//------------------------------// // Meanwhile: Commotion // Story: Taismo: Discovering Equestria // by RockStarMLP //------------------------------// “I need a status report of all dimensions! NOW!” Eggman commanded from his seat. “It’s another simultaneous attack! Jump City was first to be attacked, by the Glorft!” responded Wade. “And the Kraang and Shredder have started some crime wave back home! They’re trying to break into the city’s vault of most unstable chemicals,” Donatello followed. “The Earths of the Justice League, Samurai Jack, and the Avatar are all being attacked by teams of Decepticons and Heartless,” Jeremy added. “And they’re not the rest of the worlds,” said Scattershot. “Multiple reports are still coming in, and search teams have stopped to go fight.” As alarms across Team JAG Headquarters sounded off, Jason of the Master Four was in the communications center that Dr. Eggman was in charge of during the time as the search for their two missing friends continued on. Throughout the rest of the base, everyone caught alert of this, including those of the Team JAG Band who were together in the main conference room, and especially Ash, Gohan and Yugi. Many scrambled their way to the dimensional gates to return to their worlds and aide in the good fight, while a selected few, their worlds untargeted as of then, either went to find out what was going on or remained where they were to do so. “Attention, attention- all Master Four report to the main conference hall at once!” his voice said, echoing through speakers of the entire place thanks to a com-link in the room. He then said to Eggman “Keep an eye on everything that’s going on and instruct those who are in safe areas to stay on high alert,” and began to leave the room with an instant transmission. Before the warrior could leave, the Doctor said “We should’ve known they’d go this low right now. They must know about our search, but hard to say exactly how. The search, it will have to be- “I know,” Jason replied. “Wait for further instructions. It shouldn’t be long,” and with that he was gone. At the conference room, the Master Four were recollected, and to their surprise found their friends and band mates. Jason explained what had happened just a short time ago, and how the list of worlds being attacked grew longer. “Well it’s clear what we have to do right now,” Ash stated obviously. “I know, but this whole mess, of all the times to do it, we’ll have to put finding Tails and Cosmo on hold until this is over with,” Gohan said, anger growling in his voice. “The Brotherhood keeps sinking lower, and they don’t care at all.” “There’s got to be a way to keep the search going at full potential deal with this, but what?” Yugi pondered aloud. “We used every technological resource we have in reach of already.” Jason’s powers of Darkness began to show with a black aura around him, and his entire eyes turning the same color. “I sliced their heads off with a scythe and it didn’t do a thing. This time, I’ll aim for their cores,” he growled in a tone sounding horrifically evil, but coming from his heart and personality. “I’m tired of this chaos… Chaos…” “The Chaos Emeralds!” the four yelled together, and thought of a new solution to go about keeping their search strong during these conflicts, and relaying their plan to the friends in the room, and the Doctor shortly after. “Dr. Eggman, order any contacting soldiers to go fight. You and any others who stay, remain at your posts to continue the search with the interdimensional scans. You’ll be contacted by Mobius soon enough.” /)∞(\ The empty home of Tails and Cosmo was anything but in their absence. It’s been a few days since the two disappeared, but their home had different guests in it each day and night. On that day was Sonic and his closest circle of friends – Amy, Cream, Cheese, Knuckles, even Chris Thorndyke and Rouge – all of them gathered in the workshop to sit, wait, and look at some of their genius fox friend’s work, from all his aircrafts, to the dimensional gate, even to some new handmade guitars. Sonic still had the blue Chaos Emerald he had since the event, and Knuckles had the yellow emerald he found while recently ‘going out’ with Rouge. Little did any of them expect the dimensional gate to open a portal, and Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable raced through, to their surprise having found most of who they were looking for already. They quickly explained what was happening, the status of the search, and the plan the Master Four had come up with regarding keeping the search going. “Use the Chaos Emeralds to scan every galaxy? How do we know that will actually work?” Chris asked. “It’s worth a shot,” Kim answered. “The Master Four thought of that same thing when the idea came up. They then said about how to use the emeralds’ power to be more of a detector than a scanner.” “I get what this means. It’s about using Chaos energy to trace to which other dimension Chaos Control could’ve come in contact with, like our world and Chris’s,” Sonic said. “But Sonic, that’s different. Our worlds were once the same planet that split apart dimensionally. Wouldn’t that mean there’s another world we’re somehow connected with?” Amy asked, pointing out an important fact. “Amy’s right. This could mean what’s happened before is happening again,” Cream added. Ron thought of something, quickly, and openly shared it with the others. “Wait a minute, didn’t someone steal the pan-dimensional vortex inducer… again… but wasn’t Drakken or Dementor?” “Ron, that didn’t actually happen. It was from that comic book you got last Christmas… two weeks ago,” Kim pointed out, her fiancé embarrassing realizing it as truth. “Listen,” Rouge said in a manner to get everyone’s attention, “we can worry about that later. All we know is Chaos Control happened in a Metarex ship somehow and the two are gone, so let’s just use the emeralds to track them down already?” “But we’re still short five emeralds, in case you haven’t noticed,” Knuckles said to her. “Four, actually,” Chris stated. “My grandpa heard from Dr. Eggman that Shadow found one too, so there’s still four to find.” “But we still have to find them, and who knows how spread out on this planet they are!” Ron yelled, with a slight whining in his tone. “Then let’s get searching,” Sonic said, and sped off out the open hangar door to try to find another emerald. Fortunately, he had his emerald to help find any others, while everyone else had their com-links with their scanners, and the use of a couple air-able planes to fly with. What they didn’t know was that there were only two emeralds left to be found across the planet, for one was lying in the open field in the center of Synthesis, and another, the green emerald, was already found by the Chaotix. And what they didn’t know that was far worse, a familiar enemy was standing on Angel Island, looking out at the land and sea of Mobius below, watching, waiting for the right time to strike again. “All I need is to lure them to the right place, to treat them to a pleasant demise,” said the villainous, evil, emerald-spotting master of the Metarex, Dark Oak.