The core of an apple.

by Tacosaurus101

The Beginning and Arrival.

This is a story of two families. The Apples and the Dashes. Both had children yet they were very diffferent. Granny Smith was the carer and grandmother of three, Big Macintosh, Applejack and Applebloom, and was extremely hard-working, where as Lightning Dash was the proud father of two, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo,and prefered racing. One day the two families deciced it was to unite through their two eldest, Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash. When the Dashes arrived at the Apple's Rainbow Dash glared at the red colt before her, face twisted in discomfort. Big Macintosh glared back, an equal expression reflecting towards Rainbow Dash. Granny Smith, seeing this and looking quite embarrassed, said to him "Now, now, Big Mac. Go on dear, don't be shy..."
Big Mac sighed, took Rainbow Dash's hoof and kissed it. He then proceeded to wipe his mouth with his own hoof, utterly diguisted, as Rainbow Dash yanked her's back, appalled.

" I can't believe I'm stuck with her all summer
I bet she doesn't wrestle, buck or box." Big Mac turned to Applejack annoyed.

"He looks conceited" Rainbow Dash whined to her father, frowning.

"What a total bummer!" Big Mac groaned. Applejack giggled and smirked.
"If I get lucky I'll get pony pox!" The two complained,annoyed.

"So happy you could come..." Big Mac claimed sarcastically.

"So happy to be here" Rainbow Dash stated through gritted teeth. The pair looked to their families pleadingly.

"How I want to run."

"This is not my idea..."

"This isn't my idea of fun"

Rainbow Dash and Applejack, of course, got on considerately quite well. The two played and played and played. They even called themselves 'friends'. However, despite the friendship Rainbow Dash shared with the other filly, she still wanted nothing to do with Big Macintosh. "The children seem to get along quite nicely" Granny Smith chimed, oblivious to the fact her son was currently having an argument with Rainbow Dash over something (Most likely over who was better- Boys or girls).

"Well join our lands if this arrangement clicks"

" My dear Lightning Dash, that's my point precisely!" Laughed the green earth-pony.

"Its such good parenting..."

"And politics! So happy we agree..."

"I think we've got a deal"

"Big Mac's quite a catch" Granny Smith smirked.

"This is my idea" Lightning Dash quipped.

"This is my idea"

"Of a match" The pair agreed, enjoying each other's company. Unforntuately, the same thing could not be said for Rainbow Dash and Big Mac.

A year went by and Lightning Dash hoped his filly's attitude towards Big Macintosh had changed slightly. He called up to his daughter."Good heavens, child, don't dawdle.We can't keep Big Mac waiting"
Rainbow Dash looked towards her father, panicked.

"I haven't packed or brushed my coat. And father I feel sick!" Rainbow complained, in a vauge attempt of escaping her dreaded summer holidays with Applejack's older brother. She didn't mind Applejack, it was just having to see Big Mac. 'I thought he didn't talk much but I know for a fact he can really bug me with how snappy he is' Rainbow frowned.

"She soon will be arriving. Is that respect you're showing?" Granny Smith frowned, agaust, at Big Mac's crude portrait of a certain cyan blue pegasus. It wsn't the drawing which appaled Granny Smith, it was the fact he was throwing apples at it.

"If you make me kiss her hoof again,I swear I'm gonna be sick" Big Mac made a gaging motion. He hated Rainbow Dash and he knew he was going to have to spend every waking moment with the little brat because his grandmother ws under the impression the two were destined to marry. Big Macintosh snorted. As if he'd marry Rainbow Dash let alone love her.

"One day Big Mac will be her intended" Lightning Dash had told Granny Smith.

"Splendid!" She had chuckled.

That summer, Braeburn was staying and Big Mac was extremely thankful. The pair got on incredblily well, as most saw. The were so close they were like brothers, twins even. They enjoyed hanging out in barn or running in fields, without fillies. Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof, was detirmined to have some fun this summer. Even if it meant hanging around with them.

"We've tried all summer but we just can't lose her"

"Hey fellas, wait up!" Rainbow Dash called.
"Quick, put on some speed" Braeburn whispered,giggling as the two galloped off.

"When picking teams..."

"Or friends"

"I never choose her" Big Mac laughed alongside his cousin. He then groaned as he heard Rainbow Dash trying to come in to the barn. The two colts had blocked it with various items and had propped a sign reading "No fillys allowed! Except Applejack."
"You'd think she'd take a hint or learn to read" Braeburn gawfed.

"This really isn't fair" Rainbow Dash grunted.
"We really couldn't care" The two taunted to her, giving each other a high-hoof.
"Boys, it's all or none" Rainbow Dash kicked a nearby cart and it rolled towards the barn. Rainbow Dash panicked and flew stealthily after it. She didn't make it. It crashed in to the barn just as Rainbow put her hooves on it. Later, the trio were all bandged in the damaged areas an were re-fixing the barn and cart. "This is not my idea" sighed a dismayed Rainbow as she wiped her brow. Her wings ached and she'd barely even gotten to painting the cart, let alone fix the gigantic barn which lay in ruins.

"This isn't my idea" the cousins huffed, carrying heavy loads on their backs.

" Of fun"

" Long before the pac, Rainbow and Big Mac were destined to be wedded." Nearby ponies chattered amongst themselves, speaking greatly of the two youngsters.
"However anyone could see the only point on which they didn't disagree,was that the very thought of summertime was dreaded" As the apples greeted the Dashes off, Big Macintosh tossed a tomato at Rainbow Dash, causing her to sharply turn arund and glare at him, growling whilst her face dripped with tomato juice. Big Mac and Braeburn sniggered whilst Rainbow's father sighed, growing tired of the feud.

The next summer rolled by and Rainbow Dash was well under the impression that she was perfect for The Wonderbolts. She often made people listen to her fantasies of flying with them, as leader.

"She tries to talk me into playing dress-up" Big Macintosh moaned, forced to pretend to be one of Rainbow's 'fans' whilst she darted about wearing a make-shift Wonderbolts outfit. ("Hurry up Big Mac!" She'd yell demandingly)

"She's always thinking she's so hard" He then grumbled, utterly unamused. Sometmes, they all would play cards when Rainbow grew tired of her games, eventually.
" I think you really sorta like her, 'fess up" Applejack smirked. Braeburn, who had returned much to the displeasure of Rainbow, sniggered, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I'd like her better if she had the loser card" Big Macintosh hissed to them.

"Four sevens and a ten" He then exclaimed. Rainbow Dash smirked, showing a full house.

"I think I've won again" She boasted smugly.
"Every time she's won" Applejack, Braeburn and Big Mac groaned. Rainbow Dash took to the skies to celebrate yet another victory, face aglow with glee.

"This is my idea"

"This isn't my idea" Big Mac glared at his cards.

" Of fun"

"We need a perfect wedding,I'd love to be invited" Ponies, who were watching the two familes saying goodbye until the next summer, anxiously exclaimed to one another.

"At least we'd get a holiday to rest our ploughs and axes" The tired ponies working in the field sighed, resting.

"Someday these two will marry.Two clans will be united" Big Macintosh cringed as he felt something splatter all over his face. He turned to see a smirking Rainbow Dash pay a local grocer for a vegtable. No doubt the tomato that was now on his face.
"And with some luck their marriage may result in lower taxes" The ponies then grinned. The summer blossomed and Lightning Dash was worried that Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh were ever going to fall for each other. 'What if Dashie doesn't go for the merger?' Lighning Dash frantically asked in his letter to Granny Smith.

'Urge her!' The reply said.

Rainbow Dash sighed as Scootaloo accompanied her to the Apple farm. "For as long as I remember,we've been told we'd someday wed" Rainbow landed, frowning at her family's wishes.

"Every June until September.All their pushing and annoying hints" Big Macintosh frowned as he helped his younger sister, Applebloom set up a spare bed for Scootaloo.

" I've got bruises with their hoofprints"

"I can do much better I am sure" Big Mac bellowed to his grandmother, who had come to take him to greet Rainbow dash.

"He's so immature" Rainbow leant up against a tree, the wind ruffling her mane slightly.

Big Mac felt himself blush slightly as he saw her, the filly that he once resented was now standing before him as a mare. He quickly cleared his thoughts though. 'She's most likely the same stuck-up Rainbow Dash I've always known..' Big Macintosh told himself. Rainbow Dash could feel a small wave of heat rediate on her cheeks as Big Mac approched. It quickly faded as she remembered who Big Mac was.
'Stop it.' She scoulded herself crossly. ' You dont wanna know him. He was a jerk for most of your life' She reminded herself.

"I see him frowning and I feel my face flare. I turn away, feeling silly." Rainbow Dash strided up to him, confident and full of pride.

"She started out as such an bostal filly and somehow suddenly became a mare" Big Mac marvelled.

"So happy to be here" Rainbow Dash said polietly.

" 'Til now I never knew"

"I could feel this way" The two then backed away slightly, remembering the awkward summers.

"This isn't my idea"

" This isn't my idea"

"What a good idea, such a charming and romantic notion" Lightning Bolt and Granny Smith stated gleefully.

"This is my idea.This is my idea. Such a good idea. Such a good idea"

"What a good idea, such a powerful and magic motion"

"This is exactly our idea of love" Granny Smith smiled. Despite what it might of seemed the pair were not in love, at least not yet.

" This isn't my idea"

"This isn't my idea"

"This is my idea"

"Of love" Rainbow Dash stared at Big Macintosh before turning to Applejack. Applejack was, of course,one of her best friends and quite possibly one of the only ponies she felt comfortable sharing things with. Rainbow Dash then hugged Applejack, extremely pleased to see her. Feelings aside, Rainbow let go of her friend before chatting. "Hey Applejack! Great to see ya'!" She smiled, relieved.

"Awh, it's great to see ya'll too sugarcube.."

"Eeyup..." Mumbled Big Mac.

"Still not much of a talker, huh?"

"Eenope" Rainbow dash shrugged. 'Good enough answer for me. At least we ain't arguing yet..' She thought.

" I'll help ya unpack in my room" Applejack exclaimed quickly. Rainbow Dash gladly excepted this. 'Anything to get away from Big Mac I guess.'

As Rainbow Dash flew off with Applejack,she couldn't shake the weird feeling Big Mac had changed...