Pinkie my friend

by BleedingRaindrops

never ending party

In the instant our noses touched, a number of things happened. I felt my heart explode as it filled up with joy and happiness. Pinkie Pie’s mane inflated to its original bouncy curls. Our eye’s both widened as we stared deeply into each other’s eyes. I saw a spark go off in hers, and I have a feeling the same thing happened in mine.

We separated, backing away from each other slowly while still maintaining eye contact. We sat there smiling at each other for what must have been only a few minutes, but felt more like hours. Then Pinkie Pie’s head shot up.
“Hey you know what this calls for?” my heart exploded a second time; I knew exactly what she was going to say next.

“A PARTY!” I hollered, leaping into the air as excitement washed over me. Pinkie Pie rushed over to the record player to select a song. I went to her computer screen instead; I had a much better idea. “May I?” I asked her, gesturing to the little screen on the wall. She nodded, putting down the records to see what I was doing. I pulled up one of my favorite videos; it was a PMV of Pinkie Pie with the song, “Life of the party” by Forever the Sickest Kids. I felt it was fitting. I put the video on full screen and let it play. “This is one of my favorites” I told her.

After it was over we pulled up a playlist I’d had saved from the other side of the internet; it was over 4 hours long and was made up entirely of PMV’s. We partied in Pinkie Pie’s room for who knows how long. We were dancing our tails off during some parts, and talking about each other during others. Sometimes we just stared into each other’s eyes, and at some point we just talked about our deep secrets. It was the best night of my life, or was it two nights? I'm not really sure, it was so long ago.

Rainbow Dash showed up eventually with Twilight and the others. Apparently we’d been up there so long everypony had become worried. Then they all started asking about my cutie mark. Oh that’s right I almost forgot to tell you, I got my cutie mark that night.

Pinkie Pie and I had been having a very deep conversation and I had told her how much I loved to make people smile and brighten their day.
“So you’re like me,” she had responded, “just a big old ray of sunshine” We had so much in common. It was at that point I felt a weird tickling sensation on my flank. There was a quick flash of light and I turned my head to see a bright yellow sun on it.

Using Pinkie Pie’s mirror I managed to get a closer look at it. It had a big smiley face on it and it was surrounded by tiny yellow hearts. After that Pinkie Pie and I had become so overjoyed that we started dancing again. When everyone arrived later I couldn’t stop showing It off to everyone, I was just so happy. They all thought it was wonderful and even stayed for a song or two.

Since that glorious night, Pinkie Pie and I have been through many wonderful adventures together. I even recall an occasion where I had been shrunk and had to be extracted from her stomach. I won’t go into fine detail but it had something to do with Twilight’s experiments. On another occasion Pinkie Pie helped me through a really rough time. Princess Celestia had told me I should go back to the human realm, and I just couldn’t bear the thought of being away from Pinkie Pie, it tore me up really bad inside. Eventually Celestia had decided I could stay. I can’t even begin to describe the joy I felt that day.

When Rainbow Dash put me through flying lessons, Pinkie Pie used the big balloon to follow us around. It was hard to learn at first but once I got used to having wings it became really easy. I can’t produce a sonic rainboom the way Rainbow Dash can, but I’m a superb flyer in my own right. Scootaloo was also there a lot and has become one of my closest friends. I’ve seen her grow up into a fine young mare, and she’ll be graduating from flight school soon.

I had since created a page under the name Sunspot Brightshine, so that I could talk to my fellow bronies on the other end of the web, but none of them believed me when I told them what had happened. I have also tried to contact my family to tell them where I’ve been, that I'm alright, and that I'm happy where I am now, but with little success. Pinkie Pie and I still throw a lot of parties, and she’s taught me a lot about baking. We’re thinking about having foals soon. Pinkie Pie’s done a great job of helping to raise Pumpkin Cake and Pound cake, and is really excited to have little fillies of her own. I hope they turn out to be pegasi, so I could teach them to fly.

I had always loved talking to Pinkie Pie online, and I always wished I could meet her. Then one day she found me. Everyone said she would one day shatter the fourth wall completely. Well, she did it, and I get to live with her In Ponyville. This is the story of how I met my best friend.

I’ve enjoyed the adventures I’ve had, and look forward to the new ones to come. And I’ve got the best mare in the world to share it with. Party on ponies, party on.