//------------------------------// // THE PAST THE PRESENT THE *GASP* FUTURE! // Story: Stay calm and Smile // by Disorderly chaos //------------------------------// I arrived in front of Derpy’s house and before I could even knock on the fucking door I was blasted by some form of energy shot in to my side and I was thrown across the street at a fast rate, which for landing was going through a fountains seat area. You know the area around the fountain that people sit on. “THAT’S FOR ATTACKING MY SISTER YOU EVIL UNHOLY MONSTER!!!” screamed someone while my head was under water. “It must be really loud if I can hear it clearly underwater.” I thought to myself with a smile. I stood up out of the water and looked around for the yelling figure and saw that it was the other tall pony like Celestia, but this one was a dark blue with stars for hair. “Nice hair” I said out loud to the pony. She looked at me like I grew two heads and had pink emo hair on one. “FOOLISH FOOL DO YOU HONESTLY BELIEVE THAT WE WOULD FORGIVE YOU FOR A BIT OF FLATTERY TO OUT HAIR!!!! JUST FOR THAT I SHALL GIVE YOU A BEATING THE LIKES OF WHICH YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN!!!!!” She screamed breaking the sound barrier with her voice alone. “Whatever I was just being kind and not trying to hurt your feeling, there’s no reason to spit in my face about it. Why do I have any reason to hate you?” I said nonchalantly “HA! DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU WILL WE WILL BELIEVE YOU WHEN YOU SAY YOU ARE KIND OR THAT YOU ARE NOT TRYING TO HURT MY FEELINGS!” “Well yes, but…” I was about to explain why when she stated something that with take Lucifer and God to hold my anger in check only to fail. “AS IF WE PRINCESS LUNA OF THE MOON WOULD BELIEVE SUCH A MONSTER AS YOU WOULD ACTUALLY HOLD ANY COMPASSION OR LOVE IS ASKING US IF WE BELIEVE IF ROCKS BREATH. WE BET THAT THE ONES THAT THY LOVE OR GIVE KINDNESS TO DIE LATTER IN A HORRIBLE DEATH DON’T THEY!” I stood there looking at her with my smile, which was slowly growing smaller by the second. FLASHBACK “Jessica, don’t leave me my little muffin, your daddy’s big girl you can’t die before daddy. Come on now when you get better we’ll both go out and get your favorite muffin.” I said with a smile with a waterfall of tears going down my eyes holding my dying baby girl that had holes in her chest. “Daddy why didn't you come helps us? Why daddy? You said if we ever need you would come hel-COUGH COUGH” Jessica said coughing up blood on me while looking at me while the spark in her eyes vanished. “Jessica…Jessica… JESSICA!” I screamed shaking Jessica hoping she was just sleeping. But no she was not sleeping, nor was my other children. They were all died. They had all been kidnapped and raped in an old factory only to be brutally beaten and stabbed to death. I had only just made it to find Jessica holding on to dear life crying my name softly. I stood there holding Jessica hot tears coming down my face with me still holding on to the smile. I raised my head and screamed to the sky with all the sorrow in my heart and kept screaming until my throat started to bleed. I set Jessica on the ground and put my hands to my face. “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry, please don’t leave me.” END FLASHBACK I stood there with a shrinking smile until it was gone leaving behind only a blank expression. Luna noticed then and immediately grew nervous from and was probably regretted the last sentence she said to me. I stood there looking at here with a blank expression and my eye stated to twitch. It only twitched to a small degree then slowly built up to my hole face cringing. Luna looked curious at me with my face cringing when all of the sudden I ceased cringing and asked here a question that brought fear and regret to her face. “Did you just insult the ones I love?” I asked her with my blank expression with an even less expressionless voice. “No I didn’t mean…” she started to explain, But I teleported in front and looked right in her face. She seemed surprised how fast I could teleport and that surprise quickly turned to fear when I spoke again. “You may insult me or my muffins or anything else I have, but you speak of my family and I will cut out your tongue and shove it up your ass only to make to crawl up you intestines and stomach and throat only for it to fall out to repeat the process all over again.” I stated with enough venom to kill a elephant. She seemed honestly scared of me, but only to find her courage again and say “Y-you h-have not right to speak to me like that I-I AM THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT AND I DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR DEAD FAMILY SO WHY DON’T…..” she continued to speak growing in volume, but I was not listening. I was angry and growing angrier. She dared to insult my family not once but twice, which was enough to break my bonds of self-control and calmness. She continued yelling so I did what I always do before I fight. “I am going to kick your ass.” I stated as I walked toward her. “Fool you think a mere monster like you could hope to defeat a princess?” she said with a smug smile. “Nope not at all.” I stated with a frown. “Well how do you plan on beating me?” She said while raising her eyebrow with a questioning expression “I didn't. I said I was going to kick you’re….” I said before teleporting behind her and lifting my leg back “ASS!” I yelled before kicking her in the ass sending her through the air and landing on the ground. “OUCH!” she screamed after hitting the ground with a thud. She turned back around giving me your dead glare and having her horn glow a dark blue color. I Thought I was fully prepared for anything she sent at me. That is until I felt a noose go around my neck, literally. “The fuck” I said before a very sharp tug was given on the other end of that rope. “SHIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!” I screamed while my whole body was violently pulled to the ground. “DON’T MESS WITH THE PRINCESS YA HEAR!” I look and see the six ponies from before and Celestia running toward Luna, while an orange pony was holding the other end of the rope in her mouth. I turned toward Luna and painted toward the group “Your friends” She answers with a simple nod and gives an arrogant smile to me. I stood up and took the rope of around my neck and Luna teleported over to her friends and proceed to talk to Celestia and the others. I was able to only hear some of the conversation, but it sounded like she saying she was alright and shit I really didn’t care so I proceeded to go over to Derpy’s door and knock on it. I waited for about ten seconds and the door opened to reveal a small unicorn filly. “Hey there Dinky” She looked up with confusion, but quickly turned to a smile when she saw my face. “LEX” She jumped in the air higher than I expected and landed in my arms. She nuzzled my chin and asked “Did you bring me anything? Huh. Huh.” I looked at her with a smile being reminded of the children in the orphanage and said “Well once we go inside I will give it to you is that fair?” “YES” she hollered before jumping out of my arms and ran inside. I chuckled and turned around stared at the stunned ponies. Each one was giving their own expression of dumbstruck and confusion. Celestia and Luna were both were staring at him like he had turned the colors of the cyan ones hair and was juggling monkeys. They stared at me for a couple of minutes before I spoke in a calm and collective voice. “Well until you can be calm and tolerant and not try to kill me, then I hear by ban you from this house and any future attempt at getting in. If you would like to talk to me in a formal setting you will calmly walk to this door and tap or knock on said door and state your name and business, then if I feel like talking you will be allowed inside.” I simple stated I then proceed to walk inside the house through the open door and slam it shut with a loud bang causing the ponies to wake up from there utter shock. I stood in front of the door with the door closed to my back and thought to myself “Where the muffins at?” 4 HOURS LATER It was seven o’clock and it was time for dinky to go to bed. I had her in my arms while I was walking to her room down the hall. She lay curled in my arms fast asleep after both of us having are fill of muffins, while eating muffins we started an eating contest. Needless to say I won, but just barely. “The filly sure has a stomach.” I thought to myself with a smile. I opened her door and looked inside and it was like a typhoon collided with a tornado. There were toys all around the ground and the top of her bed looked like someone piled all the remaining toys and just made a big war hill. I walked over to her bed stepping over any of the toys on the ground. I stood over her bed and knocked the toys to the ground and placed her under her covers. I proceed to walk away went I heard a faint whisper come from Dinky. “Daddy” I knelt down in front of her and placed my hand of her mane lightly pet it. Dinky smiles at this in her sleep “Lex there is ponies waiting at the door for you.” I look around and see Derpy there by the door with a smile on her face that would have lit up a galaxy. I give her a nod and walk out of the room. I went down the hall toward the door walking by pictures of Derpy and Dinky along with a pony with an Hour glass cutie mark but his face was ripped off on all the pictures. I took no mind to this and kept walking to the door. I stood in front of the door and looked through the peep hole and saw the seven ponies from before along with Luna and Shining Armor. “Who is it?” I said with a comical voice that sounded like a male trying to sound like a little girl, but failing miserably. I was still looking through the peep hole when they gave me there answer. “Princess Celestia and Luna along with captain Shining Armor and the elements of friendship.” Celestia stated with note real tone in her voice. “Ok here or the ground rules; one I say who comes in.” They started to protest but I quickly shut them up by stating the rest of the rules. “Two, no fighting once you get in here. Three, we will can give you answers I want you to know and hold back on I don’t want you to know. Four, you will be polite when inside. Five, break these rules and I will fill your stomach with lava will force feeding you acid and six be quiet there is a filly sleeping right know and if you think rule five was bad, then you find a new meaning of pain if she wakes up.” I waited for that to sit in before finishing with “Now then do you agree to the rules or no?” I said nothing for a couple seconds all looking at each other with worrying glances before Celestia said “Yes we agree with the terms.” “Excellent well I will be stating who or who not comes it right now.” with a happy tone glad they agreed to the rules. I looked them over one more time before giving my answer to them. “Ok then, Pinkie pie, Celestia, Luna, and Shining armor and just to be fair you can pick the last one to come inside. Also when you have made your decision the rest that was not chosen must leave. Knock on the door again when you have done that.” I looked away not wanting to see who they picked and after some time and hearing muffled voices I finally heard the door being knocked. I opened the door quickly and looked to see who the new pony. To my dismay it was the purple with the striped pink and purple emo hair. “Dang it” I said while looking down at the ground in a defeated stance. “What do you mean by that?” she says with an eyebrow raised “Nothing, well come right in then.” I said while backing up and creating a hole where they can walk through while giving a slight bow. “Living room is on the right, can’t miss it.” They all looked at me confused until Pinkie said thank you quietly while bouncing without making any noise. The rest began to follow trying not to make any noise at all either, but not giving me eye contact or saying thank you. “Rude much assholes” I thought while looking at each one as they walked past. Once they were all inside I shut the door and also walked over to the living room summing a tea pot with seven cups. As they all entered inside the living room and sat down I created a table and sat the pot of tea down and laid the cups in front of the respected owners of them. I then asked them “well while we wait for the muffins I thought you all might like some tea.” They all were looking around the room except Luna and Celestia who Luna was giving me a look of hatred, while Celestia was looking at me with curiosity. “Well I am sure you all have questions so let’s go like this… The pink one first then she decides who goes next then that person asks a question and picks someone new as well. You may even choose me as well.” I said thinking it was a pretty good idea “Well ok if I am going first my question is why do you like muffins more than Cupcakes? I MEAN CUPCAKES ARE SO MUCH MORE SWEATER And muffins are bland unless you put something with them like blueberries or bananas.” Pinkie pie said all on one breath. I put my thumb and pointer finger on my chin and thought of an answer for that for a minute, before coming up with one. “For my daughter Jessica.” I simple stated and Pinkie pie simple contempt by that answer, but the others where sum what confused by it. “Well who is next pinkie pie?” I said to her giving her a smile She smiled back at me and said “How about Twilight?” I looked over and saw the Purple one was surprised by this and said “Thank you Pinkie.” She looked at me and I could see her brain moving at a hundred miles per minute till she finally came up with ha question. “What are you?” I said back a rehearsed line that I grew accustomed to saying “I am known closest to a human, but not the quiet the same. I have the look of them, but my powers tend to come from something else.” She did not seem happy with that answer but before she could say anything I interrupted her and a said “Who is next” She looked around until her eyes came upon Celestia and with a slight nod in her direction she spoke up and said “Princess Celestia”. I looked over the White horse while she was looking at me with a look of curiosity as much as what Twilight. We sat there looking at each other when she finally spoke up. “What is your purpose here in Equestia?” “Nothing” She seemed unconvinced of the answer but I quickly put my hand in front of me before she could say anything and said “Next”. She seemed angry by the my sudden outburst but with a sigh she looked over at her sister who was still trying to drive daggers in to my brain with her eyes and at Shining Armor who was doing his best not to look at me. “Shining Armor” Shinning turned a whiter than he was moments before which is hard when he looks more bleached than bones. He looked at me thinking of over different questions in his mind when he eyes opened wider and said “Why didn’t you kill my men?” I looked at him with a devious smile and said “Why should they die when it was your own fault for pissing me off?” He looked down with a blush on his face while everyone else looked at him wondering what I meant. “Well who is next shiny?” I said with a snicker He gave me a look and quickly replied with “Luna” I looked over at Luna and she was just getting over her confusion over my answer to Shining. She looked at me with anger and curiosity which was much better than her driving imaginary nails through my head with her hooves with her eyes. “What happened to your family?” I sat there unmoving not saying a word or breathing. I looked at Luna straight in the face with a look that would have frozen a war in mid battle or even turned Medusa to stone. It did not help with my anger my eyes lit aflame. Everpony cringed at the site not see my full gaze that I was giving Luna. No one noticed that Pinkie was hiding behind her chair with her hair flat holding her hooves to her face crying. Luna was sitting there staring at me with fear and terror spreading across her face from seeing me. DING! “Muffins done” I heard from the kitchen that was next to the living room and was only connected by a door way. The flames in my eyes stopped and a smile spread across my face. I got up from my seat and calmly walked over to the kitchen to grab a plate of muffins for the guests. LUNA POV “The eyes.” I said aloud catching the attention of Celestia. “Sister what is the matter? Did Lex do something to you?” Celestia said with concern and anger in her voice. “No Celestia it was just his eyes.” “His eyes?” Celestia said with confusion in her voice “Yes sister his eyes, they were so filled with anger and hatred but the anger was not toward me at all. It was confusing and terrifying all at the same time.” Celestia raised her eyebrow at my statement but before she could get a question out there I resumed speaking but with a sadden tone. “He eyes showed so much anger but so much more sorrow. His eyes show age beyond even ours sister. It’s as though he has seen countless innocent lives lost and was forced to kill thousands of enemies in battle.” “Forced?” said Celestia with concern “No he did it on his free will but in his heart he did not want to do it but there was no choice.” I explained. Celestia gave a frown and lowered her head a bit, while looking at the floor in thought. Celestia raised her head and was just about to ask another question when Lex walked in carrying a foot tall platter of muffins.