//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: A Fear that Came to Pass // by ChingKittyCat //------------------------------// There was no physical, mental, or spiritual way that Twilight could come to the conclusion of killing another. That was simply beyond reason, and downright cruel. She didn't want to be cruel. She didn't need to be cruel. Cruelty didn't get anypony anywhere, save for him. In any other case, cruelty was never the answer. Neither was violence. Twilight could not, and will not, be killing this changeling. Even if it did steal her identity while trying to get food, she wouldn't be killing it. Even if it did pose a threat against her brother and best friend in the past, she wouldn't kill it. She wasn't one for cold blood, nor blood at all. "I can't 'get rid' of you, so you're free to go. Leave. I don't want to see you back here." Twilight told the changeling directly, causing the changeling to get a slight look of shock. He obviously was not expecting this act of unprecedented kindness. Spies were never given a second chance. The changeling attempted to stand, only to fall back down onto the muddy ground. Twilight sighed, looking at the brown cat beside her. She was feeling especially generous. She couldn't handle another pet in the library anyways. Twilight pushed Quake over to the changeling. "Take Quake with you. He should help with your skinniness. He's nice." Twilight told the changeling. The changeling glanced down at the cat, then back at Twilight. Mouth agape with shock. He didn't know what to say. This act of kindness made Twilight feel extremely warm and fuzzy on the inside. Nonetheless, she enjoyed the feeling of being appreciated once more. Even if it was from a predatory species who literally despised ponies, at least she was getting some good vibes from doing something nice. "I-I uh.. Are you sure? I can have him?" The changeling questioned, Twilight nodded silently. Looking down at the cat who looked visibly happier with the changeling friend. Twilight smiled at the innocent animal. Quake turned to look at Twilight once more, a meow escaping it's little cat mouth. Twilight pat the top of Quake's head with her hoof. "All yours." Twilight confirmed, as Quake purred loudly at Twilight's decision. The changeling would give Quake more attention then Twilight would, that was for sure. Hopefully, Quake would be treated with extreme care. If (s)he wasn't, Twilight would be giving out some free round-house kicks to the face. The changeling pulled Quake in for a hug, allowing the cat to snuggle up close to his (or her) new owner. That probably was not Twilight's smartest move. For all she knew, this changeling could just go ahead and stab her in the back when she had turned to leave him and Quake alone. Twilight made sure to keep a close eye on the changeling as she stood to go join the group. Though she would miss Quake, at least she wouldn't be crying over it too much. She felt slightly sad that her cat company was gone, but she would get over it. Twilight decided to rejoin the group. The conversations had settled, and everypony was gathering around the firepit that Twilight had put down yesterday night. For some reason, it was still here. Twilight thought she had thrown all the rocks and burnt sticks back into the forest to cover her trail. After the group moved out once more, Twilight would throw the rocks and sticks into the forest so the group would not have to deal with being followed. That changeling wasn't going to be following them, hopefully. Twilight glanced over her shoulder. The changeling was still chilling out on the ground. Not really doing much of anything to be honest. Twilight squeezed her way into the circle. They were currently talking about the gameplan. That game plan being that they would be getting to Hollow Shades one way or another. They were really bickering more than they were conversing. Passing the blame torch onto one another for taking the wrong path and somehow making it back to the entrance. Twilight still couldn't figure out how they had made it back to the entrance, even with all the light they had produced to look about the cave. The bickering reminded Twilight about her first few days in ponyville, and how her friends were all arguing over some Gala tickets that Twilight had. The gala, in the end, wasn't as it was made up to be. Mostly because Twilight and her friends had ruined it. Twilight was lucky she and her friends weren't charged for the damages they had made. Maybe it was because they were the elements of harmony, and they got a free pass. Good for them. "Shhhhhhhh. Is everypony ready to go back in, or what?" Quill Scratch asked, making the group shut their argumentative mouths. There were a few mumbles, a couple nods of agreement, and some just outright saying yes. Twilight didn't exactly want to put her legs through that aching experience again. She really didn't. She had to get to the crystal empire again though. Why didn't she just buy another ticket to go there? Oh yeah. The train and the station were destroyed by one of the blizzards that regularly ravage the northern hemisphere. Twilight stayed silent, and took the longest time to get started again. Her legs were feeling slightly better, though they still hated to move. Twilight felt like complaining, but that was beneath her. She couldn't complain about this. She had to stay strong, or else she would be deemed useless by the group and be thrown out. That's what she thought. The group wouldn't actually throw her out. She was the element of magic, and that counted for a lot of stuff. She was extremely skilled in magic, unlike other unicorns in the group. Twilight wasn't going to be using much magic anymore, as she had used a bit too much. Apparently Dark magic drained a lot of regular magic. Not a surprise, really. It was really powerful. Unlike her regular, boring magic. This one had more of a oomf to it. It felt so much better to use. It felt soothing to Twilight, as strange as that sounded. She kind of wanted to use it again.. No, no she didn't. Twilight shook her head as she clamored to her hooves, following the group once more. The group was going back into the cave, passing the changeling and Quake without a second thought. Twilight was happy they didn't glare at the changeling. Maybe it was because Twilight had said to spare it. Who knows what would be happening right now if she had said to get rid of it. Twilight decided to not think about it. What was there to think about? Her friends were a main topic in her mind. She really didn't have much else to think about, now did she? She refused to bring Spike into her mind, her faithful assistant, who's most likely resting peacefully in the after life right now. She hoped he was having a nice, long sleep. A eternal sleep, that he would never wake from. Well, now that was a depressing thought. Call herself selfish, she wanted Spike to wake from his nap and rejoin the living. That wasn't going to happen. Ever. Who else was there to think about? She didn't want to think about her teacher who was incredibly disappointed in Twilight, and told her to hide from her fears. Did her teacher think she was a coward or something? Twilight was not a coward. That's why she was going on this adventure in the first place. She was going to save her friends! That was her goal. She would impress her teacher, and regain her trust for a lifetime! Twilight was determined to get to The Crystal Empire now. Twilight quickened her pace, and squeezed her way into the group, instead of lagging behind like she usually did. The other unicorn's horns lit, as Twilight kept hers off. If she used it, she would probably have her horn burn her. The cave's walls were exposed once more. Though, something felt a bit missing. The walls of the cave had nothing on them. Nothing. That was a bit strange. Twilight swore that she could remember something insignificant on those walls. Whatever. She could already feel the pains returning. Twilight groaned softly as she felt the aches slowly began their attack. She had to get her mind off of it. Who to think about. Who hadn't she thought about? Twilight decided to think about her brother, Shining Armor. Along with his wife, Princess Cadence. Shining Armor was sent into the air by the impact. He had just been punched by one of the black crystals, much like Rainbow Dash was. It came from underneath him, as he was forced upwards, hitting the ceiling of the throne room. Gravity dropped him back onto the now monotone and bleak floor. All black. He weakly looked upwards, only to see crystals surrounding him. He was trapped now, without his magic. If only he had helped some more. This wouldn't be happening. Princess Cadence's insults and threats could be heard from outside the prison. Shining Armor weakly pushed against the walls of his new, temporary prison. His lungs lacked oxygen from that crystaline punch, which still ached. He could feel something in his stomach was moving around, unnaturally. Whatever was moving in his stomach, it was causing him excruciating pain. He had broken a rib, to put in plainly. Shining Armor sank back onto the floor when the pain first arrived. He knew moving would only cause more pain to arrive. His wife's screams, he could hear them. They were cut short by something. He did not know what. They just stopped, mid-scream. What was he doing to his wife!? His fury filled him as he banged against the prison limply with his front hooves, in a futile and pathetic attempt to escape. To his surprise, the crystals crumbled. Except.. Well.. The new ruler of the Crystal Empire was now standing right infront of Shining Armor. He appeared to be examining Shining Armor. Shining Armor could care less about the new King, or rather, the old King. Shining Armor noticed his wife, across the room. Her mouth was covered by a crystal gag. Her screams were very quiet due to her being muffled by the crystal. Her horn was made of pure crystal. It was no longer made of bone. Her wings were much like her horn. They were extended, and they were in the shape of wings. She was crying. Oh boy, was she crying. Rivers flowed from her eyes, and onto the floor. Her eyes were the same neon green as his were, along with her irises turning to crimson. The only thing she now lacked was that jam-colored smoke that flowed from the tips of his eyes. Shining Armor's voice was unable to escape his mouth. He breathed in deep, attempting to get some 'fresh' air into his lungs. "What are you doing to her..?" He sputtered, causing the tyrant to twist his head around to look at the pink and newly black alicorn. Shining Armor could tell the King was gleeful while looking back at what he had done to Cadence. It was sickening. He even had a twinkle in his eye when he looked at the suffering alicorn. He was even smiling. SMILING. His unnatural and predatory teeth were shown with the smile. The Dictator looked back at Shining Armor. He did not meet Shining Armor's eyes. "The crystal princess will stay within a crystal. She is not fit for work." Shining Armor was told, as the crystals on Princess Cadence's body slowly covered the alicorn, like a fungus. Every time a new crystal sprouted from her body, she screamed. She shook her head madly, spraying salty tears over the old castle floor. Shining Armor staggered to his hooves, only for a new injury to appear. The king shot him, right in the chest. The burning seared through him, burning down to what felt to be his heart. Shining Armor gasped, and fell back down onto the ground, where the King wanted for him to stay, obviously. He clenched his teeth, and grabbed onto his chest. There wasn't even a mark where he was hit. "You are fit for work. You are going to the mines." Twilight groaned again. Again. Again. Once more. The group was growing exhausted of Twilight's moaning and groaning. They had taken a right when they came across the crossroad, because the right is the right path. Also because it went directly in the direction of Hollow Shades. Twilight couldn't bare this walk much longer. She had gone on adventures before, and walked through caves before. Though this walk felt like the longest walk she had ever had. Then the group rounded the corner. There was the actual exit. Twilight squeed with delight as she looked out onto the dreary town that was just outside the exit. They were here. They were at Hollow Shades. Finally. It had felt like an eternity. If Twilight wrote a book about her escapades, she would make her journey through Foal Mountain four chapters long, at LEAST. That's how long it took. She was out now. Well, actually, she was still in the cave. Hollow Shades was right outside.