//------------------------------// // Ch. 8: Joy // Story: Changing Odds // by Music Brush //------------------------------// Chapter Eight Joy Dear Diary: The Name's Cloudy Feathers and today I just moved into Ponyville! There's an awesome, red pegasus stallion named Jet Blast who picked a fight with me as soon as I set hoof in town then later introduced me to his beautiful cousin, Angel Wings. And she has a daughter with one on the way. She could give birth any day now. In fact she just started having contractions! The father apparently is no longer in town and most likely won't return for a long, LONG time, in which case I'd gladly aid her in caring for her young. I do love foals and have some experience in handling the little bundles of joy, so I'm excited about this whole thing. Oh boy! I can't believe how things turned out in just one move! Zuro put away his new journal on the shelf in the guest room. To help keep up the appearance of a new pony being aloud to stay in a home he would have to live as a guest instead of just continuing a relationship as a pony nopony ever saw before. As far as everypony knew he was a completely new pony who immediately made friends with two pegasi, so that is the look he would have to keep up until things settled down. He wished he could simply return to getting ready for the wedding he and Angel spent months planning after such a grand proposal in Canterlot, but all that changed when his hive fallowed Chrysalis in attacking the Equestrian capital. Zuro looked over to his little sister who was sound asleep on his bed and he smiled. I guess I can't call you my little sister since Angel adopted you and she'll be my wife now. He thought to himself. The thought of calling little Dili his daughter would Take some getting used to, but he was not entirely against the idea. He truly did care for the little one and would gladly call her his own for any reason and since he was currently cut off from his parents she would need others to care for her until times changed. Angel struggled in through the door taking deep breaths as she favored her large bulge. He looked up to her and got up to help her. "You okay, honey?" He asked. She shook her head with a silent groan. "The contractions are getting worse." She groaned. "Is it time?" He asked calmly yet excitement in his tone. She looked up into his eyes showing mostly pain in her own. "I'll take that as a yes." He observed. In an instant he transformed into his new pony form guise. The noise caused Dili to stir before he had a chance to turn and wake her from her peaceful sleep. He crouched down next to her head. "Dili, sweetie." She groaned in response. "Wake up, sweetie. Sissy's having the baby." She open her eyes. "Huh?" She groaned. "Come on, sweetie." Cloudy said. "Angel's having the baby." Dili's eyes perked open. "It's time?" She asked. He inclined his head. "Ah!" Angel gasped. Cloud turned to Angel at the sound of her cry then back to Dili. "Hop on, Dili." He said as he offered his back to the little changeling who hopped on his back as she changed to her little pegasus form. He then turned to Angel and took her foreleg in his to guide her out of the room through the house and outside. As soon as they left outside the house the cool air hit their faces causing Dili to bury hers in the pegasus' mane. Cloudy closed the door behind them and turned to a wagon in the front yard he had rented just in case this happened. He guided Angel on the wagon and sat Dili beside her. "Keep her warm, little Dili." He said. Dili inclined her head and cozied up to Angel who was breathing hard and deep as she lay a hoof on her belly. He then moved to the front of the wagon and hooked himself onto the saddle and began pulling the wagon with gentle haste away from the house. ~~)oOo(~~ As Luna's great moon shined through the bedroom window adding its radiant glow to the faint candle light illuminating the room Jet Blast finished brushing his teeth and preening his feathers for the night before bed. He walked out of the bathroom and into his own bedroom where his bed lay by the wall waiting for him to fill the sheets. Jet began walking toward his bed waiting for him. He lifted the covers off and was about to slide under when a noise outside caught his attention. He looked to the window and opened his ears to better hear the noise. It sounded like old wooden wheels rolling close and quick. He moved away from his bed to the window and opened it to poke his head out to see the source of the sound. Coming from down the road was a wagon being pulled by a pegasus with what looked like a pregnant mare on it. Jet narrowed his eyes. "Gu- ah... Cloudy...?" He asked himself. Sure enough, it was the new pegasus staying with his cousin coming his way. "It must be time!" He said with newfound excitement and energy as he jumped out of the window and glided after them. He landed by Cloudy and trotted to keep up with him. "What's up, bud?" He asked. "She's in labor." Cloudy answered. "I'm getting her to the hospital." Jet hopped in front of him and stopped him dead in his tracks. "Red flag, Big C." Jet urged. "We don't have time for this." Cloudy countered. "She's in pain." "And what happens when the foal's born and looks more like..." Jet stopped himself and looked around to make sure nopony was in earshot before leaning close. "... a changeling?" The fear of the risk was visible in Cloudy's eyes at the question. "I can't help her myself." Cloudy whispered. "I'm not skilled in magic." "Then we take her to Zecora." Jet said. Cloudy shot a glare at him. "Oh no!" He stated. "The Everfree is the worst place to take her now." "Then we bring Zecora to her." Jet suggested. "Whatever you do, do it now!" Angel grunted. Both stallions turned to her then back at each other. "I'll get Zecora, you take her inside my home." Jet ordered. Unable to disagree with that Cloudy inclined his head and unhooked himself from the wagon as Jet bolted at top speed to the forest. Cloudy helped Dili off the wagon and set her on the ground next to him before turning to Angel and helping her off the wagon. He had her lean on his side while he draped a wing over her back. He faced Dili. "Go open the front door, kiddo." He instructed. She inclined her head and ran up to open the door and held it open for them to enter. He guided Angel into the living room and had her lay on the floor against a couch. ~~)oOo(~~ It was quiet within the walls of the tree made into a home with several shelves decorated with bottles, bowls, vials and plants of every variety wile a single zebra stood on one hind hoof with her two forelegs raised at either side of her with her eyes closed. Deep in meditation and cut out from the outside, the wise zebra did not hear the sound of flapping wings gradually increasing in volume by the second. A few seconds later the door slams open, the start causing the zebra to jump and fall on her flanks with a thud. "Zecora!" Jet called looking through the room before finding her getting up from the floor. "What're you doing down there?" He asked. She shot him a look of annoyance. "You bust in my home. That much is sure." She said. "But why this late hour you come through my door?" She asked. "Angel's in labor." Jet answered. She looked up at him again. "Cloudy has her at my house right now. I stopped him before he got to the hospital." He explained. Instantly Zecora grabbed a few items and placed them in a sack before she turned to face him as she slid the sack over her shoulder. "Though I am of the earth we must get there before birth." She stated. "Hop on my back." Jet said as he turned to the side. "It's the fastest way." She inclined her head and climbed on his back. He then left the zebra's home and flew off through the forest back to Ponyville. ~~)oOo(~~ "Argh!!!" Angel screams our in the largest contraction she had yet felt in the night. Cloudy Came back with a wet wash cloth and rested it on her forehead. "Easy, sweetie." He said. She shot a sharp glare at him. "You try going through labor!" She screeched. Dili stepped up and nuzzled Angel's side. "It'll be okay, Sissy." She said softly. Cloudy looked to the front door. "Where are you, Jet?" He asked. Angel groaned in pain causing Cloudy to look back down to her and take her hoof in his own. "Get him out!" She cried as she squeezed his hoof. He groaned in pain from her grip. Dili could not help but giggle. "Bubba, your face is funny." She said. "Thanks, Dili." He said through his teeth, now more than ever anxious for jet to get back with Zecora. A few minutes later the door opened and jet came in with a Zecora who wore a wide eyed look on her face. "You are quite skilled in flight, yet how do you go without such fright?" She asked. Jet was about to answer before Cloudy's groaning and Angel's screaming caught their attention. "Less talk..." Cloudy groaned. "... more help." Zecora rushed up. "This time will be most foul." The zebra said before turning to Jet. "Get me a bale of water and towels." Jet inclined his head and left the room down the hall out of sight. Zecora turned to her sack and pulled out a small bottle and held it up to Angel. "You must drink this fast if you wish the pain not to last." Angel struggles a little before taking the bottle and drinking it all. Immediately she began to settle down and Zecora, through her endless supply of rhymes, instructed Cloudy to remain at Angels side while Jet and Dili helped with towels and her sack of supplies. Soon it was time for Angel to put in her effort and start to push. Zecora gave her the go ahead as she got herself in position with a strict and serious look on her face. Dili was moved away from view and stood next to Jet as Cloudy held Angel's hoof as she gave birth. After what seamed like hours of agonizing birthing Zecora put on a smile as the sounds of a screaming newborn filled the room. Angel panted hard while Zecora cleaning the bundle with wet and dry towels and calmed the newborn down before carrying it up to the mother while smiling at Dili. "With all the effort from your older siblings, my little one..." Zecora began as she turned to Angel. "You now have a wonderful son." She held the bundle up to Angel, the blue face of a curious looking changing with a single black curly cue on his forehead poked out from the blankets to see the outside world. Angel took him in her hold as Cloudy placed a blanket over her. She smiled at the baby changeling hybrid in her hold as tears of joy streamed down her cheeks. Cloudy allowed his guise to fall to reveal his true changeling form. "Hey buddy." He said through a whimper of joy. "What are we gonna call him?" He asked Angel. Angel tickles his chin with her hoof. "Bluejoy!" Dili hopped up. "He's blue and he's giving us all joy." Angel smiles at the idea as Zuro pets her head. "Good idea, sis." He said before turning to his son. "Bluejoy." ~~)END(~~