//------------------------------// // Chp.1 Orbit // Story: Turning tables // by DarkShadow95 //------------------------------// Turning tables Chp.1 Orbit Equestria a beautiful pearl in the vacuum of space. I look on the blue marble but yet its beauty that is so similar to earth. It looks so similar to earth beautiful, peaceful and yet it so different, in so many ways. Primarily the fact that ponies that live there. I look out the window at what will be the next planet to fall under the Human Space Alliances. The ship I'm on, the HSA honour is ready in orbit  for its mission, to recon and prepare the area for its invasion of Equestria. I look around the grey interior of this cold ship I have called home for the last 24 months, the gentle whirring of the ships artificial gravity continues to drive me insane. The ship I'm standing is only one of 4 to the HSA has making these things is not cheap at over 60 billion per carrier ship. Although She is beautiful a narrow ship that is grey can also carry 7 cruisers below her for any sort of role in our case invasion. Also she has a 70mW ion cannon planted on top capable of ripping a hole in a planet with ease. carrying over 100,000 personnel 5000 small craft and more. It has five nuclear fission propulsion engines that can make speed of 70% of light. Fastest we can go so far. Yet even as I look around this marvel of mankind, I am deep in my thoughts trying to remember how this hell of a war came to start. Only to be startled by my overly active corporal "HI BOSS!" jumps Paul literally out of no where. Making me shoot up and nearly head butt a ventilation pipe. "JESUS PAUL!" Literally I have no idea how this bundle of energy works. One minute he will be in your vision, next he will be robbing the doughnuts in the mess hall all in 10 seconds flat. How he has this supernatural ability to disappear I will never know. I always noticed his stupid hair cut. Short sides long top with a stupid pink streak through his white blonde hair, seriously? He stands just taller than me quite thin with a dynamic look about him just looking at him you can tell he loves a wild party. "What's up now corporal? did you get caught robbing the doughnuts again?" I ask sarcastically. "Noooooooooo," as he winks at me...creepy "just thought I would say HI!" I stare at him with predator eyes "Spit it out Paul...". "Well I was told to tell you from Alex, who was told by Rob who was told by the chef who was told by the chief 'that you are required to meet up with the chief in the armoury before the drop' well that's what I think he wants" he looks at me with a huge unnatural smile, waiting for my response. "Fine," I sigh "Go around and tell him to meet up in the armoury room in 15 minutes". "SURE!" he shouts as he leaps out the automatic door. He really needs to be assessed. Well least that was over fast, normally I would have to put up with an hour of 'Paul talk'. Anyway might as well make my way to the armoury, I prefer to check on my kit in peace before a drop. Gives me time to think about the mission ahead and its details. This one seemed rather simple anyway, get in take out some magic crystal cannons gain some intelligence and get out. Simple. I walk through the grey metallic interior of the assault ship. Eventually finding the armoury I log in and start to collect all my armour and equipment. The beauty of peace. Well that was what I thought. The security door opened to reveal a large stocky silhouette, instantly recognising the booming voice that could split a mountain. "STAFF SERGEANT!" booms the chief. Even knowing he was there his voice still hit nerves in my brain at how much I hated this guy, but I know what he is capable of. "CHIEF!" I formally reply bringing myself to attention. "Good to see my least favourite Sergeant getting ready for his drop!" This guy is a massive dick. He hates me due to me not having a good kill count on all my missions. I didn't join the army to kill, I joined to make a difference. Not like this prick. He may be big and seem a good leader but by god did I know he was pure evil. Appointed by Satan himself. He just killed anything, didn't care for a soul on his team and his 'objective' seems to always be kill all the enemy...in what ever way possible. This is what most HSA soldiers believed in. Its what they are fed during their training. I didn't believe in all the HSA crap of all the enemy must be killed to protect humanity. No my philosophy was an enemy is defeated when they become your allies. However when you're held against your will in an army that is deranged you have no choice but to survive. If I die my ideals die with it. Hence why I'm an operative class soldier. Less shooting more thinking. "Its always good to see you chief!" Ide rather replace your steroids with laxatives you sted head. "It always is when I'm around! Anyway I have good news for you," Ah this can’t be good "Looks as if you won't be joining us on the assault. You have a new primary objective. One you and I will enjoy, simply because it means you won’t be in my way." Not on the assault, new objective? What the hell?! "Looks like you on recon duty, this comes from the top commanders to you so you can’t argue this time. Your new mission is 'to gain any actual intelligence for the final assault and suggest any ideas to the plan that will ensure victory. So looks like you will stay on the planet longer than you expected," he lets out a small chuckle. "Fuck" is all I can say. He lets out a bigger laugh this time. Now I'm on borderline of hitting him. "Looks like you will be dropping separately from us as we are the distraction." "So what? The assault is a massive cover?" questioning him. "Yes," he explains further details "You will drop single manned. you will go rouge for a while so at least you will get to do whatever you like, but this is recon. So you will have to report all that you learn when out in the field is that understood?" "Yes chief, anymore details though?" I am curious as to how this has came out of the blue. I'm just shocked at all of this. "Well you will be given your choice in equipment, however no vehicles command want all of them for the assault. AS this is recon you will have to lie low and keep out of sight. They said you fit the mission profile perfectly, hence why you get it". He grits his teeth must be having memories of how I've got in his way before. "What exactly am I looking for?" continuing. "Anything with significant value; Numbers signals strengths weaknesses locations logistics, anything really that can aid us. Oh and no prisoners for simple reason you're on your own for 3 months." a cold grin grows across his face. Not liking that at all. So let me get this straight. I'm going rouge on a planet I barely know with a shitload of ponies that would rather put my head on a spike, with no reinforcements or support, all in the time frame of 3 months!? I am a dead man. "Don't tell me I can't turn down my orders" "No," he explains bluntly "so I suggest you get your gear sorted and leave your will behind." He turns towards the door and heads out soon as the door shuts, I return the kindness by giving him a loving gesture of 2 fingers with a side order of mocking face. I then start to mull over what he just said. Great now I'm going to be stuck on that hell hole below me for the next 3 months. Plus I have no say in the orders, I just have to get it done Get in get out that's the rule that keeps me alive. I take a deep breath and begin to think about what I'm going to need, no point in overthinking my orders if there is nothing I can do about it. I'm Just going to have to deal with it and keep my mind off them for now. Making a mental list in my head of what I need will help. I just hope it is nothing like last time. Well first thing on my list is armour. I walk over to the armour configuration machine, all of our armour is stored in here, repaired and modified in this wonder machine. I look at the screen and type in what I'm going to need for my mission. Hmmm I'm going to need camouflage so adaptive camouflage select. next I will need good optics select. Oh also going to need it for long duration select, last and not least manoeuvrability for my CQB specialty. Now to hit produce. The machine whirs into life as electronic parts start to move inside the white crate. It says on screen it will take 1 hour to modify my armour which gives me all the time to put on my under armour suit and get my weapons. Next on my list weapons. I walk over to my locker and pick out my personal weapon the LRR-30. A beautiful piece of tech one that I adore. It can take all types of rounds from simple FMJ's to explosive rounds (even though most the time I us incapacitation rounds so I don't actually kill anyone unless necessary). Its has the capability of being an assault rifle and at the click of a button a marksman's rifle thanks to its extending barrel and targeting computer sight. Next I pick up is my bolt gun looks like a pistol on steroids which basically it is. I only have it for its capability to carry the heavier rounds so I can use it as a small bunker buster. It also can carry and select the type of rounds you want to fire quite smart I think. I pick up the extend magazines and slot them snugly in front of the pistol grip. Trying to get a reading on the magazines, the display at the back lights up with a symbol and numbers for each type of round; 20 incapacitation, 10 shotgun, 10 incendiary, 10 bunker buster and 5 grenade. Sweet just what I need. Now its time for my CQB weapons. I use a teslar baton and a extendable bayonet for my choice. The baton is something I prefer since it is not designed to kill, it is charged with electricity so anything that touches it beyond the hilt gets stunned. Plus it sets of jumps of electricity along its 3 foot extendable pole which is pretty cool. The bayonet on the other hand is designed to kill but it has other uses such as survival plus it extends into a short sword which is useful since the ponies like to use swords in this world so pretty handy. I pick up all of these and make my way to the table in the middle of the room. soon as I check they are all clean and serviceable I start to fill up my magazines 4 mags for my bolt gun and 12 for my LRR each containing different rounds for specific jobs. The Armour configuration machine then starts to beep stating my modifications are complete. I walk over and open the door next to the console of the crate. I eye the armour that has been made just for this mission and it looks beautiful. I grab it quickly and start to put it on like a kid on Christmas morning. As I put it on the fresh scent fills my nostrils and makes me even more eager to put it on. I swear it was the quickest I have changed in my entire life. Once all of its on except the helmet I start to appreciate how bloody comfy it is! I know I selected the long duration modification but I never knew it was this comfy! defiantly selecting that again. Walking over to the mirror to see how it looked on me. It was amazing the plates were pure white and shaped around my major muscle groups but gave me enough room around my joints to manoeuvre, perfect. I strike poses looking like a dick sexy, well at least I'm on my own. I hope... I then pay attention to the helmet it has a silver visor at the front with optics just below on the right cheek and a vent on the other cheek, it also has a sun guard over the visor that will come in handy. I admire it for few more minutes and then slip it over my head . Perfect fit sweet. I wait for it to power up, lighting up the HUD displaying my armours condition and my health. Only to notice when I look around its outlining the items in the room, anything I look at directly it gives stats and information on it. This is going to make things easier I spend the next few minutes playing around with the optics in the helmet. I then look at the corner of the HUD and realise the time Huh time flies when having fun, better get my kit sorted before the drop. I quickly grab my bag and fill it up with rations and water and any other equipment to help me survive in the field no need for shelter the armour can keep my safe from the elements. Well that's all of it now to wait for the call up. Only for that time to be filled with dreading the fact Ill be on my own for 3 months. Dreaded scenarios run through my mind, making me shiver. Even the one I most fear. About 7 scenarios later the warning light start to flash orange. "WARNING ALL PERSONNEL PREPARE FOR DROP IN 30 MINUTES" the intercom bellows out. Well here we go, Time to jump into hell. I sling my rifle to my back holster my bolt gun and attach my melee weapons to my forearms. One quick glance to mirror possibly the last time i'll see myself. I start to march towards the door slipping on my helmet and slinging my backpack on. Turning left down the corridor to the hangar. Time seems to be slow with all the steps I take, running through the checks on my armour. I take one last look out the window to my left looking at the planet, in 30 minutes Ill be fighting down there. Its so peaceful up here but soon I will see for myself the hell down on the surface. I take slow steps to the door of the hangar. I take in one deep breath and exhale. I start a quick jog as the automatic doors open trying to identify my drop ship. I look and identify it using my optics. I realise its a TCS-20 a troop carrying ship. It has the cockpit in the front for the pilot and gunner but the separate compartment behind, which houses all the drop pods. At the side of the compartment is the dual rotor jets that give its agile ability. On the side of the compartment house the 35mm cannon that use explosive rounds to clear the area for the drop so troops don't get shot soon as the land. I still have no idea why they painted it white though, paint a huge target on us why don't you? I make my way to the side of the compartment as it slides open revealing the pods slightly bigger than a coffin not as big as orbital drop pods. These instead were designed to drop in low atmosphere so less need for shock absorbers. I hop in and lock down the holder to my chest. I see other troops around me wearing standard assault armour do the same. I wait for the ground crew to check us in a crewman comes up to me checks I'm secure and asks if I'm ready to go I nod to him firmly getting the same response. Soon as he passes round all the troops the doors on the pod close and screw in. I feel the dread start to kick in as the mission really starts to sink in. So this is it Then the side doors close on the aircraft. The interior light switches on along with all the guidance instruments leap into life. "WELCOME STAFF SERGEANT LOCATION FOUND FOR DROP" I look at the screen below me and hit the confirm button just outside a place known as Ponyville. Looks like ill be landing just outside of the main part of the village. Maybe I will have to fight great. I hear the intercom sound up as the pilot sounds off "Good afternoon gentleman you will be dropping into Equestria, we will be setting off now so good luck and wish you victory." Soon as the intercom turns off the engines charge up and start to move towards the drop pad. Below us the duel doors shield us from space but as soon as they open we will fall into the depths of hell however i'll be the one who gets left behind. My last thoughts are of those who will die which could also be me but I know I deserve it. "PREPARE FOR LAUNCH IN 5...4...3...2...1!"