Super Smash Sisters


The fight is on!

"Remember Loo," said Rainbow Dash, looking concerned yet happy in the awesome atmosphere of a flat, floating platform that appears to be traveling through time and space (What's that blue box we just passed?) that is Final Destination, "Even though your technically dead, this stuff will still hurt. By the looks of it your contestant is Meta Steed. Heres his file. And remember, find their weakness and strike."
I took the file in her hooves and read it over. It detailed many of Meta Steed's moves, with their frightening power and agility. I kept on trying to find a weakness, but everywhere she looked was just powerful move after powerful move.
"Shouldn't they be giving me an easy one?" I thought out loud. However, I was quickly interrupted by Sunbutt Princess Celestia coming towards us, with a steel knight wearing a mask and a cape that seemed to unfold into... Wings? Um... Okay. Er... It... Was wearing a name tag that says Meta Steed on it.
"Now," said Celestia in a elegant yet declarative voice, looking at Meta Steed and I carefully, "we are to prove who the best fighter is, but that does not mean fight to the death. A point can only be scored when an opponent is knocked out of the ring. No beating each other to death... Again."
I put my gloves up and waited for something to happen. Eventually a giant 3 popped up.
Then 2...
Then 1...


Yelled a Disembodied voice, signaling the start.
I ran forward. Almost immediately, Meta Steed opens his cape/wings and does a loop.
Afterwards he rushes at me sword first. I jump over him with ease and start landing jabs on him. After a couple of jabs, Meta Steed spins into a tornado, doing massive damage and stopping my barrage. He sprinted towards me and I hit him with a hard uppercut, further damaging him and sending him in the air. He came back down and started relentlessly slashing at me. I started getting angrier and angrier, until I could've sworn that I had heard a familiar dinging voice in my head.
I unleashed a powerful uppercut with a thundering crack when it made contact. Meta Steed didn't stand a chance. I saw a giant red and blue explosion from where he flew out of sight.
After a second or two, I see Meta Steed flashing between being bright and normal on a floating platform.
He comes down, still blinking, and charges me.
I throw out a uppercut at the last second, but it doesn't do anything on contact!
"What!?!?" I yell in surprise before I get hit by another tornado.
I look behind me and see a small red ball with a big S on it.
I shrug and throw it at Meta Steed.
The second it makes contact, it explodes in a slowly expanding circle of fire.
By now, Meta Steed has taken massive damage. I charge towards him and prepare for an overhead arc, but Meta Steed dodges it and goes towards a circle thats glowing rainbow colors. He hits it a couple times, and the he starts glowing rainbow and the lights dim.
Meta Steed charges again, and when I go for the jab, he slides around me and then covers me with his cape.
Then everything goes dark and silent for what seemed like forever.
Out of nowhere, Meta Knight lands a devastating slash on me, sending me flying off the stage.
And then I died.

... And then I came back on the platform Meta Steed was on earlier. What did you expect?
I go back on the ground and jump up to jab the now flying Meta Knight, and then...
"You ain't no air fighter, Loo!" Yells Rainbow Dash from the sidelines.
Too late, I realize shes right. My punch misses its mark completely and sends me flying off the edge.
I try and uppercut my way back up, but I fail to get high enough to grab back on to the sweet, sweet ground.
I die again.
"Get your head in the game, Loo!" Yells Rainbow Dash.
I breathe in deeply. I breathe out deeply.
My body is ready.
I immediately run towards Meta Steed. He takes off again, in hopes of baiting me.
However, I wait patiently for him to run out of flaps and fall.
After a couple of flaps, he does a somersault and then falls out of control.
I hit him with a hard uppercut, and then proceed be beat the crap out of him.
Eventually he gets back in control, but I was able to jump away before he counters.
"5!" Yells the voice.
Meta Steed Charges once more.
"4!" Yells the voice.
Meta Steed Approaches.
I jump out of the way at the last second.
Suddenly, Meta Steed and I teleport to opposite ends of the stage.


Yells the voice.
Suddenly, Meta Steed and I take MASSIVE damage. He runs towards me with his sword ready.
I start dodging wildly, hoping not to become KFC at Meta Steeds hoof.
We hear an explosion and we both stop to look up.
Then we both realized its raining bombs.
The fearless boxer and the merciless warrior look at each other.
Then they run in circles screaming as bombs fall all around them.
I shake my head and focus.

...Or at least I tried to, but the bombs are mean.
I run towards Meta Steed, leap/dive forward towards Meta Steed and smash into his face.
Fist first.
He goes flying off screen, followed by a satisfying explosion.


Yells the voice, bringing a grin to my face.
I (somehow) teleport to a white room and punch the air as my stats appear behind me, while Meta Steed does the same except he doesn't punch the air and acts really disappointed in himself.
Celestia and Luna come down in all their regality and grace.
"You have done very well," says Celestia, "You shall move on to the next round in the tourney." She informs me.
"Wait..." I say, confused. "Theres more!?!? I thought that was it!" Immediately, I was sorry for yelling at the princesses.
"Yes, there is more, Little Loo. The winner of it all gets crowned as..." Celestia looks at Luna and coughs.


Yells Luna in the royal canterlot voice.
"Cheer up, kid," says Rainbow, who was behind Luna, "You've got this in the bag!"
"I hope so..." I say, kind of dissapointed that there is more.
"Good luck!" says Celestia, as she and Luna fly away.
I look at the tourney board they left behind, now determined.
This was going to be Awesome...