//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: My Little Luna // by IAMCHEEZY //------------------------------// "Go Luna Go!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Tree after fallen tree being moved from the road. Water shaking from each piece of foliage as was being removed from the black asphalt. The slowly retreating clouds provided some cover from the afternoon sun as we are left to our own devices. I'm actually a bit shocked that such a short rainstorm caused this much damage. You see, me and my companion were caught in this specific rainstorm not that long earlier and... ...Well, you get the point. Myself jumping, and hollering at the top of my lungs for the amazing feat my girl had volunteered to do. Since I can't do much with ton-weighing logs, I give her my full and undivided support. Albeit, still not much. Luna stood there, her coat soaking with, not rain, but bullets of sweat, with her horn aglow with powerful alicorn magic. Her eyes were like glowing light pearls. With every raspy gasp that escaped her, she shook with a sweat droplet streaming down her the side of her smooth, blue cheek. I keep telling myself she's an alicorn and can withstand this, but being so young I'm not so sure. Another *CRASH, is heard as yet another tree is felled just beyond the tree line, shaking the ground doing so. In this mess, some dirt kicked off, leaving little brown flecks in her hair. She didn't seem too bothered by this as her blue aura moved on to the next and final log. "One... last... log" She slowly muttered out to me, carefully rising the last wooden rod from the road. The water from the recent storm falling like water falls off the series of creases and bumps in the wood. Moss covering the used-to-be north face. The orange evening sun blocked out for a few moments, as the object was thrown off. I hear the reassuring CRASH off to the side knowing that she finished. Storms in the Appalacian mountains prove to be... difficult to say the least. The blue ball of fuzz collapsed of exhaustion right smack on her haunches. Her breath and eyes were heavy with the feat she had just performed. Still shaking, she managed to sputter out, "All... done!" before collapsing of exhaustion. I saunter over and I kneel beside the young princess and gave her a soft nuzzle on the side of her soft blue head. Adding a soft kiss on the forehead for good measure. "You did great honey." I say touching her nose with my index finger. She, in return, gave a soft smile in return. My hands, begin to wrap around the warm filly as I begin to walk back to our, now temporarily immobile vehicle. Whispering into her ear just barely more audible than the crunch of the dirt, "I guess you could say it's my birthday present." Her cool smile vanished in seconds. "It.. it's your birthday daddy?" I tapped her on the snout with the tip of my index finger, "Don't worry about me sweetie. For today, you did something we all should be proud of." Being in my hands, I brought her up to my face and gave her another nuzzle against her worm torso. She giggled as I did so. "By the way," I said bringing her to eye level with me. "You deserve a special kind of treat." Her eyes widened to the size of beach balls, "Treat?" "First of all, since I don't see much problem, we can camp at the side of the road for tonight." My words left my mouth as I pointed to a nearby dirt patch. "Camping?" *** Darkness started to fall over us, as the orange evening sun slowly vanished over the forest of lush, emerald green pine trees. As such, the beautiful white orb that was our satellite made its way over the tree line. Tonight was a full moon, so the we were both able to fully enjoy the view. Of course, our bellies protruded from their usual positions, filled with marshmallows, s'mores, and other typical snacks you would bring on a cross-country trip. You can't have camping without snacks. In the plastic fold out chair I had pulled along with me on this huge trip, my body steadily held the little one in the folds of my lap. Her warmth was a nice contrast to the cool mountain air. "I like it daddy." she spoke, with a voice like silk. "What?" "The moon... and the stars. They're so pretty." She responded, obviously awed by the fantastical glimmer of stars shining in the night sky. Since we weren't in a city anymore, we were able to see the full beauty of the night sky. So, as the chance was offered we both took the opportunity. She then proceeded to give a great yawn and rested her head on my right knee. Giving her another warm smile I begin to scratch behind her left ears as she groaned, my little one already had slumber clawing at her essence. Her eyes began to flutter awake and close consistently now, as she lay her fragile body in the cradle of my arms. "Daddy?" She said weakly up to me. Her breath filled with the stench of sweets. "Yes?" I said knowing sleep's grip was trying to pull me in as well. "Happy birthday," she said, and as sleep overtook her, she gave one last sigh and fell into slumber. I slumped back into the chair, gave a sigh, and scratched her behind her slightly twitching ears. You are so cute. After a few minutes of snuggling, I hear an almost non-existent snore. I look back at her, to find that she had curled up into that little ball she always slept in, her chest rising and falling slowly. I lifted her up off of my lap, being careful not to disturb the slumbering filly. I then begin to slowly shuffle through the dirt and asphalt back to the Expedition. Every time I step, being weary of the *CRUNCH of the cold ground beneath my wearing sneakers. To top it all off, she would squirm slightly every time I moved. After what seemed like ages, although it was only about thirty seconds, I reached the aging vehicle. The cars doors unhinged easily as I creak the metallic door open with my left hand, holding Luna in my right arm. Cringing with the fact that it actually did give off with a loud creaking sound. After the hard part of the matter was done, I simply set her down on the plush seat, gave her one last kiss, and softly closed the door behind me. I loved snuggling with her, but I had to put her there. Even if I wanted that moment with her to last forever, she still had to be placed in the warmth of the vehicle, or risk freezing to death. I folded my arms and leaned against the slightly dented back door. I close my eyes and gave a long, drawn out sigh. "Wow" I muttered under my breath. "I must be the luckiest person alive..."