Those We Remember

by Grape Crush

There Can Only Be One

Those We Remember

By Rainbow Dashie 99

Applebloom played around the grass when she noticed a small bunny approach her. She noted that the little bunny was hungry, as she took an apple from her sister’s basket and slowly extended it forward, in an attempt to feed the frail kit. The frightened bunny, instead of accepting the meal, was startled and ran away. Shocked and worried, Applebloom chased the bunny, unfortunately, unaware that she was headed into Everfree Forest.

Applejack ,returning from her orchard, noticed her sister run into the forest. She quickly burst into a gallop, as she followed her sister, and started to call out to her.

“Applebloom! Applebloom com’ ere, it’s dangerous out ‘ere! APPLEBLOOM!” Applejack yelled.

Then suddenly, everything was quiet… Applejack stood still, and raised her ears to listen. The birds chirped. The wind was blew and and the leaves rustled. Neither of these concerned Applejack as she slowly creeped forward, vigilant, as she hoped for any sign of her sister.

“AHHHHHHHHHHH,” came the scream of a young filly.

“Applebloom!” Applejack exclaimed as she continued to sprint , towards the direction of her sister’s voice.

“There yall are,” Applejack whispered to herself as she saw her sister in the distance. She stopped beside her.

“What’r’ yall thinkin’? Y’know better than t’ run into Eve---” but she was interrupted by her sister, with eyes opened wide, with a stare fixatedbehind her. Applejack slowly turned her her head and saw these large wooden canines, slowly that crept towards them as she whispered “Run”. Applebloom bolted out away from the beasts as she heard her sister yell “Keep goin’ Applebloom, yall c’n make it! Keep runnin’, Ah’m right behind yal”. Applebloom panted as she continued to run. “Keep going Applebloom! Applejack’s right ‘ere” she heard off in distance. Then there was silence…

”Applejack?” Applebloom started to yell out from the clearing just outside the forest. “Applejaaaaack!”. But there was no answer. A bush stirred as Applebloom slowly walked closer to the edge of the forest. “Applejack?” Applebloom whispered, both worried and falsely hopeful. The timberwolf lept from the bushes, and with a loud deafening CRACK... leaves rustled, nature’s serenity has been disturbed, and left Applebloom dazed and confused.

“Get outa’ere ya little pest” Big Macintosh said standing over Applebloom, the sound of his buck still pervasive. He looked towards his little sister, who was still seated in the grass, dazed and shocked from the events that had just occurred. “Applebloom yall okay? Where’s Applejack?” He said to the filly. Applebloom was still in shock, but managed to point her hoof forward. “Na’ get back home.” Big Mac said to his sister, as she ran back inside. “What in tarnation were those two doin’ in there anyway?” He continued as he walked into the forest, to look for his sister. “B-b-bunny” Applebloom whispered to herself, as her brother went in search of her older sister.

The sun started to set, and the tracks he used to track Applejack are began to get harder to see. The red sky only worsened the, already tense, situation. There were claw marks on the trees, and the eyes of nocturnal creatures shone in the shadows. Big Mac was started to lose hope, but he pushed on. He yelled “Applejack!”, into the cold, empty, unresponsive darkness. As he walked, he began to think about what could’ve happened to Applejack. He thought, maybe, she got away, maybe, she’s hid somewhere. A sudden wind blew through his mane ,and brought him back to reality. It was too dark to see the tracks now, and he still hasn’t found his sister. He was worried, to a point of shaking, leading him to think of the worst that might’ve happened. He thought, maybe, Applejack was ripped ap---

“B-b-big Mac?” he heard a faint voice.

He rushed to see as he said “Applejack! Thank Luna Ah’ve found you. Ah was so worried, are you okay? Com’on let m’take ya home” He stepped to see his sister.

“Nah Mac, Ah got bit by them pesky li’l timberwolves” Applejack whimpered as she slowly began to turn into wood.

“Oh naw! You’re gonna be alright Applejack! Ah’m gonna take ya h--”

“Big Mac, it’s too late fer me” Applejack interrupted, as she pulled herself from the bushes, to reveal an almost wholly wooden body.

Big Mac laid beside her, and hugged her as she teared up into his hooves.

“Ah’m sorry Applejack, A-A-A’h should’ve nev’r left y’two alone this close t’ Everfree for-”

“Shush now Big Mac, it ain’t your fault, jus’...jus’ let m’ go”

Big Mac’s eyes swelled up with tears as he watched his sister turn into lumber. As he laid there, memories raced through his head, which he quickly dismissed.

“Ah’ need to get ya’ll back home”. He built up his strength, both mentally and physically, and rose up to carry his sister, and slowly trudged back home. The moonlit forest seemed so peaceful, silent, serene. Big Mac, with tears still in his eyes, tirelessly pushed on, seemingly unaffected by the weight of his deceased sister’s body. As they approached the clearing, Big Mac started sweating, as he thought of how to explain everything to Applebloom. He constantly ran the event through his head and started to practice for it.

“Applebloom, Ah’m sorry bu-....Naw...Applebloom, Applejack was b---No…”. He approached the door and rested his hoof on the wooden frame…

“Applebloom, so-” but he was interrupted as the door opened.

“Big Mac? What’s that behind you? What are you carrying?” Applebloom said as she opened that door, with tears still in her eyes. She had been sitting there since she got home.


“Is it...Applejack? IT IS! Isn’t it?...” Applebloom interrupted once more, as tears swelled up in her eyes. She fell to her knees, as her tears flowed.

Big Mac took her inside, and tucked her into bed, “It’s going t’be alra’ht li’l sis. Jus’ get some sleep t’naght. Let’s worry about this t’morrow”

Applebloom shut her eyes, and secretly tried not to sleep, as she waited for Big Mac to leave. As soon as Big Mac left her room, Applebloom creeped out of her bed, and put her ear against the door.

When the sound of Big Mac shutting a door came to Applebloom's ears, she quietly opened her own, and snuck out. She crept slowly towards her sister’s room and slid the door open. Much to her surprise, her brother was there as well.

“B-Big Mac Ah thought yall hit the hay? Heh-heh” Applebloom said, as she faked a laugh, and tried to back away slowly, obviously caught sneaking out by her brother.

“Ah was jus’ tuckin’ ‘ere Applejack in. Com’in’ere Applebloom. What’re ya’ll doin’, sneakin’ in lahk this anyways?” Big Mac said sternly to his sister

“Ah jus’ wanted t’ see Applejack”

“Alra’ht, but go t’ bed soon ,‘kay?


Big Mac then stood, and left the room, leaving Applebloom with their sister’s wooden frame. Applebloom crept up the bed and sat down, with her head towards her sister.

“Ah’m sawry Applejack, I really am sawry. Please com’back Applejack, please please please come back” Applebloom stared into her sister’s wooden eyes, and started to cry again.

“Ah’m sawry Ah chased that bunny into Everfree, Ah’m sawry I got ya’ll bit by that timb’rwolf. Ah’m sorry…so sorry” She sobbed as she dug her muzzle into the wooden figure. As she wiped her tears, Applebloom curled into a tight ball beside her sister, and cried herself to sleep, as she hoped that it will all be better in the morning.

A Week Later

It was the middle of summer. A cool breeze flooded the surrounding area of Canterlot. To most ponies it was a beautiful day, not many came around with such cooperative weather. To not see the beauty in the current day could very well be seen as a crime. Although, in the current situation that would mean everypony would be going to the dungeon. Even with the aid of the beautiful weather, everypony could not be more downhearted. One of Equestria’s heroes had recently fallen.

The once mane six, now the mane five, were lined up on one side of the coffin. Princess Celestia and a distraught Princess Luna were present on the other side. Guards, of both night and day, stood watch over the funeral. Hundreds of ponies sat in the crowd, many crying, others unsure, of exactly what to do. It was a grim day for Equestrian society, now that one of the elemental bearers had passed onto the infinite void. Twilight Sparkle strode up to the stage, donned in full ebony, and as she choked back tears, she began her eulogy.

“Thank you everypony for gathering here today to honor a great mare. She died not in vain, but in peace. I must admit that her’s was an untimely demise, but yet it happened.” Twilight began to lightly sob, the words of her speech died on her lips. Princess Celestia came over and gave her a light nuzzle and words of encouragement. Once her emotions had righted themselves again, she continued.

“Applejack… She was a great, honest pony. She never failed to tell the truth, and for that I honor her.” She paused for a second, reconsidered her words and steadied her voice again, yet, to no avail. She had practiced the speech many times, she wanted it to be perfect for the passing of a true, kind, and close friend. Now, she just couldn’t say the words without stammering or choking back tears, as she struggled to accept the bitter truth of her friend’s passing.

As she stood, off to the side, Rarity was now visibly shaken. Her eyes were red and bloodshot from the lack of sleep she had gotten. The rest of the friends didn’t fair any better. Pinkie Pie’s once bouncy and curly mane feel straight into her face, she stared at the ground as if nothing else in the world had mattered. Fluttershy had tears which flowed freely down her face, as she hid behind her mane, but her attempt was futile as the droplets continued to fall from behind her cover. Rainbow Dash took it as well as anypony could, but even then, it was not great. Her eyes were red and puffy but she held back tears well as she stood tall. She honored her fallen friend.

“Applejack deserves more than this, much more, I can’t give her the closing that she deserves, but I just wanted to let you all know this. She would want us to continue.” Twilight then cried freely thereafter, the loss of a great friend had taken it’s toll on the 5 friends. None of them would ever be the same, but Applejack would have wanted them to continue.

Twilight backed down the stage and let Rainbow Dash say what she had prepared. For once in her life, she had accepted the fate of looking up, in a book ,how to properly prepare a speech. She reminded herself that reading a book for a good cause couldn’t be a bad thing.

“Applejack,” Rainbow Dash sputtered saying the name, nonetheless, she continued, “she was one of my closest friends. She was always there for me when I needed it, she even forgave me when I had stolen apples from her years ago. To this day she was as loyal as a pony can get and trust me, I know loyalty.” A tear slipped from her eye as she took one last look at her deceased friend inside the coffin. She resisted the urge to go hug the lifeless wooden body, and took her previous position back at the side, lined up with her friends. Twilight strode to Pinkie’s side.

“Hey Pinkie, are you going to give your speech?” Pinkie Pie didn’t even shake her head. Her mental status had been, slowly, torn apart from the loss. Twilight knew this, so she didn’t press the issue further. The death had taken hold of their souls and tore them apart. Most of the time none of them would be seen throughout Ponyville at all, this was the first time they had been together in a week. It was unfortunately, a bad circumstance.

Princess Celestia walked to the stage and cleared her throat.

“Since everypony that had wanted to give a eulogy did so, would you please stay while we bury the deceased?” Princess Celestia wanted to show true emotion, but she had to retain her regal status, which did not sit well with the remaining elemental bearers.

“She could at least show she cares,” Rainbow Dash muttered under her breath. It hurt her the most to see someone at such a high stature show no emotion for one of her guardians. No, she resolved, it was disgusting to see that.

“Rainbow, she is the princess, she can’t show that much affection towards the deceased, it makes her look weak.” Twilight sighed, she too wished the princess showed more emotion, but understood why she couldn’t.

“No Twilight, she was our friend, what if you were in Applejack’s place right now, how would she act then?” Rainbow hardly controlled her voice to a raspy whisper, all Twilight could do was gasp.

“How dare you compare Applejack to me, this isn’t about what the princess would do for somepony else, we are here for Applejack.” Twilight also contained her voice to a low whisper.

“I dare because I know it would be different! She would be crying right now, broken like the rest of us are right now, all for you. We are no different Twilight, Applejack deserves no less than what you would get.” Rainbow told her sternly, and there was no argument. Rainbow Dash was right, the princess would act more emotional if it had been Twilight instead.

“Nonetheless, she just didn’t know Applejack like she knows me, you have to understand that.” Twilight’s eyes brimmed with tears, ever since the accident, the five friends have been increasingly distant, and right now, Rainbow Dash has been widening the gap.

“She should show more emotion, Applejack deserves better.” Rainbow trailed off, the dams broke and she spun uncontrollable sobs. She sunk down and cried into her forehoof.

A special circle of assorted decorated flowers had been planted around a soft spot of dirt, the dirt had been slowly been dug up. The slow process was not noticed, however, as the crowd was tried to find words. Most hadn’t even heard of the accident, others had been alerted when it happened. Those who didn’t know stood there with quivering lips or unstoppable sobs. Applejack’s family which consisted of Applebloom, Big Macintosh, and Granny Smith, stood watching the coffin while it was lowered into the dark pit.

Big Macintosh looked dangerously close to tears, but kept his head held high. Everypony at the service walked passed the grave, and gave their final respects to the fallen hero of Equestria. When most of the ponies had left, the dirt was resupplied onto the spot and a marble Tombstone with Applejack’s name and date she was born and died, was placed.

When it was made sure it was just the Elements, the Princesses, and Applejack’s immediate family were left, Twilight used her magic to engrave a poem on the Tombstone.

Applejack was honest.

Applejack was a hero.

Applejack was a friend.

She will always be one of those, we remember.

***(So my first one shot, and look at that, it's sad. I hope it brings as many feels as I hope. Oh yes and if anypony could tell me who owns the cover image that would be great. Edited by spongebob1000)***