//------------------------------// // You Can Be My Fluttershy // Story: You Can Be My Fluttershy // by IggitaBiggita //------------------------------// Boxes were piled up everywhere. I lay on my floor, looking at the ceiling while the men outside brought in more boxes into my house from their U-Hauls. I wondered about how long this will take, depending how many boxes I really packed in those trucks. My mom told me to pack everything that I owned in the house. She said that she didn't want to see a speck of Alexis anywhere. I would of complained, but she was just too happy to see me leave. I think that those men have been putting in about over a hundred boxes into my house without a care. My music was bursting out of my headphones so I didn't hear none of this boxing crap. If you ask me, my life sucks. A lot. The only thing I care about is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Now, I understand why you would make fun of me for that, but I really don't mind. I get bullied a lot by. . . well, bullies. I don't mind at all, it's just another dumb way of life. Life itself is dumb anyway. I'm pretty sure it's been an hour since I arrived and it's still taking those mover guys to unload my boxes. I better help them. It's not like there is anything else to do anyway. . . Well, it took three and a half hours, but I did it. I unloaded everything in the house. Turns out, all of those boxes were full of my MLP collection and other material. The first truck was with my not so important things I need in my life and like I said, MLP collection. The rest was just furniture. I sat at the wedge of my couch and started to play video games on my Nintendo 3DS. Then, the stupid doorbell just had to ring right when I got comfortable. I paused my game and walked over the door. I looked around, and of course, no one was there. I was about to close the door, until something found my eye. A box. It was a closed box. Just a closed box. I picked it up and looked around. All it said was: Fragile and Give to a nice home. I thought that it was maybe a dog or a cat that was in there. It had no holes poked in it or nothing or I thought it was out of air. I ran into the house and took out a knife. I slowly cut the tape apart, trying not to cut the thing inside. As I opened it, there, was a tan yellow filly pegasus with a pink mane. I quickly remembered the pony that was inside. Fluttershy. "No! You can't catch me! I'm too fast!" Fluttershy said, looking at me as her hooves trotted faster. I put Fluttershy on a trend mill, so she wasn't going anywhere. It was just too funny and cute. I picked her up and she threw around her hooves trying to escape. "Let me go Dr. Alexis! You'll never get away with this!" The pegasus yelled, still kicking her hooves and flying away. I let her fly away cause Fluttershy can get so far and yet so high up in the air with those little wings of hers. She yawned and covered her mouth with her hoof. She flew onto the bed and curled up. I saw her eyes close as her whole body didn't move, but breathe. I smiled and closed the door behind me. I still couldn't believe that I had my own Fluttershy. My own Fluttershy. . . It still blew my mind. I walked past pictures of me and Fluttershy past the years I had her. It was only three years, but that didn't really matter. The more I looked at it, the more I thought that those pictures weren't exactly taken like they should of been. The pictures of her were just. . . plain. I don't even remember. . . Maybe if I blink. . . Huh, they're gone now. Only the ones with me and the cute little filly were showing instead of the others. Maybe it was time for me to lie down and go to sleep also. . . The sun glowed brightly threw my window, which I tried to ignore so I could sleep. But Fluttershy stood on me, so I could move to ignore the sun's rays. Dang it Fluttershy. Why can't I sleep? I tried to feel for her to try to move her, which I couldn't find her so I just rolled the other way, knocking her off onto the floor safely. I heard her trot away and play with a plush of Angel I bought for her, since I knew she loved Angel. She loved that plush, treating it like it was the real one. It was cute. And it was amazing of how she had made my life better. For how adorable she was, that wasn't the only thing that I loved her for. . . Well, I didn't really like her now, because I just had to wake up cause I opened my eyes once. I walked into the kitchen, putting eggs and bacon onto the stove on a pan. I walked over and opened a jar of sugar cubes and placed some on the floor. I walked in and turned on My Little Pony for us to watch when our breakfast was ready. I walked back into the kitchen and finished the eggs and bacon. I smiled down at Fluttershy, who was staring at me while I cooked. Trying not to burn the food as hard with Fluttershy because that pony never left you alone. I didn't blame her. She was a pony. Not in Equestria. So, the food was ready and me and Fluttershy started to watch My Little Pony. Fluttershy was all grown up. Cutie mark and all. A few years had past once again and even more had happened. This pony was just full of surprises. So, she learned to fly and she has been going out a lot more now. Normally, sitting on clouds. I let her go outside and into the forest behind our house to bond with the animals there. Soon, she grown out of sugar cubes and food like hay burgers, hay, hoof fries, and other stuff like that. She's been growing up much faster than I thought that ponies aged. She's sixteen now. I couldn't believe it, but I had to. Everybody had to grow up sometime. I just didn't want her to leave my side. . . Fluttershy was all grown up. Sixteen years old now. She's grown out of most things, like sugar cubes. She mostly eats hay burgers, hoof fries, and hay,most like any other pony would eat. Mostly, an Equestrian pony. It's been a few years after me and her had been having fun when she was a filly. But, it was alright. It was the normal Fluttershy that I knew in the real show. Anyway, she was still cute and lovable Fluttershy, just grown up. Yea, I'm still a teen. I never thought that ponies aged faster than I thought. But it never mattered to me, she was still a person. . . well pony in her case. I normally let her outside to let her sit on the clouds, fly, or just go out into the forest behind my house to greet animals. She was old enough already, and it wasn't that very danger out here. But planes. She knew not to get near planes, even from the start she knew. I had faith in my little pony. I just sat on the couch and played my video games normally when she's out. "Alexis!" Fluttershy called, outside of my door. "Coming!" I let the tan colored pegasus come in, running to get a towel so I can dry her off.It had just started raining, and I never noticed because I was playing a game. . .I know, I'm terrible. After I dried her off, lightning hit and Fluttershy jumped up to the ceiling, holding on to whatever her hooves could grab. "Did you hear that?" "Fluttershy, it's alright. Come back down so we can go to bed before the power goes out." I said rolling my eyes, while I crossed my arms. I don't want to be up with no electricity. . . Once again, the stupid sun woke me up again. I swear, this is why I like rain when I'm sleeping. I sat up and looked around for Fluttershy as I yawned, stretched, and rubbed my eyes for about five minutes before looking for her. I walked in the kitchen to make breakfast, and there was a box that said Alexis. The smell of pancakes were right next to the box, where the plate was. So, it's early Mother's Day? I opened the box that had Fluttershy toys everywhere. I rummaged to the bottom and there was a note. Hoof written. Dear Sweet Alexis, This may come out to you like a shock, like the lightning bolts that hit yesterday. I've come to say I'm leaving for Equestria. I never wanted to leave you. You've loved me for seventeen years, but I guess I have to start over where I really belong. I hope you understand why I left. But don't worry, I will always be your little Fluttershy. Love, Fluttershy