//------------------------------// // Ashes - SPark // Story: Dark Paradise: the TwiLuna Group Collab // by Habanc //------------------------------// Written by: SPark ***** The sound of the waterfall that fell down the slopes of the Canterhorn was a distant rumble as Princess Luna sat on a ledge near the mountain's peak. It was cold, so high above the city below, and the tears on her cheeks felt like ice. She turned her head up to the starry sky above, looking at a constellation of five smaller stars clustered irregularly around one large one. The tears streamed more freely down her face. "I locked my heart away so long ago. I hid it behind a wall, and warded it with a Nightmare. Thou didst slay the Nightmare. Thou didst climb the wall. Thou alone hath touched my heart. I set thee among the stars..." she broke off, a sob interrupting her. For a time she wept in near-silence, the distant sound of the waterfall hardly louder than her soft sobs. "I thought thy heart was mine, as mine was thine. I was a fool." A soft thump made Luna turn her head. Her sister had landed on the ledge behind her. She walked over and sat beside Luna, folding a wing over her. For a long time the pair sat in silence. Eventually Luna looked back up at the stars and said, softly, "Mayhap I should remove those six stars." "She didn't mean to hurt you, Lulu," said Celestia gently. "I don't think she even knew. You were her friend." "I know, 'Tia. 'Twould be easier if she had acted knowingly. I could hate her then. Her and the stallion who took her from me! Yet I cannot." "If there's anything I can do to help?" "Just leave me to mourn, sister. There is naught to do but mourn, now." Celestia hesitated a moment, then rose and gave Luna one last nuzzle before departing, her vast, white wings carrying her silently into the night sky. Behind her, Luna whispered, "I locked my heart away so long ago, until thou didst come and hold it in thy hoof. Now thou hast burnt it from my breast, and ever after all I shall know is ashes."