the secrets of the north, shinings new hope.

by RC

the youngst of four...

Chapter 6

“WHAT?!” shouted three of the four in the room, two from shock one from fear. RC was just happy that it was not such a terrible thing that had occurred. “So casacun is back.” Said shade, as they paced “wondered when his sorry face would show up.”
“Wait, casacun? I thought that the tyrant kings name was Sombra?” said shining. RC shade and DC all just face hoofed and sighed. “What? That what the history books say”
“No the tyrant king is casacun, Sombra’s brother. And our uncle. Since Sombra is our father and all we each have some of his abilities. Shad is a master of shadow magic, RC can summon entities from shadow and use minor magical abilities, and I am capable of creating spires of dark matter.” Said DC while RC shadow traveled away.
“Where did RC go?” asked Cadence. “He just went to get a somepony dear to us. A sibling who is too young to join the guard, and the best fighter of our family: ice chaser, the frozen heart.” She would probably be at her artice house right now working on her ice typed magic. And since the crystal Kingdome is in the frozen north it leads me to believe that she already knows and that she will be here in a couple of –hello- seconds.” Said DC when ice and RC came back in to the room.
“So, RC already explained your mission, I am an alie to them and their family. And since we are here now I am capable of aiding in the defense of the crystal empire. And since they destroyed my crystal spring I need access to the gardens so that I may gather supplies for the potions I use on my golems ‘souls’. And besides casacun still owed dad those dark fire gems, and as the heir to those gems I intend to get them.” Ice then sighed and summoned a bipedal being of ice that looked like a hairless monkey and said “Adam, go and prep the defense posistions and be ready to attack the tyrant king if he should ever begin to attack before we get to the Kingdome.” The golem ‘Adam’ left via a block of ice. The ice than melted.
“… What just happened?” asked cadence and shining at the same time. As ice went in to an in-depth discussion of the potions and enchantments in her golem defenders the rest of her family started to discuss how to arrive at their new home.
While they were leaving their hotel to catch the train to the crystal empire (previously the frozen north) a young black carapace foal stood in the shadows before the building. “Soon, very soon shall I meet them, and now I know where they are going. Helene.” Said the young changling.