Altered Reality

by Autobot Lancewing


Altered Reality

The princesses have lowered the sun and raised the moon. As routine as this sounds, this is no regular night. Tonight, a grand reception was taking place in the palace garden. The reception took place after the royal wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and (now) Prince Shining Armor. Twilight had finished singing her song and Princess Luna had just arrived (after somehow sleeping through the entire Changeling attack.)

“Good evening sister,” Princess Luna greeted Celestia.

“Good evening, Luna. Did you sleep well?”

“I have, dear sister.”

"That's good to hear, though I had thought you might have been awoken..."

“Awoken? What maketh thou say that?”

"Well...there was an attack."

Luna’s jaw dropped. “WHAT?!?!”

"Yes...a race known as the Changelings attacked us."

“Was their leader Chrysalis?”


“I thought she would have changed by now.”

"Well, apparently she has not and-" Princess Celestia yawned, "I'm sorry, I've just been feeling tired ever since the battle."

“So tell me everything that happened.”

Celestia tried to call back as much information as she could. She recited, “It started out as normal, but Cadence was acting weird, but the only pony that noticed this was Twilight Sparkle. She tried to expose her, but no one, not even I believed her. Then Twilight showed up at the wedding… with the real Cadence!”

"Strange...and I assume the fake was Chrysalis?"

Celestia nodded. “She was feeding off of Shining Armor’s love for Cadence in order to weaken his force field spell, and succeeded. The invasion was fortunately neutralized by Cadence and Shining love for each other."

“Wow… Well thank goodness no one got hurt.”


Just then, Twilight Sparkle walked up to the two. "Good evening Princess Celestia, Princess Luna."

"Good evening, Twilight. Are you enjoying the wedding party?" Celestia asked.

"I am... A little thirsty after singing though."

“Well, there are plenty of refreshments. Luna, why don’t you socialize for a while.”

“I will, but first, where is Cadence?” Luna asked.

"Probably with my bro-er...Prince Shining Armor." Obviously, Twilight was going to have to get used to that.

"I see, thank you, Twilight Sparkle." With that, Luna went off to find her niece.

Celestia sighed, she was still feeling tired and her head was beginning to hurt.

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked upon seeing Celestia place a hoof on her head.

"I am...just a little tired from all of this."

“Oh. The cocoon didn’t do anything to you, did it?"

“No, I still feel normal. Its probably just the stress of the wedding along with just getting out of battle.”

"Hmm... I guess that is pretty tiring. Do you need to get some sleep?"

"Possibly...but I don't want to leave my niece's wedding."

"I'm sure Cadence would understand."

"But I'm not sure I could forgive myself."

“Just go. I’ll explain that you were feeling a little tired.”

"But it's a once in a lifetime event, I can't-" Celestia yawned again, "Leave."

“But you do have a kingdom to rule tomorrow morning."

"That's why they invented coffee." Celestia smiled.

“Maybe, but that caffeine will either wear out or make you go hyper.”

"Twilight, after ruling for a thousand years, it doesn't hurt to have a little 'boost'."

"I guess." Twilight chuckled.

“Besides, I’ll still be able to raise the sun on time.”

"Well...if you say so."

“Now go have some fun.”

"Are you sure you wouldn't want me to help you to your room?"

“I’m sure.”

"Okay..." Twilight headed over to one of the tables and started to get herself some punch. while Celestia started to head back to the castle, her teeth began to hurt.

She soon reached her bedroom and collapsed on the bed. Now her wings were beginning to ache. She managed to kick her shoes off and used her magic to remove the crown. She put a hoof to her head, but she noticed that her fur was starting to fall out, reveal black flesh. Sections of her hooves also managed to recede just a bit. It was barely noticeable from afar, but Celestia knew exactly what was happening: She was turning into a changeling! She hurriedly looked at a mirror. Her teeth and wings looked exactly the same, but that won’t be true for long.

Celestia collapsed to her knees, tears began to stream from her cheeks. Everything that she knew about herself was about to be shattered. With no known cure, Celestia is forced to accept her fate as a changeling.