All I Want To Do Is Cuddle You, Scoots

by Twi-Fi

First Date

I'm not sure what to do on a first date but Scoots has it all worked out I think. Sweetie Belle, lost in thought followed Scootaloo to her home. Apple Bloom had cancelled their crusading because she said she had to help shovel the snow. Sweetie Belle knew that was only half true. Apple Bloom was in all reality being nice so they could enjoy sometime together.

Scootaloo had been full of energy all morning. She would charge ahead of Sweetie Belle and clear snow off the road for her. After, she would rush back by her side and talk at top speed about something then rush off again to clear more snow. To Sweetie Belle it was really funny and quite cute but she wondered if dating Scootaloo was going to be more than she could handle. She's so energetic and animated. But seriously I can walk throu - "Oof!"

"Sweetie?" Scootaloo called out with confusion. She looked behind her to see a deserted snow-covered road. Upon closer examination she noticed a set of hoof prints leading to a mound of snow with a hole in it.

What they hay? Sweetie Belle's thoughts were interrupted as she became buried in snow. She looked down at the ground, she could see the frozen dirt and rocks. Dumb ditch! She began to dig her way out of the snow drift she had fallen into. It wasn't long before a set of orange forelegs took hold of her and yanked her out. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it." Scootaloo ran her hooves through Sweetie Belle's mane, getting the snow out. She leaned in and nuzzled Sweetie Belle affectionately then continued to dust the snow off the rest of Sweetie Belle's body. Sweetie Belle began to shiver, her coat was wet as some of the snow had already melted on her. Scootaloo wrapped Sweetie Belle in a tight embrace, she could feel the cold wetness.

"Oh Scoots, you're so warm and soft." Sweetie Belle blushed, enjoying the warmth being transferred to her.

"And you're cold and wet. Come on my place is just right up the road."

Sweetie Belle felt the cold take her body as Scootaloo released her hug. Her body began to shiver as she followed Scootaloo as fast as she could. Sweetie Belle gritted her teeth as she felt her legs numbing, her joints ached and became stiff.

All Sweetie Belle wanted was Scootaloo to come back and hold her some more. Maybe our first date can be us snuggling. If I don't freeze that is.

"Ho - how-w-w-w m-much f-f-a-a-rther?" Sweetie Belle asked through her chattering teeth.

"Right here!" Scootaloo said. She stopped in front of a decent sized two story townhouse. She raced to the door. "Hurry before you freeze."

As soon as Sweetie crossed the threshold she felt a blanket dropped on her back. She stopped shivering but was still freezing.

"You can take a nice hot bath if you want to warm up."

"Really? Okay, thanks!" Sweetie felt some of the warmth return to her, just the idea of a hot bath was reviving. "Um, where is the bathroom?"

"Upstairs, follow me."

Sweetie Belle followed Scootaloo into the most luxurious bathroom she had ever seen. The whole room was black marble tile, the counters were white marble. The bathroom was huge with a marble pillar in the middle. The bathtub was almost deep enough for her to swim in.

Sweetie Belle let her mouth fall open. "Wow. Are you parents rich? This is so amazing."

"No not really. My dad just really likes marble. His Cutie Mark is stone masonry and he remodels homes for a living."


"Yeah, he has done a couple of famous ponies homes before. Anyways, so the taps are here," Scootaloo pointed to two knobs. "Those switches operate the jets and over here are different soaps. You can take a bubble bath if you want. There's also man n' tail to make your coat soft and your mane shiny and there are some bath salts too."

"This is more fancy than what Rarity has." Sweetie said looking around the bathroom. "I just want to do a normal bath to warm up a little." Scootaloo hit the taps and the water started flowing, steam rising.

"Okay, I'll be downstairs, making us something to eat." Scootaloo planted a kiss on Sweetie Belle's cheek before leaving the bathroom.

The tub began to fill up with hot water. Sweetie Belle added some bubble bath to it making mountains of suds as the smell of lavender permeated the air.

Unwilling to wait any longer, Sweetie Belle jumped into the tub, laying herself down as the water from the taps spilled over hind legs. She could feel the burn as her cold body adjusted to the sudden heat. As the water reached her lower jaw she kicked the taps to turn them off. Then she leaned against the back of the tub relaxing, she closed her eyes in pure bliss. There was nothing better than a hot bath on a cold day.

As Sweetie Belle relaxed she drifting in and out of sleep. She thought about her date and how it wasn't exactly going off without a hitch. Scootaloo had talked about building a snow pony which sounded like fun at the time. But Sweetie Belle wasn't keen on going outside, she wasn't keen on leaving the bathtub either.

Sweetie Belle's thoughts stopped when she felt something strange, like there was something on her head but it wasn't very heavy. Slowly she opened her eyes to a bunch of bubbles in her face. The sound of giggles could be heard. She quickly turned her head toward the sound and more bubbles fell onto her face. Apparently Scootaloo was building some kind of bubble tower on her horn.

"Was wondering when you were going to wake up. You won't believe how tall the bubbles were." Scootaloo grinned at Sweetie Belle. "Anyway, I was just checking on you because you've been up here for like ever."

"Oh, sorry, I lost track of time." Scootaloo rolled her eyes then splashed Sweetie Belle. "Hey!" She squeaked, she returned the splash, getting Scootaloo full in the face with water. Scootaloo had a face of shock before cracking an evil grin and jumping in the tub. Sweetie Belle squeaked and pulled her forelegs over her face for cover as waves of water came splashing at her. They both giggled as they splashed each other.

The water began to cool down and the fillies stopped playing, got out and dried off. "That was so much fun." Scootaloo said excitedly.

"Yeah it was. I you good too."

"I didn't think you were going to splash me. But after that you didn't get me at all." Scootaloo teased.

"No way, I got you a few times."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not." Scootaloo stuck her tongue out at Sweetie Belle.

"Did too." Sweetie Belle pouted.

"Okay maybe twice." Scootaloo said. They looked at each other grinning. "Oh Sweetie, you're so funny."

"We should do that more often, that bathroom is more fun than the swimming pool in the summer. I think even Rarity will be jealous if she saw that bathroom."

"Well, my dad could always make her one like it."

"I'll let her know..." Sweetie Belle trailed off as she realized she hasn't met Scootaloo's parents yet. "Hey, where are your parents?"

"They are out for the weekend, in Canterlot. Rainbow Dash will be stopping by to check on me because I need supervision, ugh." Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

Sweetie Belle giggled at Scootaloo's dramatic display. "But it's Rainbow, she's super cool."

"I know right?" Scootaloo said excitedly, her wings buzzing. "But she will only stop by once in a while to make sure I'm okay. She has a lot of weather duties to do today. Anyway, I made us daisy sandwiches because I can't cook."

"You're better than me." Sweetie Belle giggled.

"No way!"

"Have you ever burned juice?"

Scootaloo cocked her head to the side, "how did you manage that?"

"Um - I'm not actually sure but I don't think I'll get a cooking Cutie Mark." They both giggled as Sweetie Belle followed Scootaloo into the kitchen.

Sweetie Belle sat at the table across from Scootaloo who was reading a newspaper. She could see Scootaloo went to some effort to make the table, she even lit a candle and placed it between them. She took a bite from the sandwich, it was pretty good. It was better than anything she has ever tried to make. "Not bad, for a beginner," she teased.

"At least I didn't burn juice." Scootaloo stuck her tongue out. "Hey, check it out!" Scootaloo pushed a newspaper across the table to Sweetie Belle. "The Wonderbolts are coming to Ponyville to do a performance!"

"Wow cool, we should go see them."

"We are going to see them." Scootaloo said as if there was no question about it. "I'm going to get my poster signed too."

"That would be awesome Scoots. When do they come?"

"Next weekend. Want to make it a date?"

"Yeah, that will be exciting."

"Speaking of dates... what do you say to bowling then dinner?"

"Tonight? Um, oh I don't know..." Sweetie Belle really didn't feel like going back out in the cold, she would rather spend time with Scootaloo where she was.

"Dessert after at Sugarcube Corner." Sweetie Belle shrugged. Scootaloo looked down in disappointment. "Oh, I see. I just thought we were going on a date." Scootaloo said sadly.

Sweetie Belle felt her heart ache a little. "We are on a date, aren't we?"

"No we are just hanging out like normal, I wanted to take you on a romantic date."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just don't want to go back out in the cold." Scootaloo looked on the verge of tears. "All I want to do is cuddle you, Scoots."

Scootaloo looked up in surprise. "We can do that."

"Yay." They finished their sandwiches when the front door open and a cyan pegasus walked in.

"Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo exclaimed once Rainbow Dash came into sight.

"Hiya Squirt. Hey Sweetie Belle. What are you two doing, staying out of trouble?"

"We were having lunch. We are on a date!" Scootaloo said excitedly as Sweetie Belle blushed.

Rainbow Dash looked around then said quietly, "aw that's cute." She blushed a little. "And if you tell anypony I said that, I'll deny it." She grinned at Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "Anyway I'm just checking up on you kid. You seem to be doing all right, do ya need anything?"

"No, I'm good - wait! I could use tickets to The Wonderbolts next weekend. It's going to be a date with my special somepony." Scootaloo blushed a little referring to Sweetie Belle as her special somepony.

"Now, that is a Rainbow Dash approved date. I'll see what I can do so you two get the best seats. I know some ponies who know... ponies."

"Awesome, you're the best! Thank you!" Scootaloo jumped up and hugged Rainbow Dash tightly.

Rainbow Dash returned the hug, "okay Scootaloo you are starting to strangle me." Scootaloo released her hug blushing slightly. "Anyway I have weather duty all day. We are scheduling another big snowstorm tonight, so you may not see me later on. If you need anything, Twilight is closest but don't go out after the storm starts. It will be too dangerous for any pony."

"Okay thanks Rainbow, you're the best."

"See ya Squirt, later Sweetie Belle." Rainbow Dash left the kitchen and exited the house.

"That was nice of her to try and get us good seats." Sweetie Belle said, still blushing.

"Yeah, she's awesome..." Scootaloo was lost in her thoughts about The Wonderbolts and Rainbow Dash. Remembering she was on a date with Sweetie Belle she brought herself out of her daydream. "Oh yeah, I haven't showed you my room yet. Come on!"

Scootaloo's room was decent a size but Sweetie Belle honestly believed the bathroom was bigger. Her walls were cluttered with posters of The Wonderbolts and Rainbow Dash. There was a picture of all three of them together, Sweetie Belle could see what looked like a purple heart drawn around her face in the picture. Blushing she giggled and pointed at the picture to Scootaloo who hastily took the picture down and hid it in her closet.

Sweetie Belle walked to the window, her breath fogging it. She could see dark clouds were looming over Ponyville. No doubt Rainbow Dash and the rest of the weather team were getting ready to start the storm. She could feel the room starting to get cold, Scootaloo's bed looked inviting.

"The storm is about to start." Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah, it's cold in here too. I have the heat on n' all. I think. Not sure how to work it. I just pushed some buttons."

"I'm not sure it's on Scoots." Sweetie Belle walked away from the window and sat on Scootaloo's bed. Scootaloo sat next to her.

"Well, you wanted to cuddle..." Scootaloo trailed off, she laid down in the bed pulling the covers over her.

Sweetie Belle got in next to Scootaloo. She wrapped her forelegs around Scootaloo and pulled her in close. Sweetie Belle kissed Scootaloo on the cheek then nuzzled her.

Scootaloo enjoyed the warmth coming from Sweetie Belle, she reached out and held Sweetie Belle close to her. "Now what do we do?"

"Oh just this and we talk." Sweetie Belle said, resting her head on Scootaloo shoulder.

"What do we talk about?"

"I don't know, anything." Sweetie Belle kissed Scootaloo again. There was a long silence as neither one could think of anything to talk about. They just enjoyed each other's company.

"How long have you liked me, Sweetie?"

"I don't know Scoots, I think I've always kinda liked you. I don't know... I mean, I guess I always kinda had a crush on you because I liked you differently than Apple Bloom."

"I know what you mean, I've always liked you differently, like I wanted something more than just a friend."

Sweetie Belle suddenly started to giggle as she just remembered a conversation from earlier.

"What's so funny?"

"You wanted to take me out on a romantic date."


"You thought bowling was romantic?" Sweetie Belle giggled. She felt Scootaloo shrug.

"What? It's fun and cool."

"Oh Scoots you're so funny and cute." Sweetie kissed Scootaloo on the cheek making her blush.

"I'm not cute."

"Yes you are."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

Scootaloo opened her mouth to keep the never ending argument going but her words were lost when Sweetie Belle kissed her full on the lips. Hey eyes went wide with shock but only for a few seconds then she closed her eyes. They broke apart a few seconds later blushing furiously.

"There, that settles it." Sweetie Belle said returning her head to Scootaloo's shoulder, her eyes began to close. "I'm getting sleepy."

"Me too and it's only four o' clock? Must be the weather."

"Hold me like this forever, Scoots." Sweetie Belle whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too, Sweetie." Scootaloo kissed Sweetie Belle on the cheek. She yawned after seeing Sweetie Belle had fallen asleep. She kissed her on the cheek a couple more times before laying her head back on her pillow and falling asleep cuddling Sweetie Belle.

Outside the snow started to fall, the wind howled and the temperature continued to drop. The next day Ponyville would be buried in deep snow. Still, the two fillies slept snuggling comfortably in each other's embrace, keeping each other warm. It had been a good first date.