Finding A Home

by DerpyDaringDitzyDoo

Chapter 6 - Morning Ponies

Bleh. Scootaloo always hated mornings, but especially those mornings when she woke up because somepony was talking louder than they should be this early in the day. Without opening her eyes she threw her pillow at the door in a futile attempt to make them be quiet. It didn't work, much to her chagrin. As she groaned and sat up, several key things about her surroundings stuck out to her.

Firstly, she had no idea where she was. Secondly, she certainly didn't recognize the voices on the other side of the door on the far side of the room. Thirdly, this room was huge! It was almost as big as her old house in Ponyville! The bed was big enough to fit at least four ponies; there was a large cabinet with glass doors on the opposite wall that was completely empty. The ornate table in the center of the room was flanked by four cushioned chairs, and a chandelier hung above them. The floor was made of alternating marble and black granite tiles, and the walls and ceiling were made of a white stone polished so smooth it nearly gave off reflections. Scootaloo hopped out of the bed and walked through an open door beside the large cabinet that led to a balcony.

The view was breathtaking, the balcony overlooking a large green field with a small lake in the distance. The scenic view was framed by a gorgeous blue sky with the Canterlot Mountains serving as a picture-perfect backdrop. Scootaloo quickly decided that with the sun rising behind the distant mountains, this was the kind of view that should be put on a postcard. But being the filly she is, she quickly lost interest and walked back inside the bedroom.

Curiosity struck her as she decided to search the cabinet and its empty shelves. It was made entirely out of glass, even the legs and door hinges. It seemed like a stupid design to her, but given the sight of the rest of this room it likely belonged to somepony who was careful with it. The shelves were made with plenty of room to put tall objects on them. Scootaloo was going to investigate further, but suddenly the door leading out of the bedroom swung open accompanied by a soft golden glow.

"...ponies are unbelievable! Can you believe they said all of those things? About my student! I swear they're lucky Twilight didn't understand half of the implications that they were saying else they'd lose much more than my good graces-" Celestia and the royal guard she was talking to stopped after walking two ponylengths into the room, and the silence that followed was as long as it was awkward.

The two stared at each other, both of their previous trains of thought derailed... on a bridge... over Tartarus. After Celestia regained her bearings she cleared her throat. "Apologies my little pony, I was under the impression this room was vacant. Are you staying here by yourself?"

Scootaloo couldn't believe it! The princess was talking to her! She was just some random filly lost in Manehattan, who was she that royalty should talk to her? And she was concerned! The princess was worried that she was staying alone! And now the princess was silently staring at her… waiting for an answer…

“Oh. Oh! I’m so sorry princess! I didn’t know this was your room and I probably shouldn’t have been looking around in a stranger’s room and I-bow! Why didn’t I bow! I totally should have bowed right? But if I bow now is it still okay or will it just make things worse and I didn’t even say sorry for not bowing and you’re probably already mad and-“

Although Celestia considered waiting to see how long the filly could go for, she decided to calm her down before one of them went insane. She gently covered the pegasus’ mouth with a hoof, before gently patting her on the head and leaning down to eye level. “Do not worry little one, no need to be so formal. So tell me what is your name, and what is something interesting about you?”

Celestia never had any children of her own, but she had over a thousand years of experience in calming down bickering nobles. And to her it was the same principle really: distract them from whatever it is that’s bothering them by talking to them about something they like, and soon they’ll forget about what made them upset in the first place.

“Oh umm… my name is Scootaloo… and… I like ice cream?”

“Is that so? Well my little pony would you like to know a secret?” Celestia motioned for Scootaloo to come closer, and she obliged. After looking around the room with a sly smile, Celestia leaned in and whispered in Scotaloo’s ear. “I do too. No really, that’s one of my favorite things to eat in all of Equestria. But I’ve been having a bit of a problem since I arrived in Manehattan, do you think you can help me?”

Scootaloo was skeptical of her ability to help the princess, but her childlike innocence had her shouting yes before she thought twice about it. “Excellent! See I’ve been having problems finding a store that sells ice cream around here, do you think you could show me one?”

“Sure!” Scootaloo hopped up to trot out of the room, but Celestia gently stopped her with a wing.

“Wait a moment sweetheart, isn’t there someone you should talk to before going out? Your parents, or maybe a brother or sister?”

“Umm actually… I don’t have any family… But my best friend is named Bright Dawn and maybe she’ll be there too!”

That proved Celestia’s suspensions correct, and with a heavy heart but a graceful smile she led the filly out of the room. Scootaloo’s eyes widened when she stepped into the huge hallway, the floors and walls made of polished hardwood accented with brilliant scarlet tapestries. There were a few other ponies milling about the halls; all were extremely well dressed but strangely none seemed to carry an air of superiority. After seeing the princess they all bowed to her respectfully, making Scootaloo feel more than a little sheepish.

A familiar tan pegasus flew into the group and enveloped Scootaloo in a hug. “It’s about time you woke up silly filly! I was scared I wasn’t going to get to say goodbye before I had to leave!”

This was so ruining her ‘cool’ impression on the princess. “Bleh! Let me go I’m too cool for hugs!”

“Oh really, you sure didn’t act like it when you gave that big hug to Strat the other night.”

“That was different!”

Swift pulled back and adopted a hurt tone. “What’s this, you don’t love me anymore?”

“That’s not true and you know it…”

“No I get it, just go on. I’m not worth your time anyways.” Swift faked some tears into a hoof before Scootaloo finally gave in and hugged him back. “Aha! Swift ten points, Sky six.”

“Wait how do you have ten points?”

Swift pulled away from the hug and tousled Scootaloo’s bed mane. “Oh come on last night you cuddled with me in your sleep all night that has to be worth at least six points alone.”

Scootaloo let out an exasperated sigh and buried her face in her hooves. “Can’t you keep anything a secret?”

“Nope, not when it’s that adorable.”

“It’s been a while Swiftwing, I take it you’re doing well?” Celestia’s voice brought them back to reality. Swift turned to the princess and gave a small bow, looking calm and relaxed.

“Apologies your highness I’m afraid I was caught up in the moment. I do appreciate your concern, it’s getting harder by the day here but I’m doing what I can when I can. How about yourself? The Griffon Kingdom still giving you trouble over that ‘miscommunication’ nonsense with the Zebras?”

Celestia smiled as they continued walking across the hallway. She always did love her conversations with Swiftwing: he treated her like a pony, not some government title. “Yes I’m afraid they’re quite sore over that, despite the proof that the error was on their part. I’m afraid it’s getting rather out of hoof, Magnus is threatening to stop trade with the Zebras altogether.”

“Well that wouldn’t be good, they need the business in order to afford all the gemstones they have to import from us.” Swiftwing waved to a few ponies that flew past us in a hurry.

“Yes I keep telling them that, but they are quite stubborn at times. Sometimes I wonder why I involve myself in such things when it wasn’t I who made the offence, nor was I offended.”

Swift seemed to think about, the remainder of the walk through the magnificent building passing by in silence. When they all reached the huge front doors he finally turned back to the princess with an answer. “Because it is in your nature to care.”

Celestia was at a loss of words, not sure about how to respond to that. After a moment she smiled and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “I’ll certainly think about that.”

The giant form of Stratoflight flew through the room, eclipsing the ponies below him with his massive shadow. He landed next to Swift and forced him away from the group in a hurry. “Hi princess, Scootaloo. Come on Swift we’re gonna miss the train!”

Swift smiled and waved goodbye to everyone. “You mean you’re gonna miss the train?” He took off faster than even Celestia could see, already out of the doors and too far to see him in the distance.

“Oh come on! So not cool…” Strat grumbled as he took off and tried to catch up. Swift poked his head into the doorway with a wink before flying behind Strat casually. Even the princess had to giggle a little.

After a brief talk with the royal guard from before, Celestia turned back to Scootaloo with a smile. “So little one, are you ready to leave?”

Scootaloo gave a salute any soldier would be proud of. “You can count on me princess!”

Just before they could take one step outside…

“Princess! Princess! We have a problem! A very serious problem!”