//------------------------------// // The Ha Ha Wall // Story: Will She Love Me Too? // by Liechtenstein //------------------------------// By the time Twilight had sufficiently explained the situation to Spike, a long, drawn out talk covering the basics of the nuances in Pony sexuality, she was tired enough to find the release of sleep appealing. Fortunately for Twilight it was late enough to reasonably go to bed; so that is what she did. For the first time in a while Twilight went to sleep relatively happy; she had found out that Rainbow Dash didn't completely hate her, or even hate her remotely. She also learnt that the Princess didn't hate her and, subsequently, that the odds of her being banished from Equestria, or being imprisoned, had been astronomically reduced. Of course it wasn't all happiness; she had learned about Rainbow Dash's troubling foalhood, and felt genuinely upset that one of her closest friends had to go through what Rainbow did. That, however bad it made Twilight feel to admit it, was not her problem, at least not yet. Focus on your problems, Twilight, we have still got many issues we need to deal with. Like Applejack; she is still the only friend who has not explicitly expressed her lack of hatred, and she is the least likely pony to keep her feelings clandestine. Of course we do need to help Rainbow Dash with her... 'issues', but she's been living with them for years, what's a couple of days going to do. Okay, that was maybe a bit too harsh. The important thing is that you are going to help, or at least try to help, Rainbow through this. I mean it is your fault that she had to dig up these forgotten, buried memories. Despite her brain doing all it could to it could to hinder her, Twilight succumb to her tiredness fairly quickly; it had been a long day. Her dream was simple, and less dark than many dreams of her previous nights. It was just a standard picnic; Rarity with her couch, Pinkie providing the sweets. In one corner Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were chatting about something, in the other Pinkie was talking to an irate Rarity, who clearly wanted no part in the conversation. Even off in the field their respective animal companions were socializing in their own way. The scene was calm, placid and relaxing, but all the while a nagging feeling ate at Twilight. Eventually she realized what it was, Applejack was not present. It was a little detail, and obviously reflective of Twilight's fear and presupposition that all of her friends hated her. Of course she had found out that at least four of her friends didn't explicitly hate her, which left the southern pony as the last possible bastion of bitterness. The dream didn't perturb Twilight, as it reflected doubts that Twilight was already consciously aware of. Twilight woke from her sleep at around ten, and decided that she would promptly visit Applejack. There was no need to rush so Twilight took her time in her daily routine, she even neglected to analyse what it was that was about to happen. Instead she relaxed; she had already convinced herself that even if Applejack did hate her then it wouldn't be too bad. The majority of her friends already revealed that they did not hate Twilight, so even if Applejack did then her other friends would already be behind her. Of course that would still be bad, not having Applejack as a friend, but it would not be catastrophic. Twilight finally left her house around noon, Celestia's sun was at it's peak and burning the ground Twilight walked. Taking a fairly easy pace Twilight shut her mind off; setting herself to autopilot. There wasn't any true reason for this, its just that Twilight wanted to get to AJ's as soon as possible, without wanting to overly exert herself. After a short, uneventful walk Twilight finally saw the gate to Sweet Apple Acres, along with Applebloom, who was accompanied by the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "Hi girls, hi Applebloom, is your sister at the farm house?" "Hi, Twi! Yeah, she should be. So are you feelin' better now?" This question took Twilight slightly aback, she didn't remember being poorly, or even telling anypony that she was. "I am fine, if that's what you mean. Why do you ask?" "Oh, its jus' tha' AJ said somethin' about you bein' sick or something." "Re-really? What did she say?" Applebloom's revelation piqued Twilight's interest, but she was unsure if she wanted her curiosity to be sated. "I dunno, I didn't pay no attention. I jus' heard the that you were sick and 'ab-hor-rent', wha'ever that means." "Abhorrent? Okay... well, thanks for letting me know Applebloom, see you girls later." Okay, its official, Applejack hates me. Anyway, I still need to talk to her, just to clarify. With an ever increasing sense of trepidation Twilight marched onwards to Applejack's house. Applejack hates me and I am practically marching to my own public flogging. The apple trees do look nice though, its not a bad place for it to happen. Obviously the main question is do I bring up what Applebloom said or don't I? And if I do when: do I march straight out paddocks with it or do I wait and see if she lies? There is always the possibility that Applebloom misheard, or what Applejack said was taken out of context. But there is always the much large possibility that Applejack does hate me; might as well prepare for that. Lovely day, though. Have to stop thinking about the weather, Twilight, this is action station. Nothing I really need to think about, though. There isn't really a way to deal with this situation. Do I argue with her, if the opportunity is there? That would almost definitely ruin the friendship, but it would feel wrong to just sit back and let her insult me. Applejack wouldn't mindlessly insult me, don't be stupid Twilight. Well, we'll find out soon enough. The farm house edged ever nearer, and it wasn't long before Twilight was face to face with the door, and found herself gingerly knocking on it, unsure if she'd be a welcome guest. Only a few seconds passed before the door was opened and Twilight came face to face with her executioner. "Oh-Twilight? What're... you doing here?" Applejack, clearly taken aback, seemed confused and surprised in equal measure. "I- I just want to talk. Is that okay Applejack?" Cautiously and carefully Twilight methodically picked her words, so as not to say anything she didn't want to. "Sure! The weather sure is nice today, ain't it? Don' you jus' love the sme-"Twilight interrupted Applejack's stream of fake enthusiasm and ignorance; both ponies knew exactly what was going to happen. "N- not about the weather, Applejack. You know what I mean; about the other day, about what I said, we need to talk about that." Twilight was both stern yet cautious as she decided what the best way to approach the situation was. "Wha' do we need to talk about? You said all-" AJ stopped mid-sentence as she caught Twilight's pleading gaze, "Oh, alright then, you wanna come in?" Twilight accepted this offer without a word; she was too busy thinking of what to say next. Applejack led her friend through and to the living room. "So... what d'ya need to say?" Twilight took a deep breath, trying to clear her head. "What I told you, I need to know that you're fine with it. I don't want to lose my friends over this, Applejack, I need to know to know that you can accept me." The words scared Twilight; it felt too much like she was giving an ultimatum. The deliverance, however, did not detract for the intended meaning. The question was still out there. "I-I... of course I'm fine with it, Twilight. Why wouldn't I be?" Applejack was a really bad liar; Twilight read her like a book. The words were plastic, fake. It was then, upon that realization, that Twilight knew that her suspicions were validated. "Really, AJ? I don't think you are. If you aren't just be honest with me; I need to know." Twilight took extra care to not sound accusing or bitter. She was cautious, and tried to sound calm and caring, so as not to offend Applejack, that was the last thing she wanted to do. Despite this extra care Applejack still took this as an insult. "What're you sayin' Twi? You sayin' I'm a liar? I think it's you with the problem, coming in here accusing the element of honesty about be a no-good dirty liar. Wha' gives you the righ-" "I spoke to Applebloom. She told me what you said, that I was 'sick' and 'abhorrent'. I need to know why, Applejack; I'm not prepared to lose a friend over this." Once again Twilight took care to not appear malicious. Her words were carefully chosen, she was handling this to the best of her ability. "Oh... that. Look, Twilight, I'm not gonna lie, I am a might uncomfortable with... this. But it's your choice and I resp-" "It's not a choice, Applejack. Do you really think if I had any say in this whatsoever I'd go for the choice that purposefully makes my friends uncomfortable?" Twilight was getting a little angry, but she was at least trying to contain herself somewhat. "Well- ah... thought tha'" "No, you didn't think. Look, coming here was a bad idea. I'm sorry to push this on you, you clearly don't understand. I don't know why, I can only assume that this was the way you were brought up. Before I go can you at least try to understand where I'm coming from? This isn't easy, and it certainly isn't a choice I would willingly make. I'm going now, hate me if you want. Goodbye, Applejack." Dramatically Twilight rose and strode to the door, before storming out with a flourish. It felt a bit overly theatrical, but at least it drove the message home. Well... I certainly handled that... well? That was a minor disaster, maybe I was a bit too harsh. She clearly doesn't understand. No, buck her! Saying those things behind my back. But if that's the way she was brought up then she can't help that. I should've been more patient. You can't fight intolerance with intolerance. Oh well, that's one perfectly good friendship ruined. Four out of five isn't that bad, anyway. ================================ Well, I think this chapter worked out well. I did write half of it with a mild head injury, but that's all good. I probably need some pre-reader or something to go through it, but all in all it seems to be fine. The whole "confrontation" thing happened, so mission accomplished. Ignorant southern stereotype sufficiently met! Huzzah for casual racism. I'm not even American, our southerners are all posh twats who live in mansions and oppress the working class by electing Thatcher, who promply comes up to Newcastle and steals milk off of young children... at least that's what I was told. Next chapter should be up tomorrow as per usual, Chapter Title is a Libertines song, also as per usual. And if you want to suggest any story ideas for when this story ends (whenever that may be, I don't really know) that is all good with me.