The King of Lies

by Jade Ring


Darkness surrounded the frightened unicorn. She rubbed at the spot on her neck where the snake had bitten her but found no puncture wound, no mark.

She was in her parlor. Sunlight filtered in from an open window accompanied by the smell of a fresh spring breeze. Birds sang their songs just beyond sight. All in all, it appeared to be a lovely morning.

Rarity saw herself sitting on the couch, humming softly to a bundle held between her forelegs. She appeared to be only a few years older... and perfectly content with life.

She took a step towards her shadow-self. "Is that...?"

"You?" Belial materialized beside her. He made a conscious effort to avoid the sunlight pooling on the floor. "Of course it is."

"If that's supposed to be me... then why in Equestria am I holding a foal?" She looked to the King of Lies incredulously. "Is my test to see whether or not I'm a foal-sitter in the future?"

Belial chuckled. "Why is it so hard to believe the foal could be yours?"

Rarity rolled her eyes. She'd been expecting something harder than this. "Because Spike and I cannot have children. Unicorns and dragons cannot breed. I know you're new to this world, darling, but it might have been a good idea to do a little research." She took in the scene again. “At least this dream is more pleasant than the last one you sent me...”

"Ah!" Belial's red eyes widened. "But who said the foal was Spike's?"

Rarity froze and took in the room as though seeing it for the first time. Her family pictures adorned the walls just as they always did. There was Sweetie Belle, Mother, Father... even various pictures of her friends. Everyone except... "Where are my pictures of Spike?"

Belial tilted his head at the lullaby-singing vision before them. "Perhaps the memory of what happened to him is too difficult for you to bear. Or maybe it's shame; shame at the fact that you betrayed him for another."

"I would never betray Spike!" she snapped.

"Indeed. But then... he hasn't come back into your life yet, has he?"

"What are you...?" She was cut off by the sound of the front door opening. She turned to see a stallion she'd never seen before... or had she? There was something vaguely familiar about him. "Who is that?"

"The father of your foal, of course."

"Who is he?" she demanded, her horn sparking dangerously,

"I believe you've seen enough, my lady. The time has come."

"Wait! I haven't seen enough. How can I possibly...?"

"Look into your heart." The shadowy stallion grinned. "Your heart will tell you; is what you're seeing truth... or is it just a lie?"

“This isn't fair! You gave me that damned nightmare and now I'm supposed to just process all this...”

“Time is short, and if this contest does not end before the sun rises and you awaken, then I win. Now, is it truth or is it a lie?”

IT'S THE TRUTH.” The words tasted bitter on her tongue. “I don't know how or why I know but I know it's the truth.” She advanced on him, her horn pointing dangerously at him. “Now tell me who he is. Tell me what happens to Spike!”

“A university man.” Belial chuckled. “He gave you a gift once, and he will again.”


“Do you know the weakest part of a dragon's body?” Belial laughed at the absurdity of the seamstress ready to gore him and raised his hoof. “His heart.”

With a primal scream of rage, Rarity charged the King of Lies.

Belial brought his hoof down.