//------------------------------// // Volcano // Story: Will She Love Me Too? // by Liechtenstein //------------------------------// The more I think about it the more I feel that I acted a bit to hastily; she at least deserved a chance to retort. Well... I say that, but I also distinctly remember getting very angry. She was acting awfully ignorant, bout once again I can't hate her for the way she was brought up. But if I didn't point out the fallacy she would never learn. Anyway, she lied to my face! Friends don't lie to other friends... unless its to protect the other friends feelings. I bet I hurt Applejack's feelings, storming off like that, some friend I am. Twilight fought this cognitive dissonance all the way on her lonesome walk home. Twilight couldn't tell if she had a valid reason for storming out like she did. Her anger had turned into regret, but there was no going back. She said what she wanted to say, and now she must wait for the inevitable fallout. Her friends would find out about what had happened, perhaps they already knew. The day was still far from over and her friends would doubtless find out by dawn. Word spreads fast, especially when delivered by pegasi. I might as well just cut my losses and go see Rarity; tell her about this little incident. Spike probably doesn't expect me back till later, so he won't miss me. Rarity is gonna find out about this sooner or later, might as well be now before the words get twisted. Twilight altered her direction slightly and set off for Carousel Boutique, for the first time since she came out to her friends. This time, however, she was not nervous; she had nothing to be nervous about. She ostensibly had nothing to fear out of this trip; no matter what happened she was fairly certain that Rarity wouldn't reject her. Indeed she wasn't fearful for anything, but she was regretful and concerned about her run in with Applejack earlier that day. This time Rarity didn't sense or see Twilight coming, and so she had to knock on the sapphire coloured door of the boutique. Nevertheless the response was seemingly instantaneous, Twilight could only assume that Rarity had nothing better to do between designing contracts than wait for some form of social interaction. "Twilight! Darling, do come in." The two ponies found their way to Rarity's living room. "I just made myself a pot of tea, so do feel free to- are you alright, Twilight?" Rarity's sudden shift in topic caught Twilight off kilter. She was planning to bide her time before bringing her problem up, but apparently that wasn't an option. "Yes- well, no. Something... 'bad' happened." "Oh my, dear, what was it? Was it Rainbow Dash? She didn't seem happy the other day. Did she get lary? I knew she wo-" "No, it's not about Rainbow; I talked to her yesterday, she seemed fine. No, I just had... well, I kinda had an argument with Applejack." "What do you mean... 'kind of'?" "Well we talked, I called her a liar, she said something about... the way I am. Then I got angry and essentially called her ignorant and small minded. Then I left." Thinking back Twilight was unsure as to where she truly got angry, and was even unsure to what extent Applejack insulted her, if she even did at all. But she was ready to stick by the account she told Rarity as if it was the perfect truth. "Really? Applejack said something insensitive? I know she can be a bit crass at time, but I didn't think she'd say something outright insulting. What did she say exactly?" Rarity was being very interrogative, this fresh gossip seemed to interest her immensely. "I-I-I... I don't know." Twilight's voice was cracking, and she was getting quieter. Both ponies knew that she was on the precipice of tears. Before Rarity could speak she was cut off by Twilight. "I-I don't even know wh- why I got so angry. A-a-and now Applejack almost definitely hates me. She didn't deserve that... sh-she deserved better! Everypony deserves better than me! I don't deserve friends as good as you, Rarity," for a brief moment Twilight broke out into a fit of hysterics, before finally quieting down to finish herself off, in a soft, quiet, saddened tone. "I... I... I'm a bad pony... a bad friend. I'm sorry for bothering you, Rarity, I'll leave now." A sunken and defeated Twilight lowered her head, as if to try and hide from what she just said. "Don't be silly, Twilight, I could hardly let you leave when you're like this. Stay a while, stay the night if you must, but you are not leaving until we get this sorted." Sorted? What does she mean 'sorted'? Ohnonono, she's gonna get Applejack... but is that really all that bad? Then you have an opportunity to mare up, apologize and be absolved of all blame or responsibility. And Applejack can't even get mad because Rarity will be there to stop it... probably. But I don't think I'm ready to face Applejack again today. No, I'll try another day, maybe her anger would've diminished by then... unless it just festers and grows, large and more substantial. "No, I'm okay, Rarity, really," replied Twilight, wiping a tear off of her face. "It'll be fine." "Twilight." Retorted Rarity in a stern, albeit caring and motherly, tone. "You know that I can't just let you go home in this state. No, I insist that you stay the night. I can run a note to Spike, if you so wish?" Her offer hung in the air for a while, neither pony saying anything extra. Finally Twilight responded, although somewhat reluctantly. "Okay, Rarity. I guess it is for the best." Rarity was only gone for a few, brief minutes. Twilight used this time to try and clear her head, and to understand fully what was going on, and what was about to happen. Okay, Rarity has invited me to stay to 'sort out' my problem... and she seemed most insistent that I stay. What does she want? Is there something more going on than I realize? She couldn't possibly have anything nefarious planned, could she? Of course not, don't be stupid, Twilight Rarity is your friend, shes helped you all the way through these past few days. You owe it to her to show your gratitude in anyway you can. With that in mind there was nothing much she could do until Rarity returned. When Rarity finally did return Twilight had took it upon herself to get nice and comfortable, seeing as she was staying for an extended period of time. "Okay, its official, you are mine for the night, darling. I would tell you to make yourself at home but I see that you've already done that." Rarity shot a friendly smile to Twilight. "Do you require anything, Twilight? Tea? Biscuits? If you need anything just feel free to get it; whats mine is yours." Now that she thought about it Twilight hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, and the long day had taken a bit out of her. "Actually, I am quite hungry, could I have a sandwich, please." "Consider it done." Within a matter of moments a freshly made cucumber sandwich was floated towards her, which she accepted graciously. "Now, Twilight, we do have to talk about what you experienced today. From what you've told me I know that you regret saying what you did to Applejack. And I know Applejack well enough to know she also probably regrets saying anything to insult you. We can't move forward if you don't fix this; if you fall out with Applejack, majorly, then that's gonna create a rift among friends. Ponies will be taking sides, and we mustn't let that happen. First thing tomorrow we are going to go down to Sweet Apple Acres; you are going to apologize to Applejack and you will have a full conversation about all of this." "But Rarit-" Twilight was about to raise doubt about Rarity's plan, but caught herself; remembering her soliloquy from earlier. "Okay Rarity, I trust you. If that is what you think is best then I'll comply." Satisfied that she got the result she wanted, Rarity lightened up somewhat. With the big issue out of the way, and Twilight being compliant, the two ponies were free to spend the rest of the night as if it was a normal sleepover. And so Twilight and Rarity adhered to all of the usual sleepover conventions, both ponies happy, both ponies content. Twilight was thankful for this, too. It was a chance for her to forget all about the problems and issues she had faced over the past week, and the problems and issues that awaited her ahead. ======================================== I tried to make this chapter longer, as per request, so let me know if this is all "HAY" or "NEIGH" (obligatory horse puns). I thought this one turned out "alright". In an ideal world I'd have recounted the sleepover in its entirety, but I couldn't think of a way I could do that in a way that was in any way presentable. I also got stuck on how to convey how Twilight was crying through text. The song that lends its name to this chapter (if you get the right one, not sure how many songs are called "Volcano") is a really good song, especially the acoustic version. I like the acoustic version of thinks because I am so Indie and anti-mainstream. You wouldn't catch me naming my chapter after a song by a non-Indie band, don't be absurd. Many thanks goes to Jokerpony for offering to pre-read and cut out those silly typographical errors. Also when faced with an April Fools prank that threatens to confuse and mess up your story don't back down, "CHAERG!" So yeah, sorry for the temp name change, unless you are reading this on the 2nd or later, in which case "Hello you smug future bastards"