//------------------------------// // Night // Story: Reflection // by Swimmingly //------------------------------// It was late at night and Twilight couldn't sleep. Her mind was excited about her newest scientific breakthrough, soon her energetic mind thought of her friends. She realised how lucky she was to have friends like she did, then she thought about the previous statement. Were they really as great as she thought they were, she decided to reflect. She decided to start with her nicest friend, the timid yellow Pegasus Fluttershy, who represented the element of kindness. She thought to herself no way is Fluttershy bad, I mean yeah she's shy but it's adorable. Then she remembered the "iron will incident" as it had been aptly named. She didn't bear witness to the so called new fluttershy, but she had heard about her from Pinkie Pie and Rarity. She did not sound pleasant at all, another though. The gala, Fluttershy had become an extremely angry crazy pony simply after dealing with a small amount of rejection. Twilight shivered to think what it would be like to be on the receiving end of that rage, she prayed she would never find out. She came to the conclusion that Fluttershy had a large amount of pent up anger from all the years of being nice. Applejack was too mature to be annoying or anything, oops wait lemme rethink that. She remberered back to the first few weeks of knowing the southern mare, over the course of a few days she had poisoned half the town, caused a stampede of bunnies and nearly killed Rainbow Dash. All of this was because she was to proud to accept help, so narcissistic. When the film flam brothers came to town she had even shown the princess lip. Wow twilight thought she is so full of herself. Her thoughts wandered to Rainbow Dash, for somepony representing the element of loyalty, she sure was lazy. Twilight thought she had seen RD do her job a grand total of twice. Not to mention that mares ego was the size of Equestria. She had become so obsessed with her popularity when she became a hero that she forgot to actually save people. She fought tooth and nail to reveal the identity of mare do well, because ponies started to forget about her. She had abandoned Pinkie and Rarity in the desert, because she wanted to catch up to AJ. She even committed petty larceny because she couldn't face being normal and reading a book. What egotist, sheesh, next. Pinkie Pie popped into her head next, Pinkie the element of laughter. What could she possibly do wrong, she fell into a psychotic depressive episode because her friends were busy. That's totally normal. She refused to give a straight answer about her pinkie sense, and that infuriated twilight. She had this annoying habit of telling every pony she was their auntie, but more annoyingly she was insistent on bouncing everywhere. She was very very vey annoying. Finally her thoughts drifted to Rarity, she was supposed to represent generosity, but in fact she was as selfish as they come. She had been willing to just throw off her friends for social status like in Canterlot or that one time Manehattan. Every thing had to be done just so, there was no give with her at all. She had even asked spike for his precious fire ruby, on his birthday no less. Of course spike gave it to her, how could he not, he was obsessed with her. She played the role of the stuck up leader if the ancient unicorns, princess platinum all to well. Twilight lay there, contemplating how she had never noticed this before. She had always just assumed her friends were infallible simply because she had never really had friends before. But after giving it a moments thought he realised that... Without a doubt... Irrefutably... Assholes... Meanwhile The five friends Twilight was just thinking about were gathered around a campfire, they were all talking about her. The topic was a very easy one for them to speak about, as they had been doing so for atleast 45 minutes. The talk was not positive, however is was jaut as negative as the judgement twilight had mentally passed about them. Twilight is so annoying, she just over reacts to anything remberer the time travel incident. And remember when she let spike serve me without thinking just because she was reading. She is so easy to doubt us all, she doesn't even know how good we are. She just takes us for granted. She such a control freak, everything has to be perfect or she'll freak out. She was willing to call her sister in law evil just cus she acting kinda different. She never seems to be grateful to the princess. She can get obsessed with the drop of a pin. She incredibly bigoted, when I comes to certain things. Her need to do things by the book every single time us so frustrating, it must make life so much harder for her. She doesn't even do anything, spike is like her servant. She's the town librarian has anypony actually seen her do her job, I sure haven't. She finds it necessary to charge of everything all the time. She has all these Canterlot connections and is probably rich, but dies she ever healt any of us out. I'm sure she could Rainbow Dash to be a wonderbolt, she could definitely give Rarity the names of some fancy dressmakers and she could easily let Fluttershy have a private viewing if the Canterlot gardens. Nut she doesn't because she isn't able to see that's what we want. All the friends nodded their, and gave verbal signs of agreement. It was decided the Twilight Sparkle was beyond a shadow of a doubt. A certified... Raving... Selfish... Annoying... Mean... Asshole. Princess luna was unable to fall asleep, her mind wandered to her big sister. Princess celesta of the sun. There was no way she could be an asshole, was there?