Twilight Wants a Chocolate Bar.

by Muffinz 4 Life

Ch 2. The Crystal Empire

Twilight nervously tapped her hooves together. She continually glanced at the train window, only to look back at her hooves. Tap tap tap"Are we almost there yet?" She asked a nearby waitress.

The waitress sighed. "For the last time! We left the train station five minutes ago!" She handed Twilight a glass of water. "Here." She said more calmly. "Drink something. You seem a little anxious, everything okay?"

"Yup!" Twilight lied. "Everything's fine!"

As soon as the waitress left, Twilight went back to her hoof tapping, much to the annoyance of the other passengers.

"What am I going to do?" She mumbled to herself. Twilight didn't know how to function without her chocolate. Applejack had better been right about the shop at the crystal empire, or she would wish she had never been born.

A few hours later...

"All aboard for the Crystal Empire!"

A loud announcement woke Twilight from her slumber. She was dreaming about chocolate.

She groggily got up from her seat and slowly walked out from the train car.

The outside of the train showed a breath taking view of the crystal castle in the distance, but Twilight would have none of it. The only thing she needed to do was to find her brother and Cadence and ask them where the chocolate store was, then get the heck out of there.

She finally made it to the part of the castle where her brother and sister-in-law lived. Twilight banged on the crystal doors loud enough to make Rainbow Dash awake from one of her naps.

She was opened to Cadence at the doorway. "Oh! Hello Twilight! I didn't expect you to be coming! Please let me get you some tea and-"

"Where are the chocolates?!?"



Cadence walked back a few steps away from the insane purple mare that was currently screaming at her.

"D-down main street...third building on your l-left."

Twilight galloped away before Cadence could question anymore.


Twilight followed Cadence's directions and found the chocolate store...but not the way she thought it would be.

The building was black and large chunks of wall were missing, it's products inside were just burnt up ash.

The janitor sweeping outside saw Twilight looking as if she had seen a ghost. "Yep..burned down just last week."

Twilight gasped.

"H-how long will it take to repair?" She asked frantically. The janitor shrugged.

"Years probably." He said as he swept the ashes in front of the former chocolate store.

Twilight grid her teeth together in frustration. She had just traveled to the other side of Equestria for nothing? This was outrageous! What was she suppose to do now?

The purple princess dragged her hooves back to the train station. She couldn't function properly without her chocolate bars! How was she going to work at the library without her special chocolate? She sighed. It was going to be a long trip home...