My Little Gravity Falls is Magic

by GamerBrother777

Safe and Sound

Celestia called out for Discord. “Princess, why must you be rude when I told you I wa…” He was halted at the sight he saw and laughed. “Two Elements of Harmony, Celestia did you use a forbidden spell again. You know what punishment can come from that.”

“My punishment will not match yours Discord, I must do what I do to protect these innocent people from you chaos.”

“Whatever, even with two elements of harmony, you cannot stop me.” Discord laughed.

“Don’t bet on it, Discord.” Twilight interrupted.

“We have twice as much friendship now,” Mabel continued.

“Yes, I suppose with that much friendship you could stop 10 or even 100 discords.” Discord said.

“Just you wait,” Applejack scolded. This was now the cue for them to put the elements in action. The elements took over and were attempted to return Discord to his stone imprisonment, but nothing had happened.

“Very good job,” Discord sarcastically responded with a slow clap.

“What the heck happened,” Rainbow said, “Why didn’t it work?”

“I am not sure,” Celestia said, “Did we all get the element s to function properly.”

“I don’t know how mine works,” Soos said.

“I don’t even know what is really happening or if this is even a dream,” Grunkle Stan added.

“Come on y’all,” Applejack said, “We need you if we gunna defeat Discord.”

“You just need to concentrate on the friendship and love you have for one another,” Princess Celestia told them. This made them all realize what they had to do now.

“What, what’s going on?” Discord was awoken from his sleep he took during this, “Do you want another go at ‘defeating’ me, as you put it.”

The group walked to wear Discord was standing and they all closed their eyes. Then all of a sudden, a rainbow of lights burst from the group and travelled toward Discord.

“No, no it’s no possible. I was not responsible for this. It was bil…” but his sentence was not able to be finished as the elements had put him back into his stone imprisonment.

They’d done it. They were able to the friendship they shared and used it to defeat Discord. Stan was still in shock from what happened, but the rest had settled with what had happened.

“Today has been… interesting,” Dipper said.

“I had fun and I made some knew friends,” Mabel said.

“I cannot thank you enough for helping me with Trixie, Gideon, and Discord. Were are now all safe,” Princess Celestia told all of them.

“And sound,” Pinkie added.

The chaos the was all over Gravity Falls had ceased. They all celebrated the victory of friendship, but also knew the ponies had to return to their universe.

“I gonna miss you all,” Pinkie said, “Maybe you could visit Equestria again.”

“Could they visit, Princess,” Rarity asked.

“I supposed if you all want to it be okay,” Celestia said, “and if you, Soos or Wendy, want to come as well your welcome to, and you to Mr. Pines…” She was cut off when she saw the he was not around and neither were the necklaces.

“Uh, could I visit you Princess,” Soos raising his hand to asked.

“Of course you can,” Princess Celestia said as Soos tried to hide his blush.

“What about the books,” Dipper asked.

“The books will return to their proper universe to avoid any more possible disasters. “ Celestia said. Twilight grabbed her book from the base of Discord and Dipper grabbed his.

Good-byes were exchanged all around and the twins watched as their new pony friends return back to their world.

“Wait, I feel like we’re forgetting something,” Dipper said to his sister.
“Dipper! Mabel! Get me out of this cage!” Gideon’s voice echoed in the cave.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie needs to use the bathroom.” Trixie also commented.

The two were both silence when the turned to see a Ursa Major growling behind them.
“Whatever, if it was important, we would have remembered it.” Mabel said as the twins walked returned back to the shack.