
by FallBlau

Familia Supra Omnia

Silence – sweet serenity. The darkness is all enveloping. The solemn lull of thoughts, singular and clairvoyant. An endless passing of existence. Asleep, yet not quite; aware, but only passingly so. Thoughts float from one realm to another in endless succession– like a boat being cast in a storm, being blown here and there without limitation of reason or purpose.

Yet, there is a deeper sense of understanding – a meditation of sort. Reality becomes like water – fluid and malleable. Memories, faces, places, events, joys, and sorrows pass before your eyes like flashing reflections in a pool, glimpses of things that were intermingled with hopes and aspirations – fantasies of every nature and kind.

Like a winding road, dreams too can be treacherous – but for now, the road is wide and even, the rolling pastures passing by, green and beautiful. The sun above is shining bright on the meadows below. There is warmth and goodness here. Warmth.

A sight of content, and then, a burning wind whisks itself upon the nape of the neck. The body contorts and writhes, and then the eyes open.

There is silence still, but it is joined by the soft humming of the cricket's chirp. The drowsy inertia of sleep's gentle grasp slowly gives way to awareness as he feels the presence of fur rubbing against him.

He looks up sees a familiar face resting itself on his shoulder – the eyes closed, breathing contentedly as her hoof lay idly around his waist.

“Twilight?” Spike asked groggily, wiping his eye. “What are you doing here? Is it time to get ready for the funeral?”

“Not quite,” Twilight replied gently, not opening her eyes

“Then what are you doing here?” Spike asked, burying his head back into his pillow.

“I couldn't sleep,” Twilight said.

“So you come and wake me up?” Spike whispered irately.

A moment of silence passed between them.

“Do you want me to leave?” Twilight asked, easing her hoof from around his waist.

Spike shook his head, wrestling with the urge to fall back to sleep.

“Not really, just...What time is it?” he asked.

“An hour or so until sunrise, I believe,” Twilight said.

“And you didn't sleep at all?”

“I was...until the Princess came to visit.”

“Celestia visited you in the middle of the night?”

Twilight nodded.

“Seems strange...” Spike said. “Any reason why?”

“That's what I wanted to know,” Twilight replied. “I asked her. She said that my brother had told her that I was plotting against her.”

“Were you?” Spike asked, still not quite awake.

“And if I was?” she asked.

“Well, then that would be treason,” Spike said. “Punishable by...”


The young dragon blinked.

“Yeah...” Spike said, a hint of concern in his voice. “You aren't really plotting against Celestia, are you?”

“Of course not, Spike,” Twilight replied.

“Oh good,” Spike said relieved. “You had me worried there for a second.”

Twilight chuckled.

“You're such a worry-wart sometimes.”

“Well, I never know when you're joking or not,” Spike said.

“That's part of the joke,” Twilight replied smugly.

“Sometimes I think you just like to make people suffer.”

“Never unjustly,” Twilight smirked, holding him closer.

Spike writhed slightly.

“When are you ever going to stop babying me?” he pouted.

“When I feel like it,” Twilight said, running her hoof down his smooth scales. “Besides, I thought you liked me babying you.”

Spike looked away.

“Well...only with you.”

“And Rarity?”

“Oh, yeah...and her.”

“You really do love her, don't you?”

“With all my heart,” Spike said, his cheeks turned a glowing hue of red.

Twilight giggled.

“You try so hard to impress her,” she replied, petting his head. “But I feel like you do so in vain.”

“Oh? Why's that?” Spike asked.

“You and her are just different, Spike,” Twilight said. “She's a full-grown mare and you're...still just a kid. It's sweet and all that you go out of your way to please her, but she's never had any interest in you.”

Spike looked down.

“ think so?”

“Think about all the times you've helped her, opened the door for her, gave her flowers, was nice to her – and does she ever even give you so much as the courtesy of acknowledging it?”

“No, but...”

“Spike, I know Rarity – she and I have talked many times – and she likes you and all, but she's told me that she only thinks of you as, well...a brother.”

Spike blinked.

“Did...did she really say that?”

“To the word.”

Spike frowned as he turned his head towards his pillow.

“Now don't take it like that,” Twilight said. “There are plenty of other mares out there.”

“But only one of Rarity,” Spike replied forlornly.

“I know it's hard,” Twilight said, sympathetically. “But really, if you ask me, you're too good for her anyways. Do you really think she deserves someone as caring and devoted as you are?”

“Well, I, uh...”

“You slave away for her and what is the recognition you receive? Not even so much as a wayward glance. You deserve better, Spike – you really do.”

“I guess you're right...” Spike said.

“You need somepony who knows what a kind-hearted and loving dragon you really are; who recognizes your talents.”

The young dragon sighed.

“Why are you telling me all this?” Spike asked.

“Because I care about you, Spike,” Twilight said, covering him with her wing. “And I don't want you to waste your time chasing after somepony who has no intention of returning your affection.”

“I...I don't believe you.”

“Oh, Spike...”

Tears began to well up in his eyes.

“But …why?” he asked, his voice cracking.

“It's just Rarity, Spike,” Twilight said. “I haven't said anything before because I thought that eventually you'd come to see that, but with everything that's happened recently, I really think it's time to face reality: Rarity doesn't love you – she never has, she never will. You're helpful to her, though, which is why she keeps you around. Sure, she might act nice to you, even send a nice gesture your way every now and again too – but don't believe she is sincere when she does so – she has no intention of ever letting you have what you want. She'll continue playing this game, entertaining your romantic notions, until she has no more use for you, then she'll find another, and discard you like one of her old dresses.”

Spike said nothing, and as the moments passed, the silence became heavier.

After some time, though, Twilight spoke to him a quiet voice.

“What are you feeling, Spike?” she asked.

“I...I don't know,” Spike replied. “I just...can't believe it, but at the same time...”

“Let the truth sink in...”

The dragon let out a whimper.

“Why would she do that to me?”

“Shhh,” Twilight said, holding him closer. “It's alright...”

Spike nestled into her shoulder, silently sorrowing.

“I don't understand,” Spike said, sniffling. “All I ever did was treat her nicely. How could she do something so heartless?”

“It's hard sometimes to see a pony's true intentions,” Twilight said. “Some ponies are just deceitful and only use others for their own ends – but I would never do that, especially to you, Spike. Please believe me when I say that I'm only telling you this because I love and would rather you hear it from me, than somepony who will only break your heart.”

“You've always been so kind to me...” Spike said, quietly.

“We'll we're family, Spike. Other ponies will go around your back and betray you – like someone I could name – but families...families stays loyal to one another. They're supposed to stay loyal to one another. In a world where you can't depend on anyone, family is all you've got. If you can't rely on them, than whom can you rely on? That's why we need to stick together, you and I – to look after one another.”

Twilight petted his head as she wiped away his tear with a hoof-kerchief.

“There, better?”

Spike nodded, his cheeks still flustered.

Twilight gazed affectionately over the little dragon she had hatched those many years ago.

“Oh Spike,” she said, kissing him on the forehead. “My noble cavalier, how I have neglected you lately...”

“It's alright,” Spike said softly. “I know you've been busy...”

“But I want you to know that you can trust me though, Spike. Even if you can't trust anypony else. Do you trust me?”

“Yes...” Spike said. “I trust you.”

Twilight nodded and leaned in close to his ear.

“Then stick with me Spike,” she whispered. “And I'll make sure you're reward with what you really want – that I promise you. I just need to you to do a few things for me...”

“What I really want, huh?” Spike asked, his voice piqued with curiosity.

“Anything you wish.”

Spike mulled it over in his mind.


Twilight paused.

“Is that you truly want?” she asked.

The young dragon looked down regretfully – an agonized expression in his glistening eyes.

“I mean, even if she did all that, if she had used me, I still feel – I cannot think of the word – something still tugging on my heart...Maybe, it can still work out, somehow...”

Twilight looked at him solemnly.

“I admire your sincerity, Spike,” Twilight said looking away. “So...I will help you win your lady-love's heart – even if it grieves me to do so.”

“You will?” Spike asked, a look of elation and hope washing over his face.

“I promise that before this week is out, Rarity will be yours. But first, I need to know if I can I depend on you to do what I ask?”

Spike nodded.

“Yes, you can depend on me.”

“Good,” Twilight said, getting from the bed and looking out the window. “Then you won't be going to the funeral today. I need you to do something else, instead. “


“When we leave today on the procession, I need you to deliver this letter to Rainbow Dash's room,” she said, producing a folded and sealed envelope, laying it on the bed. “Slide it underneath her doorway. Then, I need you to go into the Princess' room and retrieve a piece of her parchment for me – make sure it is the one with her personal seal on it.”

“Why do you need the Princess' parchment?”

“All will be revealed in time, my dear Spike,” Twilight said. “But for now, just do as you're told.”

“And what do I do if the guards stop me?”

“They won't – they'll all be at the funeral. But if there is one, just say that you're retrieving something for the Princess.”

“Yes, but...”

“It's an easy errand,” Twilight said. “I'm sure you'll have no problem with it. Once you've got the parchment, take it straight it back to my room. Do you understand?”


“Good, now repeat back to me: what did I ask you to do?”

“Deliver the letter to Rainbow's room and fetch a piece of Celestia's parchment.”


“Right after everypony leaves for the funeral.”

“And take the parchment where?”

“Straight to your room.”

“Good. I know you'll do fine. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get ready. The sun is coming up now and I'm sure that Celestia will be in need of me shortly – still many things to do. I will see you again in a few hours.”

Twilight made her way to the door but stopped and wheeled back around before crossing the threshold.

“Oh, and Spike...”


“Don't tell any pony about this, okay? I prefer to keep this confidential. Just between you and me, okay?”

Spike nodded.


“Excellent,” Twilight said, smiling. “I bid you farewell then, Spike. Will see you in a bit.”

Twilight waved her hoof and departed, leaving Spike in the darkness.