//------------------------------// // The Reunion // Story: Road to Twilight // by ShadowBrony //------------------------------// Twilight awoke as the sun began to peek over the horizon. Thankfully, no pony was wrapped around her this time. Littlepip was sleeping nearby but just out of hooves reach. Twilight glanced over and saw that Night, Velvet and Calamity were already awake and chatting amongst themselves. Both glanced over when they heard Twilight give a small yawn. Night got up nodded to her, “Sleep well?” Twilight stretched as she slowly got to her hooves, “Better than last night anyways.” Twilight glanced over at Littlepip still sleeping nearby. Night nodded silently as Calamity went over to where Littlepip was dozing. He carefully nudged her with his hoof. Littlepip opened one eye and glanced up at Calamity, “Just need to know one thing,” she whispered. Calamity looked at looked at her with curiosity, “What’s that?” “Did I sleep with anypony again last night?” Twilight rolled her eyes, “Relax, I made sure to fall asleep just far enough away from you last night.” Littlepip let out a sigh of relief. She smiled and got to her hooves. Twilight turned towards her, “How much farther until we reach this Watcher?” “Not much farther actually. If we leave now, we should be there in just a few hours." Everpony gathered up what little they had. Littlepip took the lead, being the only pony at this point who knew the way. Twilight stuck her goggles over her eyes before she ran up and joined Littlepip at the front of the group as they began a brisk walk east. Twilight racked her brain, trying to remember where they might be, having studied several Atlases and maps of Equestria. Twilight glanced around her, trying to get a bearing on where she was. But it was nothing but wasteland as far as the eye could see. Nothing in this world seemed to look like anything she has seen back at home. "Guess the apocalypse can do that to landscape it seems," Twilight thought to herself. Twilight glanced back at Littlepip who was doing her best to remember the exact path she took last time. “So, who is this Watcher? What is he or she like?” Littlepip winced, hoping that the subject would not be brought up. “Well, he is certainty an interesting character.” Twilight nodded, “Is there anything more you can tell me about him.” “The Watcher likes to be left anonymous if at all possible. He is a bit of a hermit.” Twilight glanced off into the horizon, “Interesting. I can’t wait to meet this mysterious pony.” Littlepip smiled and nodded, but she was sweating on the inside. “Let’s see. This could either be a really touching moment, or could end up with somepony's ass on a silver platter. He will recognize her as Twilight instantly and maybe if I don’t tell her, the shock of both of them meeting might be enough to forget that this is not our worlds Twilight. After all, there is the slight chance he might get angry seeing a double of his once good friend and practically older sister. It would be like meeting a clone who says she is the person you love, but then finding out that they are nothing alike. This may not end well. Or it I could be over thinking this. Well, I have gotten out of worst situations by winging it. No reason to stop now.” Littlepip continued to lose herself in her thoughts, so much so that she almost walked right into Twilight when she stopped suddenly. “Is that it?” Twilight pointed her hoof up at a tall mountain with a large cave at the top. A trail could be seen curling around the mountain. Littlepip nodded her head, about to say yes when her eyes got sight of something just off to the right. Squinting, Littlepip removed a pair of binoculars. Focusing them in, Littlepip could now make out a caravan. It seemed to be in a heap of trouble as shadow like creatures appeared to be attacking them. “Damn it, what’s a caravan doing all the way out here?” Calamity went and stood next to her, a pair of binoculars sat on his face as well. He raised his hoof and pointed at the entrance of the cave, “That ain’t all we got ta worry bout.” Littlepip and Twilight glanced up at the mouth of the cave. Twilight had to squint but Littlepip could clearly see that it was blocked, and it was currently being attacked by a similar type of shadow creature. It seemed like they were doing everything they could to get through. Littlepip put away her binoculars and glanced back at Calamity who was doing the same, “Alright, looks like we have two problems we need to handle now.” Twilight turned to Littlepip, “Should we split up?” Littlepip put her hoof to her chin in thought, but it was Calamity who spoke first, “Might not be a bad idear. I’ll take Velvet and Night. You an Twilight can go help Watcher.” Night stepped up and placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, “Will you be alright?” Twilight gave him a small smile, “Yeah, don’t worry. I can take care of myself. Plus, I have Littlepip to help me as well.” Night looked uncertain but nodded his head all the same. “Good luck.” Calamity also nodded at Littlepip, “Take care yourself an Twilight.” Littlepip grinned, “I promise, we’ll be just fine. Now go help those poor ponies.” Calamity tipped his hat and took off towards the caravan, Velvet and Night followed on hoof. Littlepip glanced back at Twilight, “Since you can’t use any of the spells you used to, looks like we are going to have to sprint up there on hooves.” Littlepip glanced back at the mountain and cringed, “This should be fun.” Twilight held her hoof out in front of Littlepip, “Relax, I can still teleport. It’s not as far as some of the last few teleportation’s I have done. So long as you are willing to supply some extra magic, we should be able to get up there no problem.” Littlepip scratched the back of her head with her hoof, “Um alright. It’s just; I’ve never teleported like this before. Anything I should know before we jump?” Twilight put her hoof to her chin, “Hmm, keep you eyes closed until we get there... Oh and I have been told that some ponies feel a bit sick after teleporting so watch out for that as well." Littlepip nodded, starting to look a tad nervous but ready all the same. She lit up her horn as Twilight did the same. Littlepip felt her magic leave as Twilight began to draw from her. Twilight closed her eyes in concentration, so Littlepip did the same. There was a loud pop and feeling of being pulled in all directions. Littlepip opened her mouth to scream out in surprise but found she could not move. However, no more than a second later, another loud pop could be heard. Littlepip felt the ground change underneath her hoof. Littlepip opened her eyes, and found herself near the edge of a cliff. Littlepip quickly turned around and saw that the mouth of the cave was right behind her along with the creatures who had yet to take notice of them. Littlepip glanced back at Twilight who was shaking the stars out of her eyes. Littlepip was about to say something when her last meal came rushing up to great her. She quickly turned around and emptied her stomach over the side of the cliff. The feeling of hoof on her back became apparent after awhile as more began to flow out her mouth. Littlepip swore under her breath between each upchuck. Finally after her stomach had been completely emptied, Littlepip turned around and groaned, “Sweet Celestia, my stomach feels liked it just got bucked into next week. Never let me do that again!” Twilight smiled apologetically, “Sorry about that. Night isn’t much of a fan either if that helps.” Littlepip shook her head, “Ugh, I feel like mood just went down the tube.” She turned around and faced the Shadows behind her and ginned, “But at least I can take out my feelings on something.” Twilight turned and examined the Shadows. Not too surprising, these ones appeared a little different than last time though not by much. These Shadows stood on two legs, wore shoulder pads, had helmets and had metal gloves. What set these ones apart was the fact that these gloves had mole like claws to them, made for digging. The Shadows were at the moment digging into the rock, slowly chipping it away. Twilight flashed her Keyblade into existence while Littlepip took out her Little Macintosh. The Shadows continued to pay no head to the ponies behind them, but that was all about to change. Twilight concentrated on the one that appeared to be making the most progress. Twilight pointed at it with her Keyblade and Littlepip took aim at the same one. Littlepip smirked before firing; Twilight followed up with a fire spell as soon as the shot rang out. Both the bullet and fire ball hit their mark. Before the Shadow even knew what had happened, the bullet had traveled through its exposed neck, disintegrating the head, with the fire ball consuming what was left. For a moment, nothing happened. Then the Shadows heads all turned to their dissipating comrade. They stared at the spot for moment before all of them turned to face their attackers. Twilight counted four Shadows altogether. Littlepip quickly glanced over to Twilight, “I count four. That’s two for each of us.” Twilight nodded and rushed towards the two standing on the right while Littlepip took aim at the ones on the left. Twilight swung hard at the one on the way right. It dodged and began digging down quickly into the ground. Twilight quickly lost sight of it. Twilight then turned to the other one only to see a hole where it had been a moment ago. Twilight took a step back, knowing that they could surprise her at any moments. Twilight kept her eyes trained on the ground as she continued to move around. She was not going to let these creatures sneak up on her. It didn’t work however; Twilight felt the ground give way under hooves just as the thought passed through her mind. Her whole body fell into a small pit. The creatures then began immediately clawing at her. Disoriented, Twilight swung the Keyblade around her; bouncing it off the walls of the hole she was now in. She felt on of the creature’s claws ram her in the nose. That was the final straw. Twilight raised her Keyblade in anger and put up a reflective spell. The creature blows to Twilight stopped in an instant. The bubble absorbed the blows and was quick to dish it back out. Unfortunately for Twilight, the hole was small and when the bubble exploded outwards, it then turned around and hit her as well. Twilight felt herself being launched out of the hole like a cannon. Littlepip glanced over at Twilight just as she tossed a grenade into the hole the Shadows she had been fighting disappeared into. Twilight hit the ground just as two more explosions rocked the ground near her. Once the smoke had cleared, Littlepip went over to check on Twilight, “That was some explosion you made. Are you alright?” Twilight groaned and wiped some dirt off her face. She then lifted off her goggles that were covering her eyes. “I’m fine. The explosion was an explosion of force and not fire. It hurt a bit but that is nothing compared to having become one with the ground like those Shadows did.” Twilight shook the rest of the dirt off of her, “Come on. Let’s go meet this Watcher.” Littlepip stashed away her weapon and followed Twilight to the mouth of the cave. The whole mouth of the cave was completely covered in large rocks. Twilight grabbed one of the larger ones from the top with her telekinesis and ripped it from the blockade. The boulder landed with a loud crash a few yards away from Littlepip. Once the rock was removed, light could be seen coming from deep within the cave. Twilight and Littlepip glanced at each other before climbing up and into the small hole in the cave. The cave was surprisingly warm with a small breeze occasionally blowing through. Twilight and Littlepip walked in silence until the came to the caves antechamber. Twilight felt her jaw drop at the sight of it. Lining the walls of the chamber, were tons and tons of books. A small fireplace was set up just off to the side giving it a rather homey kind of touch. On the other side of the room was a bunch screens that reminded Twilight of some of the giant ones she caught glimpses of in pictures of Manehatten. The screens showed different areas of Equestria. Twilight stared at the screens until a voice spoke from an adjacent chamber, “Do not take another step. I heard you break my defenses you awful creatures. But know that just because you managed to make it through my wall, doesn’t mean that the worst is behind you. If you have any brains at all, you will leave now and never return. Littlepip grinned, “Leave? Now is that any way to treat a friend?” The voice seemed to soften, “Oh, Littlepip. I am assuming that if you’re here, those creatures outside have been dealt with?” “Yep, you won’t have to worry about them for awhile.” “Thank you, you always do have a way have helping those in need when they least expect it.” Littlepip smiled and scratched back of her head with her hoof, “Anyways, I brought a friend here in hopes that you could help her.” The voice seemed to grow stern, “You know I am not a fan of strangers, unless this one is an Element of Harmony.” “She is actually. And believe me, she isn’t a stranger.” The voice seemed to grow curious, “What do you mean?” Twilight glanced over as a creature came out of the adjacent chamber into the main chamber. It was a dragon. But not just any dragon, the purple scales and green spines could only match up with one particular dragon. A dragon Twilight knew all too well. As soon as their eyes met, the whole atmosphere of the room seemed to change. “Twi… Twilight?” The dragon seemed to sputter in disbelief as he stared at her. “Hi Spike,” Twilight said as her heart seemed to melt at the sight of him. Spike extended his claw and gently touched Twilight’s face to make sure that she was real. Tears began to fall from his face, “I can’t believe it.” Twilight looked up at Spike with sorrow in her voice, “Spike I’m sorry but…” Twilight soon found it impossible to speak as she found herself being quickly grabbed by Spike and gently held her against him in loving hug. “Twilight, I’m so glad you are here. I just can't believe it!" “Spike,” Twilight said softly. Spike closed his eyes, trying to hold back the tears. “Twilight... When I woke up and I learned what happened… My world shattered. Then I learned how you died. I thought I would never be happy again. I mourned your passing, as I tried to remember all those times we spent together. They meant more to me then everything else in the world. But you can’t touch a memory. You can’t hug a memory. You can’t talk to a memory." Spike opened his eyes and gazed off into the oblivion. "You can never truly love a memory.” “Spike,” Twilight spoke louder this time. “You have no idea what it is like to wake up and find everything you love gone or dead. To know that even if you fix some things, you can’t repair the lives lost.” “Spike!” Spike glanced down in surprise, noticing that tears were flowing freely from Twilight as well. “Spike… you're like my little brother and you always will be. I care about you more then you will ever know. The last thing I want to do is make you hurt more then you have obviously gone through. But I have to tell you something. Something, you may not like to hear.” Twilight took a deep breath before continuing, “I am not your Twilight. I am from another world. I have not come back from the dead, and the Twilight you know is still gone.” Twilight glanced up at Spike but was unable to read his expression so she continued, “In my world, I lost my Spike to the Shadows. I also lost my home and my friends have been sent to who knows where. They could be dead for all I know.” Twilight wrapped her hooves around Spike the best she could, “I wish I could be your Twilight. I wish this reunion could be the real one and for once we could be both be happy, even just for a moment. But the world is a dark place. Sometimes, things don’t go the way we wish it could. Spike… I wish I could take away the pain that you have obviously endured but I can’t. I wish I could go back and change my past just like you wish you could do the same. But there is nothing we can do. I…” Twilight searched for the right words but none came. Twilight felt a fresh supply of tears coming as she tried to think of a good apology. She glanced up at Spike and was surprised to see him smiling. Twilight stared at him in confusion. “You may not be my Twilight. But you are still the Twilight I remember. Just having you here, is enough to fill this old dragon with nostalgia of the good old days.” Twilight shook her head, “But… This isn’t right. I can’t fill the void and I shouldn’t be.” Spike gently shushed her, “Please Twilight, as a friend. Let me pretend... Just a little longer?” Twilight sighed in defeat, “Ok.” Both dragon and unicorn grew silent as they each lost themselves in their own memories. Littlepip rubbed her hoof with her eyes, glad that things had worked out. A smiled played across her face, “Amazing, so that’s what he looks like when he actually smiles.”