Moon Bright, Evening's Light

by Zarius9998



Celestia returned the following morning. She was tired and a bit agitated. The discussions got a little heated at some points, but at least she managed to keep the peace, even if just for a little while longer. Upon entering her castle, she noticed that her janitors did a very good job at cleaning-up. No one would ever suspect one of the biggest event of the year happened just last night...

"I wonder how the night went to Twilight and my sister..." she thought, heading towards her room, "Maybe Twilight got the depressed mare out of her rut. Twilight can do that sometimes."

If only she knew just how right she was...Celestia reached her bedroom door, but stopped, turning to her sister's instead. She figured she might as well check on her, even though Luna normally sleeps through the day and does her business through the night. So, as quietly as possible, the elder sister crept into the room, noticing that the lights were off, the curtains were closed, and the moon-roof was blocked by magic-powered sliding plates; she could barely see anything in the entire room!

'She likes it dark...' Celestia commented silently, approaching Luna's bed, 'Wait...what is this?' she noticed a second mane sticking out from under the covers along with Luna's, 'Oh! Looks like she finally found a colt! I wonder who it is?' Celestia slowly started to lean in, staring intently at the pair to no avail, 'Hmm...lemme light things up for a moment...' her horn suddenly glowed a soft white, illuminating the two ponies sleeping within eachother's hooves, 'Oh my...' Celestia stumbled back in surprise, diminishing her light by accident from the shock, "Twilight!?" Celestia had seen many, MANY shock inducing sights, but this took the was just too much! "A...and Luna...? Together!?" Celestia just couldn't handle it all, and quickly fainted, laying sprawled-out on the marble floor.

The thud caused one of the sleeping ponies to stir, eventually sliding out of the grasp of her other to sit up with a yawn. It was Twilight, "Hmm...? What was that...?" she looked around the room, but saw nothing. Shrugging her head, she turned to the sleeping beauty beside her, then she smiled. Not only did she find her first crush, but it was a Princess! And maybe this was more than "just a crush"...if Luna truly meant every hug and every...Twilight shuddered from the delightful memories...every kiss, and it wasn't just the heat of all of her mixed emotion, then Twilight had a feeling she and Luna would be inseparable.

"I wonder what Celestia will think of this..." the unicorn shrugged, sliding back down into Luna'a grasp, "It doesn't matter much..." she yawned, realizing that she had just said something she thought she never would have before. Celestia's opinion not mattering? If only she knew just how close she was to catching the Solar Princess' "opinion!"