//------------------------------// // Hitting Rock Bottom // Story: The Loser's Booth // by Pickleless //------------------------------// 8 PM. The night was young. The Filly wandered down the back streets of Canterlot with her head hung low. Slowly trotting along business district. She quietly took note on how well each store seemed to be doing, quickly noting which stores her taxes should be helping out possibly, while showing disdain towards some of the more...shady ones. 'Not that that is my job anymore...or rather, it never was my job to begin with.' With that thought, her heart plummeted, and she continued on her way. It wasn't all that bad. Life is what you make of it. And she could definitely make something of it. She happened to remember where some of the higher quality orphanages are. After admitting herself to one, she might be able to afford herself a therapist possibly. She may me broken, but admitting you have a problem is the first step to fixing things. Speaking of orphanages, maybe she should-that's not her job anymore. No, it wasn't her job in the first place. She had to stop thinking about these kind of things. The Filly heard a loud yell from behind her knocking her loose from her thoughts. Looking behind her, she saw two changelings break into a fight in a low lit alleyway. Blinking, she rubbed her eyes and looked again. Two normal stallions, fighting. Grimacing, she took a deep breath, and forced herself to calm down. The first thing she felt she should do was inform a royal guard. Much to her frustration, the only ones around were ponies out late at night avoiding their eyes to the mess. There's too many ponies who have gotten seriously injured in a fight like this. All starting due to fool's pride or a slip of the tongue. She would personally have to...see to her own safety. Because she's a small filly and getting into their fight would be a stupid idea. The filly sighed. Not wanting to leave the business street into darker, more isolated locations, she looked around for a establishment that she could safely hide in until the fight was over. If she was thinking straight she would have laughed at the idea of hiding in a bar. But for some reason, against her best judgement she hurried into the Loser's Booth. Looking around, the Filly was surprised. The outside of the bar was shoddy. Rusty nailed wood planks with the paint peeling. orange walls with a purple roof, clashing in a not very pleasant manner. Even with the brief glimpse she got at the building, she could see more than a few holes in the roof. Probably many more if she stopped to study it. The inside on the other hand... A fine red carpet lead inside. the floor seemed to be made of polished marble, fine enough to eat off of. Curiously enough, in contrast to the walls outside. The ones inside were a finely polished brown. The flooring consisted of a dark blue carpet, with gold trimmings. to top it all off, all of the lighting in the bar came from candles. The filly wondered if she accidentally walked into a high class restaurant inside of a run down bar. "A filly?..." With a jolt, the Filly slowly turned around to see a old unicorn in a suit. Most likely the cashier or a host. He stared at her with grim look on is face. "My most sincere apologies." The Filly said, bowing her head. "A fight broke out in the streets and I was simply looking a place to hide for a moment. Please forgive me for the inconvenience." "...No, your arrival was not by chance dear child. Yet," The stallion shook his head. "a Filly?.." "I beg your pardon?" "Tell me, my little pony. Have you been having a terrible time lately?" The Filly wore a sad, small smile. "Yes, I suppose that wouldn't be too hard to guess, by simply looking at me." The Filly had a pure white coat, packed with dirt. Her light pink mane was a tangled mess; And her feathers were out of place, badly needing to preened. Her hooves were chipped and her tail had chunks of mud in it. Worse of all, was the empty look in her eyes. "Yes, there is no question about it. You walking here was destined to happen. Please take a seat in...booth thirteen." The stallion pointed towards the booths on the left wall. "Destined?" The Filly questioned. "Wait, no. I'm sorry sir, I have no bits on me. I'm afraid I'm not a customer." "The first time you come to the Loser's booth, it's free." The stallion said with a gentle smile. Please, you look hungry, sit down and relax." An establishment where the first time you visit, it's for free? How would they ever keep track of who's come or not? Customers' first time being free raises a few warning bells. Especially with that destiny part...but, a stallion trying to subtly feed a homeless filly is a lot less suspicious. Choosing to swallow her pride. The Filly gracefully bowed to the Gentlecolt. "Thank you very much for your hospitality." The Stallion gave a hearty laugh. "It's no problem at all young mare! You wouldn't want to keep your friend waiting. Hurry along now!" Confused, the Filly quietly trotted towards the thirteen booth. All the booths had a light blue curtain around them. Giving each of ponies inside privacy. Pulling back her curtain, the Filly's trained eye recognized the tables and chairs were made of mahogany. She spotted a young stallion unicorn inside. Muttering to himself. "Good evening." The Filly quietly said. "As fate frowns upon me. Scowling. Any fortune that has come my way shall surely be taken and given to her. Regardless of how hard you try or how far you go. Destiny will always play favorites." "Are you feeling alright?" "The only ones showing kindness towards me being a mysterious old creepy stallion and strangely polite little filly. Everyone is out to get me. It doesn't matter where I go or what I do. Someone will do everything in their power to bring me down." "I'm going to have a seat, if you don't mind." "Tonight, it all ends. In a mystical fancy bar with a filly and more alcohol than I care to keep track of. With liquid courage. I shall break into Canterlot castle and put on a show whether they like it or not. Whether SHE likes it or not. It'll be my grand finale." Somewhat nervous, the filly waiting for the promise meal. The Old Stallion came in brought the muttering unicorn a mug of beer. Next, he put a salad and a glass of milk in front of the little filly. "Thank you sir." The Filly said, giving a gentle smile. "No problem at all, dear. Your other friend shall be here shortly." "My other friend? I wasn't expecting-" The bell at the bar's front door rang. "Oh, that must be him now. Excuse me." Waiting for a minute. The Filly watched as the third guest came through the curtain. She could not believe her eyes. It was a changeling. A very bloody, messed up changeling with a dead look in it's eyes. It looked at the muttering unicorn for a second, and then proceeded to stare at the filly for a whole minute. The filly proceeded to open her mouth. Stop, and then close it over and over again during that minute. Quietly, the Changeling sat down next to the filly. "Hey kid." The Changeling said, sounding bitter. "Notice how you're not dead?" "...Yes?" The Filly quietly replied. "You're welcome." "Misery seems to enjoy the odd sort. As I drown my sorrows with a child and a demon. I can't help but feel as if this a symbolic projection of my life. How I tackle my dreams with childlike optimism, only to have the cold, hard rules of reality crash down on me. Reminding me of who am I and where my place is, where my place shall always be. That is, except for tonight. Tonight, I shall..." "Great." Said the Changeling, staring at the Unicorn. "Just what I needed tonight. A pessimistic, muttering drunk. Awesome." The Filly frowned, perhaps it would be best if she left now- "Now that you all are here," The Old Stallion said, coming through the curtains. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Fine Wine. And you all are? Looking around, the Filly saw the Changeling staring at Fine Wine, and the Unicorn muttering to himself still. Seeing as no one else was going to go first... "I am prin..." The Filly stopped. "...I am Celes. It is a pleasure to meet you all." The changeling simply stared at Celes, and then back at Fine Wine. "I'm Elmer." The changeling said bluntly. "Hi." "I am the one and only Electric Koolaid. No, I am not a clown. I am a DJ. No, I am not a fan of DJ Pon-3. She did not inspire me. I am not copying her. I don't want lots of job opportunities, I just want some. A little, that's all. Any ones I get always end up getting stolen by her anyway. It's not like any of it matters anymore. After tonight, it's all going to end..." "Celes, Elmer, and Mr. Koolaid." Fine Wine said with a smile. "Welcome to the Loser's Booth." "Wow, sounds like a great place to be." Elmer snarked. "Why are we here again?" "Because," Stallion cheerily raised a hoof. "You three are the most miserable ponies in all of Equestria at the moment. Not also that, you three all have something in common." "And pray tell, what would that be?" "Well that would ruin the surprise now wouldn't it?" Fine Wine pulled out a bag of bits and gently put them down in front of Celes. "A little gift, from me." "Thank you very much sir, but I can't accept this." Celes said, pushing it back towards him. "Take it dear! You'll need it for tonight! Now allow me to explain the rules of the Loser Booth." Fine Wine cleared his throat. "You all have had a terrible twist in fate recently. Now, you are all at the lowest points in your lives. Ponies who were about to commit suicide. Ponies having the royal guard waiting to arrest them. Those who have tragically lost loved ones. All these ponies eventually find their way here." "The first time you visit the Loser's Booth, it's on the house. Coming back will cost you 100 bits for a booth. Drinks and food are free. Inside the booth, you will find yourself with others who have also suffered. Each of you will bet on how much worse you believe your story is compared to each others. Whoever has suffered the most wins the pot." Fine Wine places a large golden bowl in the middle of the table. "May the biggest loser win." Even Electric was staring at Fine Wine is disbelief. "We...are to use our misery as means to make money? Betting?" Celes asked, just to make sure. "Yes! You got it! That is exactly why you need that bag of bits!" He said, pushing it back towards her. "What kind of messed up place is this?!?" Elmer said, slamming his fist down. "If people who were going to commit suicide came in here, wouldn't this be horrible for them? How many people have killed themselves afterwards from coming here?!?" "None have." Fine Wine simply replied. "You might find it soothing to share your woes with others. Also, the surprise I was talking about may have something to do with that. All who have come here leave either happy, or determined, and always together." No one knew what to say to that. "I'll leave you three to yourselves. Take as much time as you need. We're open 24/7!" Fine Wine said, leaving. Celes simply stared at the bag of bits in front of her. Slowly, she opened it up and dumped out the whole bag. Making a quick estimation, she guessed their was about 200 bits or so in the bag. She stared at the bits calmly for a few seconds, then sighed. Quietly, she put all the bits into the pot. "If no one else wants to, I suppose I would be willing to go first." Celes offered. Elmer simply gave her a shrug, and emptied his bag of bits into the pot. Electric did the same and dropped his head against the table. But then tilted his head up to keep an eye on her, showing he was paying attention. "Very well then..."