The Crowded Library

by SuperGiantRobot

Like Insects Unto Me

Look at them. Going about their tiny lives, none the wiser of who watches over them. They scurry and crawl, they are born and they die, they wage war and make peace.

Insignificant creatures.

A pair of eyes narrowed as they watched the display, watched the lives play out before her.

I could end it all, you know. An earthquake, a blazing beam of light, an impact with the force of a million tons.

The populace continued on, none the wiser of the great creature’s thoughts.

Yes, it would be so easy. T’would be no more than a single step to me - the tiniest of efforts - to render their world lifeless.

There was a sigh, with all the strength of a tornado behind it. 

But I will not. For I am kind, and I enjoy watching them. They have troubles enough in their minuscule existence without my adding more to them.

The creature grinned.

Besides, they’re way to cute to stomp.

Pinkie’s smile widened as she crouched down and quietly watched the ants trundle ceaselessly in and out of their hill, completely oblivious to her presence.