Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

by Wolfgang

Chapter 32: Jewel of the Mad King

Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 32
Jewel of the Mad King


Much of Neo Domino City’s Satellite Sector had undergone massive renovation after Yusei and his friends had reunited it with the mainland. A mere six months after they defeated the Dark Signers, the Security and Maintenance Bureau began massive construction projects all across the city. Instructions left behind by Rex Goodwin and carried out by Vice Director Yeager saw the construction of a new Daedalus Bridge, as well as many Duel Highways that flew through the city and across the bay.

Almost as soon as the bridge was completed it was filled with trucks hauling steel girders, concrete, cranes, wrecking balls, and many other heavy construction and demolition vehicles. Announcements were made that people in Satellite would be relocated one section at a time to the city during construction, but would then be allowed to move back with the completion of each new building. Some remained in the city after adjusting to their new lifestyle, but others returned to the home they’d known for nearly two decades.

In spite of the tremendous amount of progress being made, there were still parts of Satellite that remained in their half-destroyed state. For a long time, many feared to go to the abandoned theater that was once the center of Jack Atlas’ territory, afraid that he might come back to reclaim it.

Three individuals now walked slowly through the dim hallways of the theater.

Rundown as it was, it was still partially lit through the dirty and broken windows that decorated the walls. Kazama only had to use his flashlight sparingly.

It wasn’t long before they found a set of double-doors that led into the theater. Kazama opened one and quietly ushered Pinkie and Spike inside. He followed behind them, closing the door as quietly as its rusty hinges would allow.

They walked down the aisles between the rows of seats in the huge room. Almost halfway toward the stage, they heard a voice.

“I know you’re there.”

They froze. They knew that voice.

In the darkness, they made out a high-backed chair. Someone was sitting in it. He stood up.

“This is my field,” said Jack. “What are you doing here?”

“Jack!” said Kazama. “It’s me, Kaz! We’ve been looking all over for you!”

“No doubt to take my throne,” Jack said. “If you leave now, I won’t stop you.”

“What’s he talking about?” asked Spike.

“I don’t know,” said Kazama. They approached the stage.

“You’re bold,” said Jack. “I admire that. But it will not save you from my wrath.”

“Jack, what happened to you?” asked Kazama. “After you left the base, we went out looking for you. When we went to Kaiba Corp. Tower, Aporia told us you were here.”

“What are you talking about?” Jack said. “Who are you? What are these creatures with you?”

“Jack, don’t you remember?” asked Pinkie Pie. “There was a party and you got mad and left and it was my fault and I’m sorry and-”

“Shut. Up.”

Pinkie Pie’s words caught in her throat.

“I don’t know any of you, but it is clear you know me. I am Jack Atlas! I will one day be the King of Neo Domino City, and of the Dueling World! If you think you can take away my throne, then come at me!”

Jack’s Duel Disk activated.

“I don’t think we have a choice,” said Kazama. “Spike, I doubt either of us can take him alone.”

“Then we’ll do it together,” said Spike. Green flames enveloped him as he grew almost as tall as Kazama. His own Duel Disk appeared on his arm in a flash of emerald fire.

“This will be a Battle Royal. I will go first, and no one may attack on their first turn,” said Jack.


Life Point Count
Jack: 4000
Spike: 4000
Kazama: 4000

“My turn!” said Jack. “I Summon ‘Dark Resonator’ in Defense Mode, then Set one card face-down. I end my turn.”

Jack’s signature Tuner monster emerged from a blue portal and crossed its mallet and tuning fork in front of itself. A face-down card appeared behind it.

Dark Resonator
LV 3

“I’m next,” said Spike. “My turn! I summon ‘Alexandrite Dragon’ in Attack Mode. Your move, Kazama.” A dark gray dragon flew onto the field and landed, standing tall on its hind legs. Rare and precious stones glittered all along its hide. Amber eyes gleamed just as brightly in the dim light.

Alexandrite Dragon
LV 4

“My turn,” said Kazama. “I summon ‘Resound Gardna’ in Defense Mode.” The monster that emerged was a tall, armored man. The armor was form-fitting but still obviously metallic. A gold, spiked bangle was tied over his left shoulder. A helmet covered his entire head, though a wide, green-blue visor allowed him to see. The helmet ran up into a crest, with two more swooping over the sides. In his hand was a circular shield. The front was gray, but several white rings could be seen within, shrinking and growing, bouncing against each other. The shield was humming softly.

Resound Gardna
LV 3

“Next, I activate Gardna’s effect. By paying five hundred Life Points, I can change its Battle Mode. If I changed it to Attack Mode this way, I draw one card and you have to attack it during your next turn.”

Resound Gardna
LV 3

Life Point Count
Kazama: 3500

Kazama drew and then Set a card face-down, ending his turn.

“My turn!” said Jack. “Let me show you how the future King duels. I activate ‘Dimension Switch’! When activated, this card removes a monster I control from the game. Switch on!” A stormy portal appeared behind Dark Resonator and it vanished within. “Next, as you control monsters and I do not, I Normal Summon ‘Big Piece Golem’ without Release!” A massive boulder emerged from a blue ring. stone arms and legs unfolded from the broad sides and lower edges. A human-like face was carved into the front of the monster.

Big Piece Golem
LV 5

“Now, by sending ‘Dimension Switch’ to the Graveyard, I can return the monster that was removed by its effect to the field. Switch off!” Jack’s card vanished and Dark Resonator returned to the field.

Dark Resonator
LV 3

“Level Three ‘Dark Resonator’, tune with the Level Five ‘Big Piece Golem’!” said Jack. Dark Resonator struck its tuning fork with its mallet and disappeared, leaving three stars behind. They drew green Synchro rings around Big Piece Golem. Its body turned to an orange outline and was stripped away. The five stars within lined up, and stars and rings were engulfed by a pillar of light.

“Here it comes,” said Spike.

“Jack’s Ace,” said Kazama.

Pinkie whimpered.

“Rend the obsidian darkness and scorch both Heaven and Earth! In isolation rises the absolute King!” Jack chanted. “Synchro Summon! Clad in burning jewels, rise! ‘Hot Red Dragon Archfiend’!”

“What?!” said Kazama.

A familiar dragon emerged from the light and roared. Deep red garnets appeared on the knuckles of each of its clawed hands. Violet lines drew themselves across the dragon’s black skin, forming ancient patterns and images of wings on its shoulders and chest. The lines glowed as they were created, then the light finished when the drawings were complete.

Hot Red Dragon Archfiend
LV 8

“Is that... is that ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’?” Spike asked.

“No,” Kazama answered. “This is a different monster. I don’t know what it does either!”

“Then allow me to demonstrate,” said Jack. “I activate the effect of ‘Hot Red Dragon Archfiend’! Once per turn, during Main Phase One, it can destroy all other monsters on the field in Attack Mode, but I can only attack with ‘Hot Red Dragon Archfiend’ during the turn I activate this effect. Go, Crimson Prominence!”

Beams of flame shot up from the dragon’s jeweled knuckles. It roared and thrust its fists at the ground, driving the fiery skewers into the floor. Pillars of flame erupted from beneath Spike and Kazama’s monsters.

“I play a Trap!” said Kazama. “‘Sonic Shield’! This turn, if a monster I control would be destroyed by a card effect, I can pay three hundred Life Points instead.” Resound Gardna jumped and spun in the air until it was upside down, then placed his shield below him, blocking the fire. The flames died away and Kazama’s monster flipped around, nimbly landing on his feet.

Life Point Count
Kazama: 3200

“Alexandrite Dragon is still destroyed, but you can’t attack Spike this turn,” said Kazama. “Resound Gardna’s effect is still in play!”

“Very well then,” said Jack. “Battle! Hot Red Dragon Archfiend, attack Resound Gardna! Absolute Judgment!” The dragon opened its black jowls wide, and a deep red fireball formed in front of it. Hot Red Dragon swung its head around and launched the fireball at Kazama’s monster.

“I activate Resound Gardna’s third effect!” said Kazama. “Once per Battle Phase, when it’s targeted for an attack, I can cut the battle damage I take from this battle in half, but Resound Gardna’s other effects are negated. Normally, it can’t be destroyed in battle, but that effect won’t work anymore.”

The fireball struck the warrior and obliterated him. Kazama shielded his face with his arms.

“But since the monster targeted with ‘Sonic Shield’ was destroyed by battle, I gain back the Life Points I payed for its effect,” Kazama continued.

Life Point Count
Kazama: 2500

“I Set one card face-down,” said Jack. “That ends my turn.”

“My turn,” said Spike as he drew a card. “I Summon ‘Maiden with Eyes of Blue’ and Set one card face-down. Your turn, Kazama.” A human woman appeared in front of Spike. She was tall and beautiful, with sparkling blue eyes and shining silver hair. She wore a brown dress, stylized with blue-white patterns that resembled dragons.

Maiden with Eyes of Blue
LV 1

Kazama drew. “I Summon ‘Resound Knight’,” he said. Another humanoid warrior appeared before him. This one held a thin sword in his left hand and a diamond-shaped shield in his right with the same resonating pattern as Resound Gardna’s. The armor the man wore was red and silver, and seemed to fit almost perfectly to his form. His helmet had a tall crest that curved up along the head before dropping straight down to a green gem embedded in the helmet’s forehead. The visor was a wide X-shape and glowed a bright yellow.

Resound Knight
LV 3

“Next, I Special Summon the Tuner monster ‘Reverb Tsurugi’ from my hand,” Kazama continued. “I can Special Summon this card from my hand if the only monster I control is Level Four or below. Now I activate Resound Knight’s effect. Once per turn, I can gain two hundred Life Points times the Level of a monster I control, and if it’s a ‘Reverb’ Tuner monster, it gains a Level.” As he spoke, a new monster appeared on Kazama’s field. It was short and and mechanical, albeit humanoid. Blue, silver and black lines ran along its body. It wore a blue, silver and gold helmet that seemed to have horns on the sides. A black visor ran across the front of it. A golden blade rested atop its right arm, gleaming in the faint sunlight from the damaged roof.

Life Point Count
Kazama: 3100

Reverb Tsurugi
LV 3 to LV 4

“I activate Tsurugi’s effect,” said Kazama. “Once per turn, I can pay five hundred Life Points to change a monster I control to Fiend-Type until the end of the turn. Reverb Tsurugi is now a Fiend-Type monster.” Tsurugi began to glow bright orange. Red eyes appeared in the visor of his helmet.

“Level Four ‘Reverb Tsurugi’, tune with the Level Three ‘Resound Knight’!” said Kazama. “O beating pulse of the new ruler, reveal to us the chaos within! Synchro Summon! Rise with pride, ‘Chaos King Archfiend’!” Stars and rings emerged from the monsters, forming a straight line, then a pillar of light. Clawing its way through the light, Kazama’s monster descended to the field. Its body was thin and blue, with a red jewel embedded in its chest. Wings of fire spread out from its arms and elbows. Its dark red hair billowed like smoke behind the golden mask that was its face.

Chaos King Archfiend
LV 7

“Come on, Jack!” said Kazama. “Remember this monster? You have to remember! This is the card that forged our bonds!”

Jack snorted. “You still claim we know each other?” he said mockingly. “You know my name, my face, and my power. I don’t know any of you, and you are not worth my time.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Spike and Kazama continue fighting desperately against Jack in a grinding match to gain the high ground. As Jack returns to the power of Red Nova Dragon, a darkness becomes apparent and an evil power begins to rise.

Chapter 33

The Ultimate Duo - Fire and Light!!


Featured Card

Hot Red Dragon Archfiend
Level 8
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1: You can destoy all other face-up Attack Position monsters on the field. Monsters other than this card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect.