The Cryssaling

by storm the castle


Bonus- Fresh Ticket
Big Ticket, a gold coated and brown-maned pegasus, as well as Ponyville’s premier news reporter, was having an incredibly poor day. Not only had she been fired for harassment and the spreading of hysteria, by royal decree no less, but she was being refused service in nearly every business in town. “C’mon, Dust!” she pleaded with Peach Dust, a vendor she had been on good terms with. “Just a little bite to eat! I thought we was friends!”
Peach Dust harrumphed in response, turning her head. “That was before you started picking on fillies, and telling every-pony in town that the nicest baby dragon in the world was dead!” she flicked her tail, and trotted away with her cart.
Ticket slumped into the dirt, thoroughly miserable. One bad lead! ONE! Now her career in town was ruined, and no-pony in town was talking to her. This was worse than when she got shown up by those three grade school fillies! What were their names again? Before she could ponder the thought deeper, however, possibly the most delicious smelling basket of Apples was placed in front of her.
Ravenously, she began eating the apples, without even asking if they were indeed meant for her. When she looked up however, she nearly spat chunks. Standing above her was none other than the dragon in question, Spike. “Hey.” He waved cheerily.
Big Ticket just stared at him, waiting to see if it was some sort of trick. When he merely stood there, though, just continuing to smile kindly, she allowed herself to relax and sit up, in order to address him directly. “H-Hey. Uhh, thanks, I guess, for the apples.” She wiped her mouth. And offered them back, trying not to push her luck in case they were his.
Spike merely waved them back at her, indicating they were all hers. “S’ cool. Heard about what you did, and figured some locals might be givin’ you a hard time.” He sat next to her as she ate. “Didn’t think it would be this bad, though.”
“You’re not mad?” she asked tentatively.
“Nah, not really.” He responded with a sigh. “I know what it’s like to get too focused on one thing or one idea, and lose track of everything else.” He looked at her and smiled. “We all make mistakes, pony or dragon, and we all deserve a second chance.” His face became stern. “Don’t get me wrong; I’m ticked about what happened with Scoots, and I’m not far behind with Sweetie. Their real good friends of mine, and I don’t appreciate you tellin’ them I died instead of trying for the truth.” He softened once again, but only after she shrank a bit in fear and apology. “But they got over it, and I can too.”
“Thanks, that means a lot, guy.” She smiled at him thankfully, only to sink back into her sour mood. “Just wish the others’d give me the same benefit.”
He gave a small laugh, and when she gave him a venomous look, he only laughed harder. “Sorry,” he apologized through tears, “but you gotta remember, this is a small town. They’ll only stay mad at you long enough for the next scandal to happen.” She gave a small harrumph. “Aww, don’t be like that. I got Twilight to take the charges off your permanent record, and even worked out a deal with your old boss.” She looked at him with surprise, and no small amount of hope. Spike continued. “He’ll let you back, with a small demotion of course, so long as you write a formal apology for the paper and give the true story of why I was gone, to calm down the gossip.”
Tickets eyes sparkled with dew. She had a light at the end of the tunnel, a shining knight of her very own, and it was a dragon!
“And so long as you didn’t pick on Fluttershy too,” he half joked, “you and me will be cool.” He stood and began to walk away, leaving her alone with the basket of apples and peace treaty offer… and the biggest manure eating grin you’ve ever seen.

He must never know.