The Pony King

by Darth Redbeard

Prince Blueblood/ The Two Sisters Discuss the Future

In the kitchens of Canterlot Castle, a white unicorn stallion with blond hair was waiting for his food. He was not having a very good day. He was supposed to be next in line for the throne after Celestia and Luna retired, but now, due to Twilight giving birth, his spot was taken from him by some upstart Alicorn prince. When his food arrived, all he could do was move it around his plate.

"I thought you were taught not to play with your food," a voice said from behind him. He turned and saw his Aunt Celestia walking towards him. "You'll never get a lady if you keep acting the way you do." Blueblood turned away from his aunt, still upset about the new Alicorn.

'I can't believe I lost my position to a newborn. I was ready to take the throne and now this happens. I will find a way to become King sooner or later.' Blueblood thought.

Luna walked into the kitchen looking for her sister.

"I thought I might find you in here," she said. "Eating cake again, sister?" Luna and some of the nearby cooks laughed about Celestia's obsession with cake. Blueblood walked away from the room to be left to his thoughts and sulk. Luna and Celestia watched him leave before Celestia spoke.

"I have just returned from Ponyville with great news. Twilight has given birth to an Alicorn!" she exclaimed. Luna's jaw dropped ten feet.

"An Alicorn?" She repeated. "This is wonderful news indeed. There hasn't been one born in years."

Celestia and Luna left the kitchens and went to a different room of the castle. This room was designed for the royalty of Equestria and the surrounding nations. Each wall in the room was designated for a different family. They walked up to the Equestrian part of the room and grabbed some paint brushes with their magic.

Celestia painted Spike underneath Twilight and Flash's painting as Luna painted a white unicorn filly right beside him.

"How did you know that?" Celestia asked her. Luna just smirked.

"You're not the only one with the ability to foresee things," Luna told her. They finished the painting and went to their private study. Along the way, they ran into Shining Armor and Princess Cadance.

"How are you two doing today?" Celestia asked them.

"Pretty good," Shining answered. Luna motioned for the two of them to follow her and Celestia. When they arrived at the study, Luna locked the door with a spell. Celestia took a deep breath and began to explain what was going on.

"To begin, Twilight has given birth to an Alicorn just recently. From what I was able to see, he had purple fur along with green hair and eyes. Whilst I was there, I felt something from both him and a unicorn filly that was with him. I'll explain that another time so just be patient. When I got back, Blueblood was having one of his tantrums about not getting his way about something. I fear it may be about the throne," she told them. Shining still had one thing on his mind.

"What's the foal's name?" Cadance hit him upside the head.

"Don't be rude, Shining!" She scolded. Luna laughed at the two while Celestia just smiled.

"His name is Spike," she said. Shining held back a laugh.

"That's your nephew you're laughing at, Shiny Pinie," Cadance scolded.

"Did you have to call me that?" Shining whined. Luna began laughing at the scene in front of her. Just then, she thought of something.

"Is that a real word?" she asked her sister. Celestia looked around, confused as her sister.

"I think the author is going crazy," she said.

"Hey, leave me out of this. You guys are just as bad as Pinkie."

"Someone say my name?" Pinkie exclaims, appearing right behind me as I type this.

"How did you get here?!?!"

"I heard someone say my name and I rushed over."

"You shouldn't be here! My boss is going to fire me if he knows you're here."


"I'm in trouble."

"Get that thing out of the office!"

"Yes, sir." As the boss leaves, Pinkie starts asking random questions.

"Why do you work for this guy? Why are you called Darth? Are you a Sith Lord? Have you seen Star Wars?" I grab Pinkie and drag her to a nearby window.

"GET OUT!" I yell, as I throw Pinkie back to Ponyville. As I sit down, I notice something missing. "She ate my last slice of Coca-Cola cake! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

"That was just weird," Shining said. Cadance nodded, eyes popping out of her head.

"The reason I'm worried about Spike is that Blueblood would be prepared to kill if it meant getting the throne. I would like to keep an eye on him until we can figure out what he may be planning," Celestia told the others. The four nodded their heads and left. Celestia took one last look out the window. "Prince Spike," she said to herself as she left the room and shut the door.