe allegiance to Equestria,” Celestia explained. “Both species. I asked for their assistance and they happily offered to help. Their timing is impeccable! The brewing storm is almost ready to rage.”
Princess Luna gazed at the legions. “That's impressive, sister! I hadn't even thought of something like this!”
“It's a good thing I did, then,” Celestia said. “Although I'm not sure where the gryphons are.
They must be running behind. As are our pegasi. In any case, we're very well protected here. So much so that I'm going to lower the shield now. Our boys are getting antsy in there.”
Her horn took on a luminous glow, and she launched a white sphere of magic into the gigantic hemisphere around the castle. The shot sizzled as it struck, burning through the barrier as if it was a thin film of ice. The entry wound widened and continued to melt away until the castle was completely unprotected. Celestia took flight and turned to address her soldiers. “Wondrous news! Our brothers in arms have arrived to fight on our behalf! Let us rejoice and welcome them warmly!”
The royal guard cheered and raised their spears high into the air. Celestia then turned to the dragons and buffalo as they arrived to report in.
“Welcome! Ready yourselves, brave warriors! Today we push back that which threatens our very freedom! We prove Equestria's might!”
Chief Thunderhooves let out a hearty cry and raised his staff. The dragons roared along with the rest, itching for blood. The royal guard approached the other soldiers. They all welcomed each other with salutes and slaps on the back. Celestia landed and made her way to the other commander-in-chiefs.
“I need to have a private conversation with tribe's leaders,” she said to Twilight and Luna. “I'd recommend taking shelter in the castle for the next few hours. Twilight, there's no way you're going to fight out here. Luna, come with me if you would.”
“Very well. As you wish.” said Luna.
“I'll head inside, but...” Twilight hesitated to finish.
“Yes?” Celestia patiently asked.
“Are you going to be out here fighting?”
“Yes. Salvator has invaded my country, slandered my name and forced me to act in ways I never would have otherwise. But the worst part is, he put you in danger. I cannot allow that. He will be dealt with accordingly.”
Twilight didn't like feeling useless. “I wish I could help.”
“You've helped by surviving. Now you can help by staying out of harm's way. Let me take care of my own demons. Your hardship is over. You've won your part of the battle. Besides, there are two handsome young men in the library that are waiting to meet you. Now go.”
Twilight didn't understand. “What?”
Celestia smiled and waved. “Go!”
Twilight trotted onto the drawbridge away from the cold, partially snowy battlefield.
What is she talking about?
The royal guard bowed and saluted her as she walked by. Inside the castle was devoid of life. It reminded her of the very first day when Celestia had summoned her. Day one of the invasion. Back then, her entire world was concealed tightly within the borders of Equestria. There was no outside. Thinking back, she couldn't believe her own naivete just days before. Life was idyllic. Censored, mandated, carefully predetermined. She missed the certainty of routine, but not the blind faith of ignorance.
She turned the hall leading to the library. She pushed open the doors and entered, looking around expectantly. A little baby dragon sat at a wooden table, lost in a comic book. He had dark purple scales and a green fringe on his head. Twilight's heart fluttered. The juvenile didn't notice her standing there watching.
“Ahem.” voiced Twilight.
Spike looked up from a book he was reading and spotted his mentor. With a cry of delight, he threw the book to the side and sprinted over to her. “Twilight!” He hugged her leg tightly. “Where have you been? I was so sacred! We were all down in a dark bunker and I couldn't find you anywhere!”
Twilight knelt down and squeezed Spike with a sense of maternal affection. “Don't worry. I'm here now. I'm right here. It's going to be okay.” She nuzzled him. “I'm sorry I didn't take you with me. It was wrong of me not to think of you too. Please don't be too angry with me.”
“Not at all!” Spike assured her. “I'm just amazed you're here! Now that you're here, everything will be fine!”
Her heart swelled with pride. “Oh Spike, quit. You're making me blush. I missed you too,” she said. “And boy do I have stories for you!”
“I can't wait to hear them.” another figure cut in. In the midst of the heartwarming reunion, Twilight had failed to notice a second dignitary standing off to the side. Shining Armor limped up to her and Spike. Half of his face was shrouded in taut layers of gauze and medical tape. His leg was also wrapped in a slightly bloody bandage. Seeing her brother's bodily condition elicited a gasp from Twilight. She set Spike down and scrambled to the injured captain.
“Big brother! What - what happened to you? Your face!” Twilight cried sorrowfully.
Elated beyond words that his sister had come, Shining opted to laugh off her lament. “Typical Twily. Always a worry wart. How about a 'hello' first, eh? You know. 'So glad to see you?'”
“Of course I am!” gushed Twilight in an emotional fervor. “I've been wondering where you were for days! I've been worrying myself to death over you!”
Shining chuckled. “Come on now. Worrying never helped anypony. I just wish I could have met up with you before now. Maybe with your help I could have avoided my accident. You see, I was away for a bit. On a special operations mission. I can't remember what happened, but Princess Celestia said somepony attacked me and I lost my memory. They got me pretty bad, huh?”
Twilight lifted a hoof to his face and softly touched his non-bandaged cheek; a creeping suspicion coagulated in the shadows of her mind. “Yeah... What happened? Where did you go?”
“Apparently I was sent somewhere far north to keep an eye on a special agent. The pony in question realized I was spying on them, and decided to get aggressive. Burned my face pretty good with magic. They don't know for sure, but,” He paused and looked away, “I might not be able to see out of this eye anymore.”
“No... you must be joking...” said Twilight, feeling like she might lose her stomach.
Shining Armor's smile weakened. “Life is tough, huh? At least I'm alive. At least we're both alive. How have you been, little sis? Been staying out of all this craziness I hope.”
Twilight wanted to cry.
This is what Luna meant... Celestia did something to him... He defected...
“Are you okay?” Spike cautiously asked. “Twilight?”
Several gunshots sounded outside the castle. A dull roar began and continued without halt.
Spike jumped and dove under the nearest table. “What's that!?” he cried.
“That can only mean Salvator is here,” said Twilight. “The battle has begun.”