Sombra Dislikes Crystals

by The Apologetic Pony

Bismuth Isn't Faithful

Sombra was sent home on Luna’s personal pegasus-driven chariot after that. Being so high up was exhilarating and made him want to be a pegasus too. His life would be a lot simpler without the pesky horn. Wind flowing around your ears, no magic to worry about... That’d have been a good life. Sombra wasn’t sure if ‘good’ was better than his current life though.

It was already dark when they got back and Sombra was grateful for it, as being carried in a golden chariot was decidedly unsubtle. Unfortunately the night didn’t stop his parents from noticing two tired pegasi landing in front of their doorstep.

‘Welcome home, your highness.’

‘No thank you, Dad... Where’s Robyn?’

‘Come on in.’

Alex let Sombra go in first, before shutting the door once he’d gone in too.

‘She’s staying at friend’s house.’


‘They went to the same school together... Name slips my mind. But never mind that, how’d your first lesson go?’

‘We just talked. Not much happened. It was fine. She’s a bit more introverted than I expected.’

‘And what do you mean by that?’

‘Well, you know, introverted. I thought she’d be like, awing and more adept with ponies that anyone I’d ever met.’

‘Awing isn’t a word.’

‘Yes it is, Dad. Before you ask me to, I’m not bothered to look it up in the dictionary for you. I’m sleeping.’

‘When are you seeing Luna again?’

‘Day after tomorrow!’ Sombra yelled from his room.

Tomorrow came quickly. Sombra was still getting used to the idea of getting up whenever he wanted, so on some days he’d wake up far earlier than he meant to—school day early. To Sombra’s disgruntlement, this was one of those days. He went down and made himself some toast. Dad’s still asleep, I guess. Just as I say that, I hear footsteps. Sombra didn’t know Alex got up this early...

Sombra was baffled when a cream colured, pegasus he’d never seen before strode into the living room, his living room.

‘Who are you?’ they asked simultaneously.

The mare wore an elegant green dress, and looked equally astonished as Sombra. A gratuitous silence developed, neither of the ponies moving in the slightest. Sombra stood from his chair, saying ‘Um...’ Swiftly now, she walked within a wing-span of Sombra, glared at him, and muttered ‘Are you...’ He’d just been thinking of introducing himself, but she’d just made herself a lot more threatening.

‘Never mind then.’ She said, and left as quickly as she’d come.

What the fuck was that? Sombra bounded down the corridor to Alex’s room, but when he reached the door, it opened, in his face and into his face. By all means, being hit by a door was not a common occurrence for him, but he was confident that he’d never been hit as hard by one before.. When he came to his senses a few seconds later, it took him a few more moments to realise why his temple was so warm. It’d only been a side-on blow, so his horn was unharmed.

‘Sombra!’ Alex shouted at him.


‘Did you see a pegasus leave?’

‘Huh, can’t you help me?’ Appropriate for what he was saying, some blood had flowed into his mouth, so he was spitting red droplets. Tastes awful.

‘Where’d she go?’

‘Are you going somewhere?’

Evidently he was. Alex was in the living room when his bleeding son called out for him to wait. Sombra had lurched himself up, and was slowly making his way to block his father from leaving. The sight of a bloodied young unicorn desperately trying to stop his father, was a picture that’d make even the most cold-hearted of individuals hesitate, and of course from Sombra’s point of view, Alex was an extremely cold-hearted individual right now. Paralysed by indecision, Alex neither went to aid his son, or barged out the front door. But he effectively had his mind made up for him when Sombra swayed too far to one side, fell over, and got up again, even less stable this time. Alex grabbed a dry washing cloth, and pressed it tight against his son’s head.

‘The bleeding was just about to stop until you fell, you fool.’

‘Sorry, I was feeling a bit dizzy... Imagine what’d Robyn would make of this if she came in now.’

‘I really am hopeless, Sombra. I don’t even help you even after I slam a door in your face.’

‘She must be important.’

‘Nothing should be as important as you.’

‘Mmm, should. Really, Dad, what’s going on?’

Alex explained, feeling too guilty to keep it a secret any longer. Her name was Rosie. Alex had been seeing her for six months, and he'd’ wanted to offer running away with her.

‘She promised she’d stick around today to hear what I had to say.’

‘Did she now?’

‘Aren’t you angry with me?’

‘Oh yes, furious. I want to punch you honestly. Robyn’s been as great a mother as I and you could hope for. But maybe unlike you, Dad, I don’t get angry when it’s not good to be angry.’

The two had been sitting on the floor, for far more time than was needed to stem the bleeding.

‘I’ll clear the floor up. You do whatever you want to do.’

‘I still want to know some things, so I’ll stand beside you.’

Alex fetched a wet towel and got started on removing some stray drops of blood.

‘Why’d you do it? Don’t you love your wife anymore?’

‘No, like you said she’s great, really wonderful. I just...’

‘You just...’

‘I got bored, Sombra. She’s less attractive than your mother in every way–’

‘Fuck off, you expect me to believe that?’

‘I don’t expect much anymore, but I’d hoped you’d believe me.’

Sombra stomped on the ground in fury, feeling just as powerless as when he’d been spanked. After this, the relationship of his parents would disintegrate, and then what? It wasn’t something he’d questioned before. Why’d he done it? Nopony just gets “bored.” But why’d he lie to me now?

‘Loving husband’s don’t just get bored.’

‘I wouldn't expect you to understand.’

‘You’re disgusting.’

Knock Knock, went the door. Robyn’s home.