//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: My Little Luna // by IAMCHEEZY //------------------------------// Celestia's wings seemed to glide effortlessly in the cold night air, as she slowly flew towards the Everfree. It was nighttime, and everything seemed to be a bit... quieter. Not that it was night, but without her sister it seemed... empty. The fact that she finally saw her sister for a thousand years, and for her to be taken away just like that again, made her heart snap in two. The white orb known as the moon shone with absolute majesty. The stars weren't too far behind as they banded across the moonlit sky, twinkling as if in happiness. Together, they created a fantastic art piece, far greater than anything ponies could conjure up. Celestia took a glance to the little town known as Ponyville. Her face slowly contorted a soft smile as pride filled her heart. She knew where that's where her student made her friends. That's the town where she became a princess. This is the place where they started. This is where they mustered up the little courage they had to fight Nightmare Mo- No she thought, her smile with her pride reeling behind dissipated immediately. My... sister... Her mind quickly jumped to when she found her finally reformed. Again, she thought, she was taken away from me. Her memories flooded back to her. Growing up, taking care of her... banishment... She simply shook her head, trying to get the memories out(to no avail), adorned with a massive golden-crown and kept moving, slicing through the night sky effortlessly. I hope she knows how... "LUNA!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. She was stopped in the middle of the cold asphalt looking on if she was paralyzed. Her eyes were filled to the brim with tears as she looked on to the oncoming tornado. Her baby blue hair flowed with the enormous winds surrounding her. I told her to run to the car. To safety. I told her to not look back. She did anyway. The winds were horrible.In all this dust and debris you could barely see anything more than 20 feet away. It took all of my power to heave my legs against the onslaught of winds, dust, and any other miscellaneous crap that flew our way. "Daddy..." She muttered out still obviously struck with terror. The tornado was getting closer every second, with winds getting dramatically faster and faster. With one last push, I'm able to pick up the blue pony off the ground with relative ease. "Gotcha. Let's go. Now." I ran, I ran as fast as my legs, adorned now with a pair of Levi's, could carry me. I didn't even notice my grandfather's hat which I treasured dearly fly off of my head. The dust is so thick now, that I could barely make out my car which was only two feet in front of me now. Thankfully, I managed to open the metal door and fling me and the toddler in. Well, in years she is still a toddler. But she learns FAST. She could just flip an entire novel and read it completely before I can have the chance to blink. Few months, and she can already talk, write(sloppily), and... make tornadoes. You see, earlier today, we managed to make it out to the great plains. So, naturally, I had her do some magic training. It's out in the open, but since no one is here, it makes for great training practice. We went through basics, her still trying to fly, but failing miserably, and she even tried her hand at levitation, lifting me in the process. However, after we had our fun, she said she'd try with the weather. I told her that it was too much for a little girl like her but she said she could handle it. And now look where it got us. I set her down in the front seat and frantically search for my keys. The tornado came closer and closer every time I fumbled them in my hands. Finally, getting the admission key, I give a confident smirk, stick it in the admission and- Nothing. I twist it again. Whirring, but that's it. Shit... I thought. "Daddy? What are we gonna do?" Luna asked. The poor thing was shaking like she was in a blizzard. With the whirring outside, it's really not that hard to imagine. "Come here." I said sternly, taking hold of her torso. With a surprised "Eep!" coming from the toddler, I threw us both to the stained carpet of the old van. I positioned her body under mine, to protect from shattering windows, and held her close. The whirring became louder and louder, and more and more debris came raining down on the car. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a mail box, thrown too close for comfort, inches from the driver's window. I clutched the writhing body of miss moon, closer to me as the howls and whistles of the wind became so loud, it almost broke my ear drums. I believe we were in the center of it now, the car lurched forward a few meters, then stopped. A few more, then it stopped. God I feel sick... It was almost pitch-black. The clouds blocked out almost all the sunlight making it impossible to see more than just a few shadows. Then, as soon as it came, the winds slowly faded out of hearing range. I looked outside, the tornado was heading off to some other unfortunate place. I sighed, and kneeled back down to the still shaken foal, "Luna, try again when you're older." Well, I have to give them one thing, at least they survived... It's also funny that they think she in her state could do such a thing. Well, she did, but it was still 75% me... I'll have to think of something worse next time...