//------------------------------// // At the Castle Doors // Story: Shard: The Dark King Returns // by Hopeful_Ink_Hoof //------------------------------// It was a beautiful night in Canterlot. The stars were shining and twinkling in the sky, with faint wisps of cloud adding shape and shadow. The moon glowed brightly high above, having waxed until it was nearly full. In the castle garden, a yellow pony walked slowly. Red eyes glowed in the moonlight as she looked around. The mare stopped as she watched a set of lunar moths float by, a small smile forming on her mouth. The shaking of a nearby bush caused her to jump, turning to look at it. A giggle came from the plant, causing the mare to smirk. Pink tail giving a flick, she turned to face the bush and pressed low to the ground. Slowly, quietly, she slipped forward, working her way closer to the target. She wiggled her flank that was marked by a shield with wings spread out from the sides as she got ready. "Gotcha," she said with a hiss as she pounced the bush. There was a high pitch squeal of excitement. A small dark blue form exploded from the bush. The form was that of a filly, her wings fluttering as she ran. "You're not going to get away that easily," the mare called out. Large yellow bat wings spread out from her sides, and with a single hard flap, she took to the air. Quickly she flew toward her target. There was an ear piercing shriek as the bat-mare caught the filly. "Got you," she said with a grin. "Now," she gave a lick of her lips, "I'm going... to eat you!" "Noooo!" the dark blue filly cried out, squirming beneath the batpony. "Please don't eat me." "Too late for that!" She opened her mouth wide, letting out a hiss. The filly let out one last scream of terror as the mare's mouth came to her stomach, then burst out in hysterical laughter as her stomach was blown on audibly. She kicked and squealed, trying to get away from the tickling of having her stomach blown on. It did no good as she was viciously raspberried again and again. "Okay," she called out. "I give up, Fluttershy! Stop! Stop! I can't take any more." When Fluttershy stopped, the filly collapsed on the floor, panting heavily and still giggling. Her hooves came up to the mouth, trying to stifle the urge and get a hold of herself. "How.." she paused as another set of giggles escaped her. "How did you find me?" Her eyes narrowed. "Did you use your echo thingy?" "No, Luna," Fluttershy replied. "I didn't use my echolocation to find you. I didn't need to." She gave the filly a poke in the tummy, causing her to squeak. "You were making more than enough for me to find you. Now I think that's enough hide and seek for now." "Aww." The filly's ears drooped slightly. Before Fluttershy could say anything, she stopped, ears perking up. She looked up from Luna, listening. "What is it?" Luna asked as she moved to get back up on her hooves. "I can't make it out," Fluttershy answered, "but it sounds like someone is yelling near the castle doors." "Really?" Luna turned and started running as fast as she could. "Maybe we can help." "Luna," Fluttershy called as she started chasing after the little filly. "Stop. We don't know what's going on. It could be dangerous." "But I want to see what's going on," Luna called back as she continued to run. "Please-please-please." Fluttershy looked down at the pleading foal before letting out a sigh, rolling her eyes. "Alright," she replied, "but stay close to me, keep out of the guards' way, and run if I tell you to. Understand." "Yay!" Luna shouted, hopping up and down slightly as she continued to run toward the front of the castle. "Come on!" the two of them heard being shouted from a feminine voice. "You know me! I need to get in there." Fluttershy and Luna slowed down as they got closer to the front entrance. Blocking the way was a pair of pegasus guards. They pressed shoulder to shoulder as they kept their spot right in front of the doorway. Standing opposite of the pair was a purple unicorn. "Please!" the purple unicorn nearly shouted. "I need to talk to the princess. The fate of Equestria could hang in the balance." "The castle has been closed to the public for the evening," one of the guards responded. "You may attempt to speak with her when she holds court after the Spring Equinox Celebration." "But it will be too late by then!" the purple unicorn called back. The guards tensed, but did not move. The mare closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly let it out. "Okay," she said in a slower, calmer tone. "How about this? You go get my brother and I'll tell him. Then he can either escort me, or go and tell the princess himself. Is that fair?" "I'm sorry Miss Sparkle," the other guard said, "but Shining Armor is away on assignment and will not be back for several days." "Oh COME ON!" Miss Sparkle shouted before collapsing on the ground with a groan. "Excuse me," Fluttershy said gently as she took a step closer. "Is... Is everything okay?" "No," the purple unicorn replied with a groan. "I need to warn the princess. The fate of Equestria could very well depend on it. But these two," she pointed a hoof at the guards, "won't even let me through the front door." "Warn the princess about what?" Luna asked, moving toward the prone mare curiously. "Well..." Sparkle shifted, looking toward the filly and the batpony. "I was reading through some books, and I think that The King of Shadows is going to return at this year's Spring Equinox Celebration." "The King of Shadows?" Luna asked. "I love that story....but I thought it was just an old story to tell foals at bed time." "Most ponies do, but I believe it's real." "Excuse me," Fluttershy interrupted. She turned to one of the guards. "Would you please see if the princess is still awake and let her know that a..." she turned back to the unicorn. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name." "Oh. Twilight. Twilight Sparkle." "That a Twilight Sparkle is here and wishes to speak to her about a potential threat." The guard looked from Fluttershy, to Twilight, and back. Finally he gave a nod and flew off. "Thank you," Twilight said as she moved to sit back up. "You're welcome," Fluttershy replied. "I'm Fluttershy, and this is Luna." "I'm going to be a princess when I grow up," Luna announced, puffing out her chest with pride. "It's very nice to meet you," Fluttershy continued. "Now, what was it you were saying about The King of Shadows?" "Oh, right." Twilight's horn began to glow with a rose colored aura of magic. She opened her saddlebags and began to pull out books. "So, you're familiar with the story of The King of Shadows?" "Oh yes," Fluttershy replied. "I have read it to Luna a couple times before bed." "The King of Shadows," Luna stated as dramatically as she could, "Came to Equestria to expand his empire. One day, The Princess of Time appeared, and with The Elements of Harmony, sent the evil king far away. Forever!" "Right," Twilight said. "Except I don't think it was forever, and I don't think it's just a story. See, after reading the story," she held up a book, "I thought parts of it sounded familiar, so I did some research." She held up the other. "According to this, there's a prophecy that tells of the King's return." "What's a prophecy?" Luna asked. "It's when a pony write or tells something that is supposed to happen many years in the future," Fluttershy explained. "Like Four or five hundred years." "In this case," Twilight added, "A thousand." She opened the book and began flipping through it. "According to the prophecy: in the thousandth year of his banishment, when the dark and the light reach their balance, the King of Shadows..." Twilight stopped talking as two forms flew to approach them. A pair of batpony night guards landed, shaking their wings. The two of them looked around at the other ponies standing before they both turned to face the remaining guard. "We are here to relieve you and your partner," one of the night guards said. "The princess requests that you escort Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Luna to the royal chambers before going off duty." "Yes ma'am," the pegasus guard said with a salute. "Follow me please." He turned to the door and opened it. Behind him, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, and little Luna. As they made their way through the grand halls of the castle, the guard slowed down, turning to look back. "Hey, Fluttershy?" he said softly. "You.... you don't think that stuff about the return is actually true, do you?" "I certainly hope not," Fluttershy replied. "Having an evil king try to enslave sounds just terrible." The guard looked at Fluttershy a moment longer, not seeming to be comforted by the statement. He then kept on, leading them toward the staircase.