The Vampony Chronicles Part 1: Wings of the Past

by Spot Light

Act 1 Scene 2: Something Strange

I intend on things to be better this time. In the songs Pink for Pinkie, Purple for Twilight, Cyan for Rainbow Dash, Sliver for Rarity, Orange for Applejack and Yellow for Flutershy and Green for all. Just to be clear.


Twilight and Pinkie Pie had just put every book away. It didn't take as long as expected. But Twilight couldn't shake the images of that visitor she had earlier. But now since everything had been put away the two had decided to go down to Sugar Cube Corner to grab a snack.

"Sorry again about knocking all the books down Twilight." Pinkie said for the fifth time.

"Again as long as it is cleaned up now it's ok." Twilight was a little annoyed. The two made it to the bakery.

"Say Twilight, after we get a snack I have a book I would like to show you. It's one of the best I've read."

Twilight's face lit up. "What kind of book? Whats it called? Whats it about?" Her adorkable side was showing.

"The Moon Scroll saga." Pinkie said with a smile. Twilight's face fell, it had to be Moon Scroll. Facehoof. (Their equivalent of the Twilight Saga).

"Pinkie why are you reading that series? Even I won't read those books,"

"I like the mane character an what he is. I want to meet one, one day,"

"Pinkie, you know they don't exist right."



"What makes you say that?"

"I've been through all my books in the library and any books involving vamponies are fiction."

"Did you ever ask the princess?"

"She has better things to do than answer if Vamponies exist." There was a sudden sound of fouls crying from up stairs.

"Understood, will you excuse me for a moment, I need to check on the twins."

"Go right a head Pinkie." Twilight replied, then she thought. "Say it has been a wile since I saw Pound and Pumpkin, mind if I come up too?"

"Do you need to ask?" Twilight took that as a yes and followed Pinkie to the twin's room. "By the way, can you grab the dipper bag from the top shelf? I think somepony needs a dipper change." Twilight went to get the dippers down with her magic but for some reason she had a hard time lifting them. She nearly strained her horn just getting them down. Her magic was acting up. Pinkie took the dippers and went to change the twins. Twilight said "Hi" to the twins, when they herd the bell at the door. "Twilight could you get that, I'll be down in a moment." She went down stairs and turns out it was Rarity and the hooded pony from earlier.

"It's you from earlier, hello Rarity."

"Wait you know this colt?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know his name, but he was at the Library a little wile ago."

"Oh I see, you do remember me."

"Yes, I do, I saw you 20mins ago,"

"Will somepony fill me in on what is going on." Rarity complained.

"I met this guy earlier, he stopped by the library. He borrowed a book on magic gems."

That's why I'm hear to be exact, I just want to give the book back."

"Your done with it all ready? You know there is a return slot,"

"I saw you here and I have what I need, now if you don't it's time for me to feed." He tossed the book to Twilight and was about to leave when Pinkie came down.

"Twilight, I got the Moon Scroll saga with me. Hay is that the pony you told me about,"

"Trenchantly yes," Pinkie bolted down to greet the hooded pony,"

"Hi, I'm..."

"Pinkie Pie, I know who you are, I don't need to waist a red rhyme on you. And this lovely mare next to me is Rarity."

"How do you know are names?" Rarity asked, "We all just met you,"

"I know a lot of things, Now I'll be seeing you later. And Pinkie, stop reading the Moon Scroll Saga, it gives vamponies a bad name." With that he left.

"I'm confused of what is going on," Rarity stated, "What is he talking about the Moon Scroll Saga giving vamponies a bad name. I mean they exist, but the books don't give them a bad name."

"Rarity, you too?" Twilight stressed, "I have been trying to enplane to Pinkie that they are not real."

"You Know Twilight, just because we have never seen a real one doesn't mean their around," Rarity explained.

Cue the Music.(

I might be the one complaining
But do you hear what I'm saying?
Vamponies don't exist

I've checked all my books
Just go take a look
There's not a single one I missed

If they did it would be just fine
But I'd rather go off the facts I find
It's a truth you can't dismiss
My friends Vamponies don't exist

If they were around, they would be around town
Would it be chaos or harmony?
Will things be fun and grand
Or will there be a killing spree?

All this nonsense needs to stop
This topic needs to drop
Where should I start the big list
But Vamponies don't exist/color]

[color=pink[Twilight this isn't fare
Vamponies can be are so debonair
The perfect way to snare
inspiration for a new dress

In navy blue or black
Well let me take you back
They are really hard to find

Oh really? Then answer these questions
If you don't mind.

What would you do if you had somepony
With bite marks around the neck? Bats.

Would It be a pain
If you found somepony drained
Completely of all their blood? Yuck!

Would you say Hi
If one looked you in the eyes
And said I am a Vampony? Say What?

Read this book
And take a look... Abbadabada We have been over this. There not real. Come on, Pinkie. Get your head outta your flank.

Two... Three... Four!

We can go over this again and again
But there's only one possibility
Everypony needs to know I'm telling the truth
That there's no accepted paying fee

I'm sorry Friends, let's make amends
My books tell me the way it ends
There is no book I have missed

'Cuz nothing proves the undisputed undeniable great reveil
Vamponies are not... wait for it...

"Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Flutershy, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked as the music faided.

"We heard y'all from Fluttershy's place so we came to see what was going on."

"Why where you there?"

"Um, they were helping me," Fluttershy spoke up, "It was afull, there was..." she choked on her words.

"What she means to say Is that she found some of her animals dead her backyard." Dash finished for her

"Dead? How?" This peeked Twilight's interest.

"All the same, completely drained of blood. Then we over heard what was going on just now about say something about Vamponies,"

"I was trying to confirm to Rarity and Pinkie that they are not real, As for your animals Fluttershy, there a lot of animals that need blood to survive, maybe it was a chupacabra they live around here."

"You think so?" Fluttershy said sounding a little reassured.

"Well just in case we are having Winona here, sniff around for us to see what we can find." The border collie stood proud.

"Well I guess you could look around, but if you want I could help you." Twilight suggested

The hooded pony, who was standing over by a tree approached them. He had something to say.

"Twilight If you want I can tell you what the problem is. Tuba. You are not dealing with a chupacabra."

They all looked at him.

"You just saying a random word so at can rhyme doesn't make much since." Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"The point is it rhymed, arrogant Rainbow Dash." The Hooded Pony defended. "Rhyme is..." He was quickly interrupted by Winona who started barking at him and tugging his robe. "Get off my robe!"

"Winona down girl." Applejack tried to get dog to settle. But she kept barking.

"WOOF! WOOF!" she barked. The hooded pony just about had it, he looked the dog in the eye and let out nasty snarl. Winona backed off.

"Good girl," he said coldly.

"I beg ya pardon, but what was that and why did you do that to my dog?"

"I'm sorry but I'll be honest Applejack, I am not much of dog pony, I prefer bats instead. As for you Fluttershy, your animals were attacked by a Vampony,"

"But their not real!" Twilight yelled. "I know because their not in any of my books"

"Dear Twilight, try the Canterlot library. Now If you don't mind I must go." With that the hooded pony walked to a near by building and was gone.

"Who in tarnation was that?" Applejack asked.

"And again with the Vampony theory. And most of all how did he know our names?" Twilight was confused. This pony knew something. "Well lets go home this day has been long. We will try to figure out what is going on tomorrow." All the girls agreed and split.


I had a hard time with this act. Anyway I'm looking for a proof reader and someone to help my write the songs. I'll take anyone.