
by Ebony Gryphon

Chapter 4 By the camp fire, ones life is told

Carpenter flexed his fingers inward, and with a shunk, the blade hidden in his bracer slid out. Regarding the weapon a moment, the Assassin flicked a thumb against the side. Feeling the tip a moment, Carpenter jiggled the weapon a moment before sliding the weapon back. As he began adjusting his other, he pursed his lips.

"Ah, my protege. I thought you were off entertaining our guest."

Walking up to his fellow, Arron gave a slight bow.

"Peace through freedom, brother mentor."

Rolling his eyes, Carpenter slid the blade back into his bracer.

"So formal... I take it then you have news."

Arron nodded, and folded his arms.

"Lady Gale is the daughter of Lady Shadow, both fellows in the pegasi clan called the kickers. From what I can gather from the locals, Lady Shadow seems to be held both in awe and contempt, more so the latter then former. There also appear to be several pegasi and three unicorns in the local towns looking for Lady Gale. From what I could overhear, some noble took offense and is seeking her out. Despite her mother's reputation, as well as her own skills as a soldier, the noble has sent his lackeys to catch if they can, kill her if not."

Lowering his hand, Carpenter said softly "Damn."

Arron held up his hand.

"The three unicorns I mentioned have already been dealt with, as have one of the pegasi. The rest flew off when they found their bodies."

Carpenter gazed at Arron sternly.


Arron shrugged.

"They thought it was the villagers. I took their coin purse and made off."

Nodding grimly, Carpenter patted the young mans shoulder.

"A shame to waste a life, but..."

Arron nodded, then crossed himself.

"May God grant them the peace they sought in gold and flesh."

` "Amen."


Gust nudged her mothers saddlebags up into a better spot on her mothers, and with a quick pull of the belt, tightened. Letting out grunt, Shadow looked over her shoulder.

"Easy child. You trying to kill me again?"

Smirking, Gust shrugged.

"Can hardly blame me when the soft beds and ready meals makes you so... generous in your curves, Mother."

Growling playfully, Shadow turned back to her daughter, and pressing her nose to the mare, said "Best watch what garden you traipse, little bunny. Ain't to long since I whipped your smart ass, and I sure as Celestia raises the sun can do it now."

Rolling her eyes, Gust huffed,

"Anytime, anywhere, old nag."

Snorting, Shadow stepped back as she gave a dismissive movement of her wing.

"Enough. Where are our charges?"

"Here we are, fair mares of the Court! You brave knights draw nigh."

Smirking, the black furred mare turned to the voice.

"And if could find a puny enough suit of mail, Arron, we'd dub thee the canned ham."

Walking forward, hand pressed to his chest, Arron continued unabated, Carpenter following a few steps behind as he chuckled and shook his head.

"We know thee woman are frail and unsuited for this treacherous land. As men of our Order, we shall see thee to Canterlot, not a hair out of place!"

Brows furrowing, Shadow snorted.

"Right... All those monster and beast skulls I've gotten as keepsakes just jumped onto the walls of our hold..."

"Monsters? Lay thy mind at ease, Lady Shadow! For you are accompanied by my less handsome colleague and myself. Arron, whose exploits thrilled maidens and lords alike! Who can drink a lake dry in moments, and scale the highest peaks if only to see your faces in joy!"

Covering his eyes, Carpenter groaned.

"Indeed. For there are no oceans wide enough to hold the fish you've caught, nor countries large enough to be home to the wild stallions you've tamed."

"Indeed so, my mentor! For I am Arron..."

Cutting in, Gale quipped "Who in a single uttered word could cause a mushroom harvest to pop up over Equestria."

Dropping his hand, Arron frowned.


Chuckling, Shadow gave the human a pat on the back.

"Never fear, Arron. Whole country out there who you haven't spoon your line of shit too."


With the drawing of straws as the sun set, the group had pulled Carpenter for first watch that evening. Quickly their companions had dozed off as Carpenter and Shadow looked on, both set of brows raised at how close the two huddled.

Smiling softly, Shadow said "They seem to be getting along."

Rubbing hands over the fire pit, Carpenter snickered.

"Perhaps she keeps the chill at bay with Arrons hot air."

"Right to sleep, the both of them... sleep of the just."

Regarding Shadow a moment out of the corner of his eye, the human replied "While yours may not be as peaceful, perhaps you should sleep as well."

Smile turning bitter, Shadow shook her head.

"Don't sleep much nowadays child."

Looking into the fire, Shadow continued "At night... when you lay in your keep... do the come to you? The dead? Do their screams and cries of pardon ring as their death plays again and again?"

"Yes. Though nothing like Maresidian."

CLosing her eyes, Shadow gave a shudder.

"I... watched them burn. I stood there and watched as Celestia called down her judgement on their traiterous hides. To this day, I can barely sit at a hearth or stove without wanting to turn tail. Even our pit... I can't stop shaking..."

Shadow looked at Carpenter, eyes haunted.

"I knew it was needed. It was for the good of all. I should feel... happy. Proud I served at her side. Happy to keep my honor. But all I feel... is emptiness. Regret. It could have been so different..."

Smiling, Carpenter patted the mares neck.

"Good, milady. Hold fast to those feelings, but do not allow them to stay thy path. Mourn as well you should, for life is not something that one should take lightly."

"My heart is as flint now, child, and death is but a nonce to me these days, despite my frailty at my Commanders side. Your word offer me little comfort. Why waste regret when I can merely become hard as many of my elders have."

"To become hard, is to become brittle, Shadow. Tis not a frailty to regret, nor mourn the lost, even those who we kill. Tis a strength."

"May plague take you child! Can you not allow me a moment of being a morbid old buzzard? How could one who has barely grown from a pup both confound and comfort a pegasi matriarch, never mind said the fact we only met a few days ago"

"Well... for one, I'm probably just as stubborn as you are..."

"... ahh, though not as wise or of such beauty..."

"... as for the other... you needed someone to talk to."

"Ahh, tis true, child..."

For a moment the two sat in silence, the popping of the logs and the nights crickets the only noise.

"Why do you starve?"

Shadow whole body cringed, her jaw tightening.

"And spare me thy words, Shadow... I've seen you out of your armor. Your frame, while still toned, is somewhat thin, all fat gone, your own body now turning on itself to live. Your coat and mane... lacker compared to others. You ate as though you hadn't in days, your ribs, thankfully, only show slightly, but still shouldn't be... And..."

Shadow jumped as a hand was drawn down her wing. Blowing the loose fluff a feather from his fingertips, Carpeneter frowned.

"You molt... At first, I thought you blighted, till Gale, who was saved much by the grace of youth. So I ask again, why?"

Shadow bared her teet, and snarled "How the delight in how my clan suffers!"


Wings limp, head hung in sorrow, Shadow whispered "The thrice damned earth and unicorns. Finally united in something, and thats our slow death."

"How though..."

"After the battle, with the other clans disolved or broken... none would heed us. At all. Even fellow Guards shunned us, refusing us rank or placing us in positions of shame as mop pushers or ditch diggers. The pegasi I expected, and my clan prepared for. But then, the unicorns refused us potions or healing, or enchantment of arms and metal. While our forge do great works, it can only take us so far. Many elders have perished to maladies easily relieved, and foals sicken from want and despair. The rest... suffer."

"When they returned. I believed it a joke. But when more returned, claiming now the earth ponies refused us even a morsel, no matter our bribes or threats, I scoffed. A simple matter, we need only to graze as we did when we were out on patrol. But... we couldn't. At every landing, we were met with violence. To many to fight, their will turned towards our end resolute. Even our foals were not allowed to drink of eat, our allies wishing our clan would do them them a boon and quickly join the others in ash."

"They even refused Celestia... neither for wrath or wealth. Only we she begged... begged them... did they relent. But its not enougn. Winter closes, and with ours clouds becoming part of the gray shroud, none will take us, or allow us holds near their lands. Your fellows in Canterlot have helped us, and are willing to share with us in Canterlot, but..."


"Yes... two hundrend and fifty mares to two hundred fifty human stallions, many with foals of their own, and taking in other foals who either wander or had lost their family..."

"... Why? Why would your people... they barely know the written word or math beyond counting their own... compared to your clan, with the exception of the one Celestia has taken as advisor, many seem simple as any commoner. They barely have enoug for themselves, the stupid rage of the other tribes now bared on them once they found they were helping us... While magic does naught to them, many no not the way of sword or cunning of diplomacy. And yet... almost all, young and old, foal and parent..."

"Why help us? We expect no such thing, and no doubt some fools will refuse in the name of pride... The rest will spend the winter in shameful acceptance. You'll gain nothing, our clan has nought to offer as wealth and noblity, our numbers far to stretched as guards to offer any help. So why?"

"The wells of kindness and cruelty in us know no bounds, milady. And may those whose natures darken towards evil be stayed from mischief upon you and yours."

"I see... then make sure the water and reserved saved aren't fouled?"

"And in some way begin to try to pay them back in spring, either this year or next. Lest thou fall askance of a wicked sort would use the kind act as leverage."

"Sound wisdom boy. This night... I shall sound, no doubt. But before that, one thing of your philosophy..."

Snorting, Shadow leaned against the humans shoulder, and as she closed her eyes, grumbled "I see where Arron learned how to shovel on bullshit. Your too kind to bear the trials of this world, boy.:

As she spoke, Shadow draped a wing over the humans shoulder, and drew him close. Giving a muted glare, she growled "And don't think your silver tongue has made me a simpering filly, boy. I'm just cold."

Shrugging, Carpenter tossed a few sticks on the fire.

"Of course not."

Within a few moments, Shadow was asleep. And apparently she snored. Loudly. Carpenter groaned. At least the noise might be mistaken for a wild bear, the human thought