My time in Ponyville

by booscus

Chapter 1

So here I am writing about my experience. I sat down next to my computer and started surfing the Internet. I was reading all the My Little Pony pictures and memes and reading fimfiction stories when I came across a picture that had a picture of a portal, but on the other side of it, through the portal, it had a picture of Ponyville. The caption said “You have one minute... Enter? Leave? Would anyone miss you?”
I looked back and saw my parents arguing again. I turned back to my computer and I knew it wasn’t going to work but I touched my hand to the monitor. When it touched the portal on the screen I couldn’t believe my eyes! My fingertips were actually in the screen! In Ponyville!

I wanted to see how far I could go in and I went my whole arm length before I pulled back out. I looked back once more at my parents who haven’t talked to me since a week and a half ago; they were too busy fighting with each other. I didn’t have to think twice. I shoved my whole arm back into the screen and tried to squeeze my shoulder in too. As soon as my shoulder popped in, the portal started getting bigger and bigger until I could simply walk into it.

I looked back at my parents one more time and mouthed the words “Bye guys.” They never even glanced over to see what was going on. I took one big step through the portal and it closed behind me. It went dark very quickly and I got the sensation of falling. This lasted for a few moments before I saw a small opening where I saw a shimmer of light. It got bigger and bigger until- thud! I landed with a tumble. I stood up and almost immediately fell over. I looked down and saw I had hooves. I rubbed my eyes with my hooves and looked at them again. I stood up rather shakily on all fours but I managed to stay up this time. I looked around and it was amazing, it looked just like the show! I looked up and saw the Wonderbolts soar across the sky.

I looked down at my hands- or rather hooves. They were a grayish-blue color. Kind of like the sky when it was about to rain or snow. I reached back and pulled at my tail. It was the same chocolate brown that I had in the real world. I looked back at my flank to see if I had a cutie mark and it was blank. I went around town looking for a mirror to check myself out.

It was a hard getting used to walking like a pony but I got the hang of it fairly easily. I finally found my way to Rarity’s boutique. I found a mirror that looks like she had thrown out because of a crack and I looked at myself. I looked…young. I looked like I was only 7, about 13 years younger than I really was. I had a short yet still slightly bushy tail the same color as my mane. I looked at my side and saw I had wings! I stretched them out and tried flying. I didn’t make it in the air. I thought to myself that I would try later. I chuckled at myself. I had realized that I was filthy. I had leaves in my mane, dirt was all over my coat, and I had a long cut on my side.

I was just about to turn around to leave when Rarity charged out, ranting about “what a filthy little colt” I was. I sat down and looked at the ground shamefully as she started pulling the leaves out of my mane. She went behind me and pushed me inside. She took a brush and started brushing out my mane when there was a soft knock at the door.

Rarity trotted over to the door and opened it when Fluttershy walked in. She saw me sitting there and stopped talking. I lifted my head a little to look at her. I walked over and held out my hoof. I quietly said
“Hi, my name is Scout”
“I’m Fluttershy.” She held out her hoof and shook mine. Rarity walked over and said
“Scout, where are you from? I haven’t seen you here before.”
I replied “I’m from really far away.”
“Well I’m assuming your one of Sweetie Belle’s friends. I’ll go get her for you.”
Before I could protest, Rarity trotted away. I thought to myself, well I guess I came here to make friends, why not start with Sweetie Belle.

When Rarity came back, I saw Sweetie Belle trotting along behind her. She looked up at me and said “Rarity, thought you said it was one of my friends. I’ve never him before.” I could feel my cheeks getting red as I sat there looking at the ground.

Rarity asked me “Where do you live, Scout?”
I quietly replied “I don’t really live anywhere I guess.”
Fluttershy piped in, “you have to live somewhere. Everybody here in Ponyville has a place to live.”

I continued to look at the ground, starting to wonder where I was going to live in Ponyville. Fluttershy started inching towards me and said so quiet I almost couldn’t hear her, “Scout, you can come live at my house if you want. My only rule is that you have to be calm and quiet as to not scare the animals”. She looked at the ground the entire time she said this.
I looked up at her with bright eyes (that I found out were green, just like I had in the other world). I showed Fluttershy a big smile which was my way of telling her “thank you”. She showed that little smile of hers back. Fluttershy and I were almost out the door when Fluttershy ran back to Rarity and said, I almost forgot. She delicately handed Rarity her cat, Opal. “She’s all cleaned and she behaved very well”. Opalescence rubbed against Fluttershy’s leg before jumping on the bed for a nap.

Fluttershy and I were on our way to Fluttershy’s house when pinkie pie ran up in front of me so I couldn’t walk anywhere. Fluttershy said in her very sing-song voice “Hi, Pinkie.”
Pinkie Pie was staring at me and at a closer-than-comfortable distance. I tried to back away but she kept coming closer asking me questions about me like “what’s your name?” “How old are you?” etc…
I was finally saved when AppleJack came up and pulled her off of me. “That’s enough now Pinkie Pie” I looked at AppleJack when Applebloom came from behind AJ. Applebloom held out her little hoof and said “Hi there stranger. What’s your name? I ain’t never seen you ‘round here before”
I quietly mumbled “scout”.
“Sorry I didn’t catch that.”
“Scout” I said it a little louder that time.
“Scout? I like that name. I ain’t ever heard that name before. I'm Applebloom. Nice to meet you.”
“I smiled a little bit at her and thought, I'm making a friend. I'm really making a friend.
When AppleJack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were all done talking, we all left. Applebloom went with AppleJack, Pinkie Pie hopped away blowing a party favor, and Fluttershy and I walked to her cottage. When we got there, it was amazing. There must have been at least one of every type of animal there.
I was taking this all in when something hit me in the shin…hard. I fell over in pain when I heard Fluttershy scolding her rabbit, Angel. When she gave him the stare, he pouted a little but walked away. Fluttershy helped me up and asked me if I was ok. I gave her a nod and stretched out my wings again as far as they would go before pulling them back in again.
I tried flapping them again and only really got a few inches off the ground before I fell again. Fluttershy smiled a little bit and told me, “You’ll learn someday. I wasn’t a very strong flyer when I was your age either.” I smiled a little and we walked into her little house together.
I couldn’t believe it. There were even more animals inside! I looked around and saw a staircase going up. I started up. When I got to the top I saw two bedrooms. I assumed one was for me and one was for her.
She met me at the top of the stairs and said “the bedroom on the right is yours. I'm right across the hall if you need me.” I thanked her and walked into my bedroom. As soon as I got comfortable on the bed I saw a streak of colors fly through the open window and land on my floor with a crash.
I screamed and climbed under my bed. I tried to crawl further under when I felt the thing pulling me out. It said “Come on! Stop being such a wimp!” I recognized the voice. I relaxed a little as it pulled me out. I looked up and my guess was right. It was Rainbow Dash, the best flyer to ever come out of Cloudsdale!
I looked at her in amazement. She grabbed my hoof and shook it rather hard. “The name’s Rainbow Dash. I’ve never seen you around here. What’s your name, kid?” I sat up and tried to make out the words but all that came out was a small squeak. She laughed and said “Cat got your tongue?”
I finally managed to spit out “My name’s Scout”
“Cool name kid. How come you’re here? Don’t you think your parents are worried about you?”
“She’s letting me stay here until I find somewhere to live.”
“How come you don’t have a place to live?”
“I just moved here…well sort of.”
“Oh well I know a bunch of pegasi that can help put together a house for you in ten seconds flat.”

To Be Continued...