//------------------------------// // Chapter 13: Answers // Story: New Beginnings // by Black Alicorn //------------------------------// 19 hours after first contact... Wolf stood alone in his room, gazing out the window in complete silence. Until one sound reached Wolf's enhanced ears. The sound of hoofsteps on the metal floor of the Red Dawn. He turned around to the door. At the exact same moment, Twilight appeared in front of him. “Hey.” Was his quick, dry greeting. “You okay?” Was Twilight's response. “Yeah....How's Nyx holding up?” “She's a little shaken, but I got her to sleep....” “And you?” “All things considered, I'm fine. “ Silence filled the room as Wolf turned back to the window. “Are they gone Wolf?” “No, they're just sitting there, waiting. It's like they've been ordered to target us and no one else.” “Then why did they rip that other pony to shreds?” “Maybe they didn't see us?” “Now you're talking like they can take orders.” “I know when something is trying to kill me Twilight. I went through seven years of that.” Twilight looked to the ground, nearly tearing up as she thought that everything that came out of her mouth reminded Wolf of the war. But something was nagging in the back of her head, a question that needed to be answered. She tried as hard as she could to suppress the urge to ask him, but to no avail. “Wolf, who was that man?” She froze. She couldn't believe that she actually asked him, how she put her own curiosity over the feelings of her friend. Wolf didn't answer right away. He just stood there, unfazed by the question in complete silence. “I promised you an answer didn't I?” “Wolf....you don't have to....” “No. You want to know, I'll let you know. That was General Weaver, the man who started it all.” He paused. “What do you mean?” “He was the head of the program to turn kids into soldiers....” “You mean...” “He made me into this...” “....” “And he was present at every surgery, every training session and watched us like a hawk. It didn't matter how much we screamed, how much we cried, how much we begged for him to stop, he just continued on, not even for a minute.” “Wolf...” “We hated him. With every fiber in our bodies. We wanted to see him die...He put us through so much pain....” “Wolf....you don't...” She stopped as she was interrupted by Wolf again. “Some of us couldn't take it...they stopped eating, hoping that it would end their suffering....It didn't work. Weaver chained them up and fed them soup through a funnel. Heartless bastard...”He paused. “We were overjoyed when he died...” “Looks like the bugs did one good thing...” “The bugs didn't kill him Twi.” “Then what did?” He tilted his head, down, the it snapped back up. “I did.” A gasp broke the silence after Wolf answer. “You? But.....” “And I enjoyed every moment of it.” * * * * * Planet Earth, Secret military facility : Overlook, May 22nd, 2661, 0934 hrs. “General Mixson.” A dark figure said, before sitting down and waiting for the other person to sit. “Something has caught my attention, concerning General Weaver.” “What's wrong with him sir?” “I've looked at his budget. He needed 3 billion to build the soldiers, but he requested 15.” “Your point being sir?” “General Weaver always said that one generation of soldiers wouldn't be enough to fight the Spinar. He voted for the creation of another generation. One that would be completely obedient through the use of loyalty chips.” “Sir, that option was declined.” “And Weaver wasn't happy about that.” “Sir?” “Have you looked at the news, General? More than a hundred children have disappeared throughout the colonies.” “You think Weaver is responsible?” “Yes. He's creating the next generation.” “Isn't that good, sir?” “No.” “Sir?” “Weaver was always a radical, no matter what he did what he wanted to do. A generation of super soldiers under his complete control is something we don't want.” “....” “We need to deal with this immediately. Time is of the essence. Every moment we waste means that Weaver is closer to his goal.” “You want to kill him sir?” “Yes.” “Who should we send?” “Wolf.” “Sir?! You want to send Wolf to kill Weaver?!” “If there's one thing he hates nearly as much as the Spinar, it's Weaver. He'll have no problem doing it.” “I'll inform Wolf General...” “Have you seen the list with the missing children?” “Yes sir, 127 I think.” “You tell him 126 disappeared.” “Why sir?” “Because Steven is one of them.” “Steven, sir?” “Wolf's brother.” “Yes sir...” * * * * * - - - - - “Wolf, we need you for an important mission.” “You always do...” Wolf had his feet up on his desk, his eyes fixed on the screen that had General Mixson on it. “126 children have disappeared from the colonies in the past week. We need you to infiltrate this base.” The screen showed a satellite image of a hill with a large, gray building on it. “Weaver's compound?” “Yes.” “You think he's responsible for the missing kids?” “Yes.” “And you want me to rescue them?” “If you can.” “I'm on leave Mixson. I'm not leaving this chair until it's over.” “I only said rescue the kids if you can because that's not your primary objective.” “Then what is?” “The removal of Weaver.” Wolf got his feet off the table and leaned forward on the desk. “You want me to kill Weaver?” Mixson nodded on the screen. Wolf removed his sidearm and placed it on the table, a sinister smile appearing on his face. “Why didn't you just say so? - - - - - “It was the best mission of my life. A chance to get my revenge, upon the son of a bitch that made me a monster.” “Wolf....” “But it wasn't all good...” - - - - - “Steven?” A 10 year old boy stood before Wolf, behind him was Weaver on a platform. “Steve, what are you doing here?!” All he received as an answer was a kick to the face from his own brother. Wolf spat out blood as he shot a look at Weaver. “What did you do to him?!” “The same thing I did to you Wolf, only better.” The platform began to rise as Weaver laughed. “You want to get to me? You have to go through him.” “Weaver, you son of a bitch!” He left the two brothers there, circling each other. “Steven, you have to fight it, don't let him control you!” Steve lunged forward, attempting to hit Wolf. He dodged the blow quite easily, but underestimated his younger brother, who connected his elbow with Wolf's stomach. Wolf fell back on the ground, then quickly rolled to the left, then jumped back on his feet. “Steven don't!” No response. All Steven did was grab a knife off his uniform and lunged at Wolf once again. More alert this time, he dodged the knife, then the other fist that followed. The sound of a knife coming out of it's sheath. Wolf looked to his side, his combat knife was missing, then to Steven, who was holding two knives. He threw one at Wolf. Without enough time to react, Wolf was hit in the left shoulder. He screamed in pain as he fell to the ground, unable to get up. He looked up to his brother, who was walking towards him with a cold, dead stare, knife in his hand. “Steven, please....don't. I love you bro....” No response. All he did was lunge forward towards Wolf. In Wolf's mind, his basic survival instincts were clashing with sibling love. An easy fight. As Steven's blow came forward, he found the strength to grab his arm. The sound of metal scraping. Against his will, Wolf's right arm shot up after his left grabbed Steven, and into his stomach. Wolf gasped as the pressure being applied by Stevens arms growing smaller and smaller, until it stopped completely, and his hand went limp, dropping the knife to the floor with a sickening clatter. A look of disbelief on Wolf's face as his brother fell onto him. Wolf got on his knees and placed his brothers lifeless body in front of him. He looked to his right arm. It was on Stevens stomach, covered in blood. He drew it back, to see his wrist blade coming out of his brother, covered in blood. The shock dissipated quickly as Wolf realized what he had just done. His breathing became irregular as tears formed in his eyes, then it happened. Wolf let out a blood curdling scream, which seemed to last for hours. All who were left alive in the compound froze in their place, Wolf's pained cry piercing their ears and ripping their very soul to shreds. - - - - - He fell to the ground crying, tears falling off his face freely, forming a large puddle on the ground. “Wolf!” Twilight rushed to his side, grabbing him and desperately trying to lift him up. All she got in response was the most painful cry she had ever heard since her own desperate cry when Celestia had taken Nyx from her. “Wolf, what's wrong?” Wolf curled up into a corner, still crying, Twilight at his side, holding him tightly. 26 hours after first contact... Wolf was still in the corner, still crying, but no tears as his tear glands ran dry. Twilight didn't know how long they were there, but she didn't care. She wasn't there for Wolf when he was taken to Celestia, but she would damn sure be there for him now. Wolf finally started to calm down, his breathing regulating. “What's wrong Wolf?” Twilight eyes closed tightly as she realized that she had just reminded him of why he was crying. “Weaver....” “I thought you said you liked killing him...” “Oh I did, but what I did before I got to him...” “What did you do?” Wolf shut his eyes as tight as they could possibly close. “I KILLED MY OWN BROTHER!!!” His fist slammed into a panel on the ship, heavily denting it's metal cover. He turned to Twilight, his eyes bloodshot from crying so much, and he said to her. “I wish the fucker was still alive, just so I could kill him again.” “Wolf...” “I killed him once, but I still want to kill him over and over again....” “Wolf...” “Damn you Weaver.....” “Wolf, you're not...” “DAMN YOU WEAVER!” Twilight jumped up and knocked him to the ground, a look of anger on her face. “YOU'RE NOT LIKE THAT! YOU'RE NOT A HEARTLESS KILLER!” Her face fell to his shoulder, she started crying herself. Wolf hugged her tightly as he closed his eyes and whispered to her. “I'm sorry....I'm so sorry.....” 28 hours after first contact.... Wolf lifted Twilight off of him. “Come on. Let's get some sleep while we can.” They both walked together through the ships halls and found Nyx curled up in a ball, sleeping peacefully. “Pick her up, and follow me.” “Wolf?” “Just do it.” Twilight's horn glowed as Nyx lifted off the ground, still sleeping. “Come on.” “Okay...” Twilight followed him back to his room aboard the ship. “Put her in the bed. She shouldn't be sleeping on the floor.” Twilight put Nyx on the bed, then covered her with the blanket. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of the little filly sleeping peacefully, snoring ever so quietly. All of a sudden, Twilight lifted off the ground. She turned back to Wolf, who had his arm stretched out. Using his magic, Wolf put Twilight on the bed right next to Nyx, as softly as he could. Then, he used his other hand to put the blanket on her as well. “Wolf, what about you?” “That bed's made for two, not three. I'm bunking on the floor tonight.” “But...” “It's alright. I've slept in worse places.” He got a blanket out of the closet and sat down in a different corner than before, and covered himself up. “Thank you Wolf...” “Anytime. Goodnight Twilight... “Goodnight Wolf....” They both closed their eyes and drifted to sleep.... 35 hours after first contact... Wolf woke up first. Nyx woke up within a few moments after that, and then Twilight after her. “Well, who's hungry?” Their stomachs growled at the exact moment when Wolf finished his question. “Guess that answers that...Come on, kitchens this way.” They all followed Wolf through the halls, idly chatting as the went. A buzzing sound interrupted them. They all froze in place, ears perked up, listening. “We must be hearing things....” They continued on towards the kitchen more cautious than ever.... The buzzing sound again, and this time Wolf saw a quick line of blue through the doorway. “They're in the ship....” Was all he could mutter.... End chapter 13