The War of the Equestrian First Reign

by Creative Charmer

Chapter 5: Strange Uncoverings - 3/3

The two pony leaders were at each other's throats, which Chancellor Puddinghead was witness to during the entire altercation—at least, in appearance. Though her eyes were facing in their direction, the chancellor's mind was elsewhere. She was not contemplating the future of Equestria, her people, or anything pertaining to those matters. the only thing on her mind was the rumbling that emanated from her belly. Every hour or so(and also before and after every meal), Chancellor Puddinghead treats herself to a delightful chocolatey, candied, sweet, yummy, delicious, palatable pastry. Having come from a long line of sweet-toothed ponies(hence the name "Puddinghead"), her thoughts were focused on sweet-related subjects most of the time, unless a truly serious emergency had arisen—but now was not one of those times.

Because her musing was focalized on her own personal matter, Chancellor Puddinghead had not heard or retained a single word from either of the pony leaders, and as a result, she had not taken up a side with either of the quarreling mares.

It was at this time that Commander Hurricane shifted her attention to Puddinghead, having instantly formed an idea in her head. "Hey, I know!" she exclaimed, interrupting Princess Platinum, who had still been going on about why she was right and Hurricane was not. "We'll just let Puddinghead decide!"

Platinum looked at Puddinghead, then back at Hurricane. "...well, that is just fine with me!" she declared after a moment of cogitation.

The two ponies turned to face the chancellor.

"Puddinghead, what do you think?"


"Yes, which decision do you believe to be the best?"

After exchanging glances with both ponies, Puddinghead began her own contemplation of the matter. Hurricane and Platinum waited anxiously for her answer.

"Hmmm...I think the best decision...would be to go get myself a snack!" she then skipped away gleefully to enjoy her collation, not having paid any sort of heed to the antecedent discourse. Both mares stood in stunned silence for several seconds. Princess Platinum was the first to break the quietude.

"Well, that was certainly a great help," she stated condescendingly whilst glancing over at Commander Hurricane.

"Oh, don't give me any of that, princess pain-in-my-flank!"

"How dare you!"

"Well, I dared—what are you going to do about it?"

Both ponies glared at one another, teeth bared and eyes encompassed by rage. It seemed that a tussle would follow, but Princess Platinum surprisingly refined her judgment in what actions should be taken in regards to this current dispute.

"You know what? I'm not going to besmirch the good name of the unicorns by scuffling with one as unruly as yourself," Platinum said as she stuck her snout up haughtily.

"I don't think you have to worry about the unicorns looking bad, because they always have!"

It was that comment that truly struck a nerve with the princess. She turned her face back to Hurricane, with nothing but seething anger manifested upon her countenance. She never before felt as exasperated as she was at this present time. Hurricane glared right back at the princess, more than ready for a fight to break out, as the insolent pegasus knew herself that she could take a unicorn this time or any time. They may have the power of magic, but that wouldn't be enough to match a pegasus—especially not this pegasus!

However, before the envisaged event could commence, ponies from all three of the tribes accumulated around the squabbling pony leaders. It was none too settling for the ponies to witness their leaders fighting with one another, considering it was they who unified the three tribes for the purpose of ending all of the fighting.

It took a bit of time to become aware, but Platinum soon took notice that her loyal subjects had massed together in a circle around both her and Hurricane. The intensity of her own fumed expression had lowered significantly as her eyes surveyed the crowd, discerning the same astonished expression spread across each and every one of the alarmed ponies. The sight of her subjects seeing their beloved and elegant princess behaving in this crude a manner had significantly lessened Platinum's burgeoning wrath into a more collected state of mind: one capable of more rational contemplation, and it was this very reflection that made the princess realize the image she had to uphold as a dignified leader, what with being one of the founders of the alliance between ponies, so she once again recalled her feelings of loathing and feigned her feelings of non-hostility with the pegasus leader. Platinum placed her leg around Hurricane's neck and pulled her closer, whispering into her ear the best course of action to take in order to keep the peace and protect their statures in the community; Hurricane was quick to agree. Though she didn't delight at the notion of making herself look soft in front of her own pegasi, she knew it was best to retain the harmony between the two of them for the time being, and the two pony leaders could sort out their problems at a later date.

So, very loudly, Hurricane and Platinum agreed that a compromise would be made. They both placed their front legs around each other's shoulders in a friendly manner and smiled to show their pseudo amity. The two explained together that because Platinum wanted to build homes for all the ponies, and Hurricane wants to make sure their homeland is properly defended, they would compromise and divide up the work amongst their ponies: the pegasi would do all the work pertaining to the defenses, and the unicorns and Earth ponies would focus their efforts on expanding Equestria's civilization to its other borders. This proposal seemed like the right way to go, as the other ponies agreed wholeheartedly. Following the discussed plan, everypony left the immediate area to begin working on the plans their leaders had set for them.

After everypony had departed, Hurricane and Platinum immediately stepped back from each other, resuming their bitter expressions and feelings of enmity towards one another.

"Well, it looks like the deal has been made," Hurricane spoke with animosity

"Indeed it has," Platinum responded with the same tone.

"So now you don't have to worry about your 'precious unicorns' dealing with such...such..."


"Yeah, sure; anyways, everything's going to go both of our ways now, so I don't want to hear any whining from you about this, got it?"

"Oh, don't you worry; I wouldn't dream of being the one to carp regarding the faults of your race. I'm much better than that," after this insulting remark, Platinum walked away to begin overseeing the production of her expansion plan, whilst Hurricane held back her rage and decided that her incomparable hatred for Princess Platinum was a far less significant matter affair to deal with herself, now that she could finally go ahead with her own plans for Equestria. The pegasus took off to the air to locate her contingent of pegasi and inform them of the next move to be made for her defensive strategy.

Some time into the planning stage of the sentry towers(which Hurricane deemed the best idea), the prototype map of Equestria showed a series of hills located to the right of the desert. This discovery made things easier for Commander Hurricane, for this range of hills offered a bit of defense all on its own, so the focus of her team's efforts could be positioned purely in the desert, which would use up less time and resources, which Hurricane was all for, though she would still utilize all the time and supplies that could or would be required in perfecting this array of protection. Many months passed since Platinum and Hurricane chose their paths, and things had significantly improved for both ponies as well as Equestria, with both achieving what they had desired since the beginning: Platinum had expanded Equestria's settlements to numerous other locations in Equestria(though there were still more locations to be used), and Hurricane had perfected her meticulously planned defensive structures, which she believed to be the most viable means of defense for Equestria at the time. Given the number and size of each of the sentry posts, nobody would be able to pass by without her soldiers being alerted to their presence. Things looked very bright for Equestria, and each of the pony leaders felt to be in true harmony at long last—though, the true bonds of their alliance and friendship would be put to the test in the coming days, for a maelstrom of darkness was approaching the peaceful nation, and every last creature in this country would undergo a manner of darkness like no other in this world...

The confidence Commander Hurricane held to be true in her own abilities and those of her soldiers inflated her sense of arrogance in that no being in this world could match the power of her pegasi. This haughty attitude is what clouded Hurricane's proper judgment, which under normal circumstances meant she would not want merely Equestria's land to be investigated, but close-by neighboring lands as well: this meant the wasteland that her pegasi were too afraid to pass through—though they never informed her of their fears, for fear of what she would do if any of her soldiers presented themselves as cowardly.

Thusly, the wasteland was left unchecked, and nopony dared to venture into this seemingly lifeless terrain. However, it was rather unfortunate that the wasteland was not explored, as unbeknownst to the Equestrians, there did indeed lurk a species never before encountered by ponykind; a great evil that threatened the lives of every pony: little or big; young or old; earth pony, unicorn, or pegasus. From this new peril would arise a skirmish—one unlike any other known in recorded history, and it was ill-fated that Equestria was the place this threat would cross paths with.

A stirring of the presence existent in the badlands had begun, and though there was still time before this menace was at its full strength, not even the brave and battle-hardened pegasi could be prepared for that which they were about to face—nor would anypony...